Results for "mobile"

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  • Work
    iPad for Business Round-Up: SimpleInvoice and More

    The iPad isn't just a hot new consumer device, it's also an increasingly popular tool for business. Each week we take a look at the new or updated business apps for the iPad, and highlight trends in how tablets are being used in the enterprise.This week week we look at...

  • Web
    Can National Geographic Still Wow Us? On Flipboard, It Can

    What do you get when you combine history's most famous source of photography from around the world with the hottest media consumption app on the hottest media consumption technology platform in years? With today's addition of National Geographic to last year's iPad App of Year, Flipboard, we will soon find...

  • Work
    6 Help Desk and Customer Service Apps for the iPad

    You probably won't want to replace all your call center PCs with iPads, and doing "real" support work likely requires a full keyboard. But we're betting at least a few of your customer support staff have to either take work home with them or monitor issues outside of the office....

  • Mobile
    Judge Rules Against Google and Facebook in Social Patent Infringement Case

    Wireless Ink Corp has won the first round of a patent lawsuit against both Google and Facebook. The search and social companies failed to get Wireless Ink's infringement tossed and now Wireless Ink can pursue charges pertaining to user participation in social networks on mobile devices against the tech giants...

  • Web
    Defending Innovation and Net Neutrality at eG8 [Video]

    At the eG8, 20th century ideas clashed with the 21st century economy. The inaugural eG8 forum, held in Paris before the G-8 summit of global leaders, showed that online innovation and freedom of expression still need strong defenders. As Nancy Scola reported at techPresident, at the eG8, civil society groups...

  • Mobile
    Poll: Citi Says Not Too Late for Microsoft Tablet – Do You Agree?

    A new report from Citigroup out today says that it's not too late for Microsoft to have a "meaningful share" of the tablet market, even though its first tablet computer won't ship until mid-2012 at the earliest. Citi estimates that around 75 million tablets will ship in 2013, but there's...

  • Web
    Google Unveils New Travel Search Feature, Does Not Include ITA Features

    Google is unveiling its new flight search feature today, which makes it easier to search for flight information within Google. Notably, Google says this does not include any of the services it acquired with its controversial acquisition of ITA, the flight data search company Google bought last year and went...

  • Mobile
    Patent Holding Firm Lodsys Goes After Android Developer for Use of In-App Payments

    Ten days after patent holder Lodsys sent out threatening letters to iOS developers, claiming infringement and demanding licensing fees, Apple sent its lawyers to defend against the attack. According to Apple's legal team, the license it holds on Lodsys' in-app payments technology also extends to its developer community.So what did...

  • Mobile
    Majority of Paid Apps on Android Downloaded Less than 100 Times

    A new report from mobile analytics firm Distimo takes an in-depth look into the download volumes in Google's Android Market, and the numbers it finds are somewhat surprising. Android may have a larger number of apps - 200,000 Google reported earlier this month - but it doesn't have a large...

  • Hack
    Hacker Chat: Program or Be Programmed Author Douglas Rushkoff

    Douglas Rushkoff is the author of Program or Be Programmed, in which he makes the case for learning about programming. In his keynote speech this week at Webvisions, he said that the difference between programmers and non-programmers isn't like the difference between drivers and mechanics. It's more like the difference...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: Twitter, LinkedIn – Why Not Affiliates?

    During today's roundtable, I opened with a question that was going to be a key topic of discussion at the end of the show: Why do large sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. make so little use of the affiliate business model for monetization purposes? This is a question I...

  • Web
    Google Scribe Updated, But Automatic Text Completion Still More Fun Than Functional

    When Google released Google Scribe, ReadWriteWeb's Mike Melanson called the text completion tool "Mad Libs-esque," noting the possibilities not just for keystroke-savings but for some good laughs as well. The tool works much like Google Suggest, auto-completing as you type. Although Google Scribe promises to save you time and make...

  • Entertainment
    mSpot Finds its Cloud Music Niche: Locker & Radio in One

    In the battle of cloud music services, you have a variety of options including radio service like Pandora and, online lockers like Google Music and Amazon Cloud Drive, Internet radio stations and premium, "program-your-own" services like MOG, Rdio, Rhapsody and Zune. But what if you want it all? Then...

  • Social
    New Twitter Feature Offers “Out of Body” Experience

    Twitter has begun rolling out a new feature that lets users view the world through another perspective, specifically through the perspective of other specific people on Twitter. The new feature will appear on the /following page of any profile on the site and will display the most recent messages from...

  • Web
    Firefox, YouTube and Nvidia Team Up to Bring 3D Video to the Web

    First, 3D came to the movie theater. Then companies like Samsung started to make 3D televisions to bring the experience home. Tablets and phones like the Motorola Xoom and some Android devices from LG took 3D mobile.Now, YouTube, Firefox and Nvidia are trying to bring 3D to the Web. Firefox...

  • Web
    Google Gives Everyone $10 to Try New Google Wallet…but There’s a Catch

    Google's NFC-enabled mobile wallet was announced this morning in partnership with mobile operator Sprint, issuing bank Citi and payment network MasterCard. But did you know that you don't have to be a Citi card holder to try the service? As it turns out, Google is also offering a free "virtual"...

  • Mobile
    Google Payments: What it Means, to You & to the Payments Industry

    Google's long-rumorednear field communications mobile payment system is officially on its way, the company announced today at a press conference in New York City.Google announced both Google Wallet and Offers today, which give users the ability to process payments through smartphone via NFC. Google Wallet will first be available for...

  • Web
    5 Killer Sessions You Don’t Want to Miss at the 2WAY Summit

    5 sessions you don't want to miss: Calacanis vs. Denton, danah boyd on the impact of teen sexting, W3C CEO on open platforms, mobile payments panel, a behind-the-scenes look at The Onion.Our biggest event yet, the two-day 2WAY Summit in New York City on 13-14 June, is a little over...

  • Web
    The Small Business and the Cloud [Infographic]

    The small business owner is in that phase right now in which they are asking the young store clerk about all this cloud stuff. It may be surprising but they are also asking about virtualization. Businesses are starting to understand that they can leapfrog into a new competitive world by...

  • Web
    Acquisition Fallout? Skype Ends Partnership with Open Source Asterisk Platform

    Although Steve Ballmer insisted that Microsoft would continue to support Skype on non-Microsoft platforms when it acquired the VOIP company earlier this month, it looks as though that may not necessarily be the case. And the first casualty seems to be Skype's integration with Asterisk, an open source telephony platform.Digium,...

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