Results for "mobile"

We found 14384 results for your search.
  • Web
    Google News Redesign Introduces New Features & Interface

    Google has been busy updating features at Google News recently and today it has announced a redesign of the product intended to give richer content while eliminating clutter on the page.Google News has always been sparse but powerful. Its beauty is in the algorithm as it finds top story you...

  • Mobile
    Report: No NFC for the iPhone 5

    Look around at predictions for what to expect with Apple's iPhone 5, expected to hit the market next fall, and you'll see one common point - the inclusion of a near field communication (NFC) chip. The chip enables quick, proximity-based interaction and is the cornerstone of many expected mobile payment...

  • Work
    8 Business Features Coming with the Windows Phone 7 Mango Update

    Today at the TechEd conference Microsoft announced several forthcoming Windows Phone 7 features for business users. The next release, codenamed Mango, will include several improvements in both productivity and security. Microsoft announced many other features coming in Mango last month at MIX. You can read all about it here.Mango is...

  • Mobile
    Samsung Launches Android Developer Forum

    Samsung has launched a new developer forum today, just for its Android application developer community. The forum, linked to from Samsung's existing developers website (, will include "additional features and functionality," according to the handset maker. Currently, the forum is offering news, updates, technical advice and support, plus many other development...

  • Mobile
    Nokia Discontinues Ovi Brand, Roadmaps Not Changed

    Nokia announced today it would soon discontinue the use of the "Ovi" brand, the name it has used for its services offerings since 2007. The Ovi brand encompasses Ovi Maps, Ovi Mail, the Ovi Store, and more, all of which will now be rebranded as "Nokia" services. The decision, according...

  • Web
    Disney to Pay $3 Million Settlement for Violating Children’s Online Privacy

    The Walt Disney Company has agreed to pay a $3 million settlement stemming from charges that online virtual worlds once operated by Playdom, now a Disney subsidiary, violated the Federal Trade Commission rules designed to protect the online privacy of children under age 13.According to the FTC, several Playdom sites...

  • Work
    5 Reasons Why Skype Will Be an Office Hit

    When Microsoft announced its acquisition of Skype, it marked another turning point for many early adopters who have known the simplicity and usefulness of the service since its first days of availability back in 2003.Skype is just one of the many social tools Microsoft purchased to further their social reach.What...

  • Hack
    4 Free E-Books on Learning Objective-C, the Programming Language of iOS and OSX

    Want to write apps for OSX, the iPhone or the iPad? You can learn JavaScript and use a frameworks like PhoneGap or Titanium. Or you can learn the official language of Apple operating systems: Objective-C. The debate over whether to build mobile apps in JavaScript or Objective-C is beyond the...

  • Mobile
    $10 Million Tricorder X-Prize

    Wireless company Qualcomm has joined forces with the X-Prize Foundation to sponsor an X-Prize to create the first functional tricorder. The tricorder, for the non-geek reader of ReadWriteWeb (is there such at thing?) is the handheld computer used by medical professionals and science officers to do non-invasive scanning on the...

  • Web
    5 Cloud-based Operating Systems That Are Still Standing

    The announcement of the official Google Chromebooks has rekindled interest in Google's Chrome OS. But you don't need to wait to rent a Chromebook if you want to use the operating system. People have been running Chromium OS on netbooks for quite some time. And Chrome/Chromium isn't the only option...

  • Social
    In Japan, Twitter Users “Tap to Follow” Friends Using NFC

    Japan's largest mobile operator NTT DoCoMo and Twitter have announced a partnership that allows the operator access to Twitter's database. As a part of the deal, users will be able to tap phones in order to follow each other on Twitter. The operator will also integrate Twitter updates and other...

  • Mobile
    Poll: What was the Most Exciting Developer News from Google I/O?

    Now that Google's big developer conference, Google I/O, has wrapped, we thought it would be fun to look back on all the news Google announced this week, especially as it pertains to Android developers. As you digest the information -there wasa lot of it!- and reflect on all the things...

  • Social
    Facebook Launches Login Approvals, an Optional New Way to Secure Access to Your Account

    This morning, Facebook launched a new feature called "login approvals," which offers users the ability to further secure access to their Facebook account through the introduction of a second step to the login process. Once opted-in to this security feature, users enter in their email address and password as usual,...

  • Web
    Google Addresses One of Android Market’s Biggest Problems: App Discovery

    One of the bigger problem areas for Android users has always been the Android Market. As a matter of fact, Google didn't even provide a Web-based interface until just three months ago, meaning users could only browse apps directly from their phones.While the website was certainly a welcome addition it...

  • Smartphone
    The Nokia N8. A bloggers friend?

      Not your normal MeeGo news but i was curious to see how the nokia N8 would suit the average blogger with being his travel companion to cover a conference, so that's what I did. You've got to keep in mind when Nokia brings a MeeGo device to market then...

  • Web
    A Huge Facebook Flash-Mob is Amassing Right Now in Brazil (And it Points Towards the Future of the Web)

    In the past 24 hours, more than forty thousand people have signed up on Facebook to attend a flash mob barbecue this weekend in Higienopolis, a wealthy neighborhood in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Sao Paulo state government conceded yesterday to demands from the Neighborhood Association to block construction of a...

  • Web
    ComScore Says Check-In Users Are Young, Employed & Use Android

    Digital analytics firm comScore released a study that says that 7.1% of the entire U.S. mobile phone population uses location check-in services and 17.6% of smartphone users checked in during the month of March. So much for the idea of check-in and location-based games being a fad. ComScore says that...

  • Mobile
    Windows Phone “Mango” SDK Arrives this Month

    Microsoft is planning an official "VIP Preview" of its forthcoming Windows Phone mobile operating system update, code-named "Mango." The preview, intended for press and analysts, is scheduled for May 24th. As it turns out, we may also see the release of the Mango SDK at the same time. At least,...

  • Mobile
    “Multiple APK” Support Coming to Android Market

    Android fragmentation issues are a continual complaint among the developer community, but Google has not been ignoring the problem, it seems. Not only will the forthcoming Android version "Ice Cream Sandwich" at last merge the two separate operating system versions, Gingerbread and Honeycomb, into one, Google has also just confirmed...

  • Developer
    Nokia N950 / N9 MeeGo Device one step closer to release

    Although we like fact than fiction and do not tend to dwell on Rumours (You can check all the previous posts), there are two bits that collaborate the Nokia N950 coming soon. Yes I know, we've never got involved with this stuff before but theres a first time for everything....

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