A US company called ImerjDesign has released a video (below) of a prototype dual-screen fold-out Android phone that looks pretty fabulous, to me at least. But not everyone agrees that such a device would be desirable.

What do you think? Does this look like the ultimate in mobile luxury, the inevitable future of handsets, the logical use-case for improved mobile computing power? Or does it look like it would be a too-thick, power-draining, app-starved mess? We want to know readers, and thus have embedded a poll regarding the video below asking: do you think something like this could work and be awesome?
Blogger Robert Nazarian at TalkAndroid says, “Everyone is asking why we need quad-core processors, and whatever else comes after that. This is the reason folks.” Chris Martin of The Inquirer, who reported first on the video, says “concerned that both screens will be exposed when the device is in the closed position.”
More frightening to me would be the risk my brain might explode.