FlickrBomb is a new jQuery/jQuery Mobile plugin that lets designers quickly add relevant content to their prototypes. It greatly speeds up the traditional process of doing this, which has been to search for an image, download it, crop it to the right size and then add it. Instead, with just one line of code referencing your search term, you can pull in photos automatically. And, if you don’t like the first one flickrBomb returns, just click the little “wrench” icon that appears when you hover over the image to change the photo to a new one.
FlickrBomb uses jQuery, Underscore.js, Backbone.js and your browser’s local storage to work. It scours your HTML to find all the image tags that have a source attribute that starts with “flickr://,” explains the page on, makers of the plugin. It then searches flickr for the terms that follow. If it finds something, it replaces the image tag with flickrBomb’s flickrbombContainer div.
Originally, the plugin didn’t include an option for the type of licensing needed or proper attribution, but due to popular demand, these features were added soon after launch. That means you can specify that FlickrBomb only pull photos licensed via Creative Commons, for example. You can configure these requirements in the jquery.flickrbomb.min.js file.
Installation and implementation instructions are available here.
FlickrBomb works on Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 4+, Chrome 10+, Android 2.1+ and iOS 4+.
FlickrBomb is just one of many plugins from Zurb. Others include this AJAX image uploader, the jQuery text change event plugin, Orbit, a jQuery image slider, a JavaScript annotation plugin, the Reveal modal plugin, and last, but not least, Raptorize, the hilarious jQuery plugin that lets you make an awesome Velociraptor run across the site you were coding.