Results for "mobile"

We found 14384 results for your search.
  • Smartphone
    Introducing the Nokia N9 videos of MichaelxHell

    Have you had an OverDose of Nokia N9 Videos ? Of course not and here we have another fine selection for you. According to his Twitter profile: Michael, 27, geek, hobby photographer, Austria, mobile blogger (, tweets in eng/ger, Music Addict. catch me running round.. Michael was one of the...

  • Mobile
    RIM Updates WebWorks API for BlackBerry PlayBook: In-App Payments, Camera/Mic Access, AJAX & More

    RIM has released version 2.1 of its BlackBerry WebWorks SDK for the BlackBerry PlayBook, which brings a number of new features including support for in-app payments, access to the tablet's camera and microphone and more.The goal of this release, says RIM, is to narrow the gap between the WebWorks API...

  • Web
    Google Health: Why It’s Ending & What It Means

    Google's quest to organize the world's information will no longer include one of society's most important and sensitive sources of data: our health records. The company announced this afternoon that Google Health will be closed forever and deleted in 18 months, along with a thematically similar and also formerly ambitious...

  • Work
    iPad for Business Round-Up: Skype for iPad Details Leaked and More

    The iPad isn't just a hot new consumer device, it's also an increasingly popular tool for business. Each week we take a look at the new or updated business apps for the iPad, and highlight trends in how tablets are being used in the enterprise.This week we look at a...

  • Web
    Mac Malware: OS X 10.6.8 Has A Plethora of Critical Security Updates

    Apple released Mac OS X 10.6.8 yesterday in preparation for its Lion release. There are several things to like about the new update, including changes to Final Cut Pro X as well as enhancements to the Mac App Store ahead of the release of Lion.Overlooked in the update is the...

  • Mobile
    A Dual Screen Phone: Do You Want One of These? (Poll)

    A US company called ImerjDesign has released a video (below) of a prototype dual-screen fold-out Android phone that looks pretty fabulous, to me at least. But not everyone agrees that such a device would be desirable. What do you think? Does this look like the ultimate in mobile luxury, the...

  • Mobile
    Poll: Would You Pay for an API?

    Every week on ReadWriteMobile, we ask the community here a question related to mobile apps, mobile platforms, or development. You can see a round-up of some of the more popular recent poll Q&A's here.This week, we thought we would focus on the topic of APIs. If you're building a mobile...

  • Developer
    Nokia, MeeGo and the Qt EcoSystem

      Looking back at Singapore Nokia Connection the focus was very much on the Nokia N9 with little being mentioned on anything else. Something that was mentioned was the importance of Qt and that Qt would shape the Next Billion devices and the Nokia N9 should be considered as a...

  • Hack
    SocketStream: A Real-Time Web Framework for Node.js

    SocketStream is an open source real-time web framework for Node.js sponsored by AOL. It's in its early stages now, and isn't production ready but is usable. It's built on, Redis and JQuery and supports CoffeeScript.Here's the full feature list from the ReadMe:True bi-directional communication using websockets (or flashsockets)Crazy fast!...

  • Web
    Mainstream Location App Life360 Hits 3 Million Users: Here’s Its Disruptive Plan

    Early adopters may love to check in at nightlife hotspots on Foursquare and Facebook Places, but what might location technology look like once it moves into the mainstream? Fast-growing startup Life360 is aiming for that mainstream market and has interesting plans. The company offers a free app for family members...

  • Social
    Promoted Tweets to Enter Twitter User Streams?

    Twitter may start putting ads in user streams, according to a report from the Financial Times. "Promoted tweets" would appear in the main flow of tweets on the Twitter homepage, likely as an extension of the company's current "Promoted Products" format - trends and accounts.Reporting from advertising conference Cannes Lions...

  • Smartphone
    What Countries are Getting the Nokia N9 ?

      Checking the Nokia N9's availability on their Nokias website it seems to suggest that only 23 countries around the world are getting it. So far listed are: Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Hong Kong. Hungary, Malaysia, New Zealand, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia,...

  • Mobile
    Revealed! Nokia CEO Reveals Company’s First Windows Phone on Video

    It's almost unbelievable, but it's true. Nokia CEO Stephen Elop has been caught on video asking a crowd to put away their cameras and turn off their recording devices because he's about to show something top secret and he doesn't want it to hit the blogosphere. Oops!Apparently, what he showed...

  • Mobile
    Let There be “App Stores!” Apple Looks to Lose Trademark Claim in Amazon Lawsuit

    Apple may lose its claim to the term "app store" in its trademark suit against Amazon, makers of the Amazon Appstore for Android. According to reports from Bloomberg and Reuters, U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton is not convinced that Apple has proved consumers would confuse the two services.Although the ruling...

  • Mobile
    FlickrBomb: New jQuery Plugin Lets You Quickly Add Images to Prototypes

    FlickrBomb is a new jQuery/jQuery Mobile plugin that lets designers quickly add relevant content to their prototypes. It greatly speeds up the traditional process of doing this, which has been to search for an image, download it, crop it to the right size and then add it. Instead, with just...

  • Mobile
    Hulu Comes to Android

    Amid rumors of a possible buyout, the popular TV and movie streaming service Hulu is at last making its Android debut as promised. Like its iPhone counterpart, the mobile app connects paying customers to the Hulu Plus service, Hulu's premium subscription-based offering.Unfortunately, not all Android devices are supported at launch.6...

  • Web
    Benioff Says the Cloud is Passe

    Last week at Salesforce's Boston Cloudforce event, CEO Marc Benioff is moving on beyond the cloud and called it passé. Really?Yes, social and mobile networking has more buzz, and more business practice and applications these days. But hasn't the cloud enabled all these social apps to begin with? And isn't...

  • Developer
    Harmattan Python is available – MeeGo

      The Harmattan Python team is proud to announce the availability of a full-featured Python environment for the MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan platform. Supported on Nokia’s N9 phone and preloaded on the Nokia N950 developer device as well as the Harmattan Platform SDK, the Harmattan Python environment allows you to write...

  • Developer
    Nokia N9 – photo taking and sharing

      So you thought you were going to enjoy a Nokia N9 story free day considering the onslaught you've had the last few days ? Right ? WRONG ! Nokia Conversations have been speaking with Product Manager, Jens Wilke to discover everything about the camera features. Nokia Conversations: We know...

  • Mobile
    An “Open” Perspective on Near Field Communications

    When talking Near Field Communications (NFC) - the common name for the emerging technology enabling close range device to device interaction - there are two main camps: open NFC and secure NFC. Open NFC refers to the interaction of two NFC-enabled devices or the use of an NFC device to...

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