Results for "mobile"

We found 14384 results for your search.
  • Web
    What Is Next for Evernote? Build It Yourself in the Evernote $100,000 Developers Contest

    Online notes platform Evernote has been growing rapidly over the past year and is putting some of its venture funding to good use: A developer app-building contest with $100,000 worth of prizes.Evernote has raised around $45 million with its latest round a Series C $20 million injection in October 2010...

  • Web
    Apple Announces iWorks Apps Available for iPhone/iPod Touch

    Apple is extending it suite of productivity apps further down its mobile device chain today, announcing that its iWorks applications will be available for the iPhone and iPod Touch.That means that Keynote, Pages and Numbers are now available to a huge number of users outside of Mac and iPad owners....

  • Web
    Top 5 Online Business Apps Every IT Pro Can’t Live Without

    IT professionals need to wear a lot of hats. It is not just enough to be the "server expert" or the "mobile expert." IT departments are often stretched thin by the amount of work that is necessary to get every employee in the business working at optimum efficiency. That means...

  • Mobile
    30,000 to 120,000 Android Users Affected by New Variant of Droid Dream Malware

    Between 30,000 and 120,000 users of Android devices are believed to have been affected by new mobile malware which has its roots in an earlier scourge known as Droid Dream. This variant, called Droid Dream Light, appears to have been created by the same developers whose malware had infected over...

  • Mobile
    Nielsen: Android Market Share Has Topped Out, Users Consume More Data

    According to the latest numbers from Nielsen, the growth patterns of the mobile operating ecosystem have stabilized in the last several months. Android, which enjoyed wild growth to become the market leader in 2010, has topped out with a consistent 36% of the mobile OS market share while Apple's iOS...

  • Web
    Why You Should Really Care About Groupon & Living Social

    As an entrepreneur it can be dizzying to watch Groupon and Living Social grow so quickly, raising huge venture rounds at massive valuations while contemplating multiple billion dollar acquisitions and IPOs. While certainly this is something even the most disciplined founders find themselves dreaming about, the experience is such an...

  • Mobile
    Sync: Why is it Still Not Solved?

    The current Internet era is characterized by multiple devices, including mobile phones, tablets, Internet TVs, netbooks, laptops, and of course the good old PC. One of the key services needed in this multi-device online world is reliable synchronization. Yet faulty or not-quite-optimal sync is one of the problems I experience...

  • Web
    Is Microsoft’s Future in Data-as-a-Service?

    The "realist" view on Microsoft's future is that Windows and Microsoft Office licenses will continue to be the company's bread and butter, and that enterprise-focused cloud initiatives like Azure and Office 365 will supplement this growth. In this view Microsoft's struggles in mobile, the rapid growth of Apple and the...

  • Mobile
    97% of Android App Downloads in April were Free, Says Chomp

    Last week, we cited a study from mobile analytics firm Distimo that stated the majority of paid Android applications were downloaded less than 100 times. On Android, folks like the free apps, it seems. Now, to back up that report with additional data, we have mobile search firm Chomp's report...

  • Work
    Microsoft Could Catch-up in the Tablet Race with an Office-Optimized Device

    Microsoft has said that iPad-style tablets, generally referred to as "slates," that run Windows won't arrive until the next version of Windows arrives in 2012. This big beast of a WP7 tablet announced at Computex not withstanding, this rules out Windows Phone 7 based tablets. But will Microsoft get left...

  • Web
    Pew Research Finds Popularity of Internet Phone Calls Has Jumped Dramatically

    Maybe Microsoft's multi-billion dollar deal for Skype wasn't such an outlandish deal after all. Because according to a recent poll conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, the popularity of Internet phone calls has jumped dramatically, with 5% of Internet users placing a VOIP phone call on any...

  • Computers
    Asus Eee pc x101 at Computex

      On the way to Computex and it seems like the Asus Eee pc x101 has been announced which is a new MeeGo Netbook according to a tweet by JKKMobile Hopefully I will be there soon, to take up the story ;-) UPDATE: According to engadget ASUS is starting off...

  • Web
    Next Century’s Winners Will Master Machine-to-Object Communication, Leading Observer Says

    Machine to machine (M2M) communication, from automobile monitoring systems to card-swiping dongles to Web-connected home appliances, something many people have been excited about for years, is finally hitting mainstream markets in a big way. But connected devices could be surpassed in importance by passive tracking of connected objects, due to...

  • Mobile
    Catch’s New Annotations API Supports Structured Data, Lets Apps Talk to Each Other

    Catch is often thought of as an Evernote competitor, thanks to the company's simple, note-taking applications for iOS and Android. But more recently, the company's APIs were found integrated into a high-profile mobile application: Google's official app for its I/O developer conference. In the Google I/O app, Catch was used...

  • Web
    [Infographic] US Trails in Internet Penetration Behind New Zealand, Australia, South Korea & Japan

    In the United States and Western Europe, the Internet is ubiquitous. Or, at least it seems that way. But, did you know that New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, South Korea and Japan all have higher rates of Internet penetration than the U.S.?That is what an infographic from public relations and research...

  • Web
    Memorial Day: RWW’s Coverage of Military Tech

    In the U.S., Memorial Day has devolved into a notoriety based mostly on picnicking and fabulous savings at big-box stores. However, it started life as a memorial called Decoration Day, first started by freed slaves in South Carolina to honor the Union soldiers who had died in a war that...

  • Work
    Improving the Online Customer Support Experience

    Two new apps are helping improve the online customer experience by tying in advanced communications technologies in interesting ways. The apps, MyCyberTwin and Radish System's ChoiceView, offer to remove some of the misery and tedium involved in getting help and have wide potential applications in customer support, problem resolution, and...

  • Web
    Apple’s Cloud Officially to Be Called iCloud, What Will It Entail?

    In a press release today, Apple set the agenda for its World Wide Developers Conference, set to start next week in San Francisco. In a bit of a surprise move, Apple said that its new cloud initiative would be part of the topics of discussion and that it would indeed...

  • Entertainment
    ArtFinder Brings Recommendations and Image Recognition to the Art World

    Recommendation engines have changed the way we think about - and the way we purchase - music, movies, and books. Do you like the Beastie Boys' new album? Then check out Danger Mouse's latest. Do you like Guillermo del Toro films? Then be sure to watch Jean-Pierre Jeunet's movies.However, there's...

  • Web
    3D Printing Conserves Earliest Communications Tech

    There is very little in the way of research into the human past that does not now take advantage of the web, mobile technology and other scientific advances of the last several decades. One of the successful experiments with the greatest wow factor is 3D printing. It has been used...

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