Results for "mobile"

We found 14384 results for your search.
  • Hack
    What You Need to Know to Before You Build HTML5 Apps

    Building mobile apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript may be easier than picking up new languages like Java and Cocoa, but you're still going to need to know how to do some programming. So what skills do you need to make good apps? O'Reilly Radar writer Howard Wen talked to...

  • Web
    Security App Aims to Keep Malware From Spreading Through iOS Devices

    It seems that every other week there are reports about new malware targeting Android devices though the Android Market. To date, there have been no viruses, rootkits or Trojans that have been able to worm through the Apple App Store into user devices. That doesn't mean that iOS devices cannot...

  • Work
    Always On: Your Employees Are Working and Driving

    About 20% of information workers report that they have conducted work-related activities from a mobile device while driving. That's just one of the findings reported in a Unisys and IDC survey on the consumerization of the enterprise, released today. The survey has a number of expected findings - employees are...

  • Mobile
    W3i Launches Replacement Program for Now-Banned Incentivized Installs on iOS

    In April, Apple began banning apps using pay-per-install methods, such as those provided by Tapjoy and others. Now W3i, a mobile application monetization company, has come up with what it says is a workaround for developers whose incentivized app install revenue streams have since been closed.With W3i's new product called the "Mobile App...

  • Smartphone
    Futurice – Apps Powered by Qt and QML

      Another company going nuts over the development advantages of using Qt? Seems like it, lets see what Futurice have to say ... Michael Samarin, Head of Mobile Development at Futurice, talks about the Nokia Trailers and Transformers 3 apps they developed using Qt and QML. Both apps were developed...

  • Web
    How One Company is Taming Big Data With Visualizations

    On my visit to Seattle last month, I visited the office of data visualization company Tableau. As more and more data gets uploaded to the Web, it needs to be analyzed and made sense of. Data visualization is one of the most effective ways of doing this and Tableau is...

  • Social
    How Twitter’s App Ecosystem Exploded 6X in the Last Year

    Famously thrilling and troubled web app platform Twitter announced today that it now has 1 million apps developed on top of its microblogging streams, social graph and API. The company says that at this time last year there were only 150,000 apps built on top of Twitter. A 6X expansion...

  • Mobile
    Getting Ready for Google Wallet, Sprint Switches on Nexus S 4G’s NFC Chip

    A software update being sent out to Sprint's Nexus S 4G phones today will enable the device's NFC chip - the same chip that allows the upcoming Google Wallet mobile payments service to operate.NFC, which stands for near field communications, is a wireless technology that allows you to send and...

  • Mobile
    iOS Owners Buying 61% More Apps This Year, Paying Higher Prices

    The average price for iOS applications is now at $1.44, up 14% year-over-year. And consumers are buying more apps this year than they did last - 61% more, in fact. This data comes from a new report from Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster (reported via Fortune), who found that today's...

  • Web
    Groupon Changes Privacy Policy, Starts Tracking User Location

    Daily deals service Grouponmade updates to its terms of service and privacy statement last weekend to reflect new ways the company collects and shares user data. The biggest change that Groupon made to its privacy statement was in how it tracks and uses the mobile location data it collects when...

  • Work
    iPad for Business Round-Up: Oracle Virtual Desktop Client for iPad and More

    The iPad isn't just a hot new consumer device, it's also an increasingly popular tool for business. Each week we take a look at the new or updated business apps for the iPad, and highlight trends in how tablets are being used in the enterprise.It was a short business week...

  • Web
    Kenya Launches Sub-Saharan Africa’s First National Open Data Initiative

    Yesterday, Kenya became the first Sub-Saharan African nation to institute a national open data program. "The Kenya Open Data Initiative (KODI) goes live this morning," White African wrote yesterday, "in a big event that includes President Kibaki, as well as many politicians, government officials and local technologists."The DataThe data is...

  • Web
    Your Support Site Parties Like It’s 1999

    We're interacting and relying upon more applications and more mobile devices today than ever before. That's not a new development. And the help guides for these products started showing up online more than a decade ago, but it wasn't until recently that consumers started accessing this product help content on...

  • Mobile
    Will Amazon Be Ready to Ship Tablets in Q3?

    The tablet component orders for the third quarter are in. No surprise, Apple is still miles ahead with orders between 14 and 15 million iPads on the way. What is surprising is that Amazon has finally made a real, physical blip on tablet radar. According to DigiTimes, Amazon has ordered...

  • Mobile
    Poll: Is the Amazon Appstore Worth It?

    In April, the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) warned its members to stay away from the Amazon Appstore because of "significant concerns" it had about the pricing, terms and policies Amazon had in place. And this week, the Appstore was once again in the news after an independent game developer...

  • Developer
    BBC Breakfast News has Nokia N9/N950 MeeGo Harmattan Phone as "News of the World Phone Hacking story" image !

      For many the Nokia N900 can be thought of as a hacking phone due to its Linux Operating System, with full system access (root) and the Terminal application. Now it seems that the media might have subconsciously acknowledged the next successor to the throne. One of the stories on...

  • Mobile
    Medialets Rolls Out New Universal SDK for iOS

    Mobile advertising company Medialetsrolled out a new Universal SDK this week, which it says is its biggest release yet. The Universal SDK 2.5 for iOS offers support for third-party rich media ads, new ad formats and new creative capabilities, like social media sharing, email, SMS, add-to-calendar functionality and embedded maps.One...

  • Mobile
    Jailbreaking Convention MyGreatFest Brings iPhone Hacking to Mainstream

    Jailbreaking, the act of hacking an Apple mobile device to allow for the installation of unapproved, third-party apps, is often seen as a niche activity undertaken by only a small subset of users. But the truth is, when you're dealing with Apple devices, even a small subset equates to a...

  • Web
    The Rise of the Cloud in the Age of the App

    The intersection of cloud and mobile computing means the next generation of software will be available everywhere, but getting there won't be easy.Although relatively new technology, cloud implementations have been quickly adopted on the Web, and spurred innovation by coinciding with the proliferation of mobile and tablet devices. We are...

  • Mobile
    HTML5 vs. Native Apps: the Google Plus Thread

    Over on Google's new social networking service Google Plus, Seesmic founder Loic Le Meurstarted a great discussion on the differences between HTML5 mobile Web apps and native iOS and Android apps. The question he raised is what can you not do in a mobile Web app? You can't do video...

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