Results for "mobile"

We found 14384 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    Apple’s App Store Reaches 15 Billion Downloads

    Why did Apple put out a press release today about reaching the milestone of 15 billion downloads? Maybe to distract you from the other news about how it just lost the rights to the term "App Store" in a high-profile lawsuit against top competitor Amazon.Well, guess what? It worked! Look...

  • Mobile
    Freemium Beats Premium in Revenue Earned, Says Flurry

    Mobile analytics firm Flurry is out with a new report that examines the revenue generation capabilities of free-to-play (aka "freemium") games versus paid ones. The conclusion was somewhat surprising: freemium games actually make more money. As of June, freemium games accounted for 65% of the revenue generated while premium games...

  • Web
    Malware Exploit Found for iOS Devices by German Researchers

    Germany's Federal Office for Information Security issued a warning today that iPhones, iPads and the iPod Touch have "critical weaknesses," the Associated Press reports. The malware is delivered by an infected PDF that can affect the user's device without them knowing. The same result would occur when a user visits...

  • Work
    ZohoCRM for iPhones, BlackBerries Out Today

    ZohoCRM, the popular SaaS business suite, has extended its reach into the mobile world with two new apps for iPhones and Blackberries that are available today. You can watch the intro video here on their blog. The iPhone app integrates with other iPhone functions, such as getting directions to an...

  • Mobile
    Why is NFC in the Google Plus Android App?

    Singapore-based developer Ridzuan Ashim spotted NFC support for tag reading in the Android application for Google Plus, the new social networking service launched into private beta only days ago. NFC, short for near field communication, is a wireless technology that enables data exchanges over short distances. The technology is currently...

  • Mobile
    HTML5 on the HP TouchPad Found Lacking, What App Developers Should Know

    Sencha, a provider of HTML5 frameworks and tools for developers both on desktop and mobile, has put the new HP TouchPad tablet computer to the test in terms of HTML5 browser performance, and found it somewhat lacking. "The TouchPad looks quite promising, but still seems rough around the edges," notes...

  • Mobile
    Fortumo Brings Carrier Billing to Android, Now in 61 Countries

    Fresh on the heels of BOKU's commercial launch of its 1-Tap billing solution for Android, competitor Fortumo is announcing a revamped in-app payments SDK with support for operator billing in 22 languages across 61 countries, specifically in Europe, Asia and the U.S. market.One unique feature offered by the updated SDK...

  • Mobile
    JailbreakMe 3.0 Goes Live: Works on iPad 2 & All iOS 4.3.3 Devices, the easy-to-use browser-based jailbreaking tool for Apple mobile devices has just gone live with version 3.0. What this means is anyone can now jailbreak their iOS device running the 4.3 software (or below, in some cases), including the iPad 2. There is no software to download on your computer;...

  • Work
    Sharing Presentations Online With Brainshark’s New Android App

    Brainshark, the online presentation provider that we've covered previously, today announced a free new Android app that connects to both its free MyBrainshark service as well as the paid corporate service. This is in addition to their existing iOS app. The Android app is available today from the Android Market...

  • Web
    Google Rebrands Blogger and Picasa to Make Way for Google Plus

    It looks as though the efforts to bring together Google's services under the "Plus" umbrella might involve rebranding two of Google's longstanding products: Blogger and Picasa. Mashable's Ben Parr reports that the Blogger and Picasa names - not the products - will go away, as early as the end of...

  • Web
    Cheezburger Network Launches iPhone App; Risks Landing on Own Failblog

    The Cheezburger Network of comedy websites has released a free iPhone app (iTunes) that aggregates the images from across more than 40 sites of curated humorous content. It's a handy way to peruse the wide range of content, though the app is a little bit buggy at launch. The content...

  • Social
    Facebook Promised Something Awesome, Now They Have To Deliver

    In the midst of all the Google Plus hype last week, Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg dropped in an interview with reporters that the company is going to announce "something awesome" this week. The statement was cryptic and a giant tease to tech reporters looking for the next big...

  • Mobile
    New Apps for iPhone & Android, June 2011

    In our continuing tradition of rounding up new mobile application releases we found interesting and/or exciting over the past month, we present you with this new list of apps for June 2011. Previously in June, we shared a list of apps that came out in May and during the first...

  • Mobile
    The Best Personalized Magazines for Android Tablets

    You've probably seen the popular iPad app Flipboard; there are a number of competitors on iOS, most notably Zite. That crowded market looks different on an Android tablet though, so what's an Android tablet owner to do? I've tested the four personalized magazine-style news apps that most closely resemble Flipboard...

  • Mobile
    appFlash Uses Google Swiffy to Build iOS Apps

    Shortly after Google unveiledSwiffy, the Flash-to-HTML5 conversion tool designed for WebKit browsers, mobile app development firm appMobi launched a related utility called appFlash. This new tool takes advantage of Swiffy's capabilities, allowing mobile developers to convert app assets coded in Flash into native iOS applications.How appFlash WorksHere's how the new utility...

  • Mobile
    App Development Services Market to Reach $100 Billion by 2015

    The market for mobile application development services, which includes things like app creation, management, distribution and extension services, will grow to $100 billion by 2015, according to a new report from research2guidance. Currently, the number of applications developed by third parties is at 66%, but the analyst firm believes this...

  • Work
    What Should RIM Do With Its $3 Billion?

    We covered the story last week about the RIM open letters, and my colleague Klint Finley gave three suggestions about how RIM can survive. And then there was a story by Chris Nerney in ITworld talking about how key developers are ending their support for Blackberry, including Seesmic and others.But...

  • Web
    Forget Web Development, HTML5’s Biggest Impact is on Advertising

    There have been a lot of posts about how HTML5 is great for website development. The subtler, yet more interesting story about HTML5 is that it has incredible potential to make advertising both rich and scalable, especially as publishers and advertisers grapple with the requirement to serve slick creative to...

  • Web
    The Student-Centered Netbook: Chromebook or Classmate PC?

    It's the schools that give each student an iPad tend to make headlines nowadays. No doubt, more schools are investigating tablets - Apple or otherwise - as part of their one-to-one computing initiatives, looking to replace not just desktop PCs but to replace laptops and netbooks as well. Despite the...

  • Developer
    Nokia N950 hits eBay – Stated with 2 years Manufacturer Warranty – MeeGo

      Usually we see some rough pre-production phones hit eBay every so often but what is really quite amazing in this instance is what can be seen from one eBayer on eBay UK. Hes got the unreleased Nokia N950 stated as NEW plus its Unlocked to all networks and it...

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