Results for "mobile"

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  • Social
    3 Reasons Curation is Here to Stay

    Perhaps you won't believe me since it's my job to spread the gospel of curation as the Chief Evangelist of Pearltrees, but I think curation is here to stay. These are the reasons why I believe this is the case.This year there has been a tremendous amount of buzz in...

  • Web
    Skype Confirms: We’re Coming to Xbox, Outlook, Windows Phone & More

    In the wake of today's confirmed acquisition of Skype by Microsoft Corp., tech press, analysts and armchair quarterbacks alike have been busy speculating why Microsoft would buy Skype (and why it spent $8.5 billion to do so). While we can't address the price of the deal, we do know as...

  • Web
    Skype Acquired by Microsoft: 3 Fears & 3 Hopes

    In a shocking late-night turn of events it was revealed Monday that Microsoft has acquired Skype for more than $8 billion. (Confirmed by Microsoft this morning here.) It's a bold move that raises a lot of issues. ReadWriteWeb's Founding Editor Richard MacManus argued that the companies together could make big...

  • Social
    TweetDeck and the Holy Grail – Twitter Acquisition Puts an End to That

    TweetDeck, the leading third party Twitter client, has been acquired by Twitter - according to Techcrunch. As of writing, neither Twitter or TweetDeck have confirmed the deal. If it does go through, it will spell the end of TweetDeck's grand plan to become the central hub for social networks. In...

  • Web
    For Marketers, Paper-Based Methods Still Rule

    For all the effectiveness and efficiency mobile technology and geolocation offer to marketers, you'd think that traditional, paper-based methods of marketing would be practically extinct by now. While things may be headed in that direction, we're not quite there yet, according to a recent survey conducted by Quova, a provider...

  • Work
    iPad for Business Round-Up: Adobe Connect, TripIt and More

    The iPad isn't just a hot new consumer device, it's also an increasingly popular tool for business. Each week we take a look at the new or updated business apps for the iPad, and highlight trends in how tablets are being used in the enterprise.This week week we look at...

  • Hack
    Developers: The Future of JavaScript Is in Your Hands

    A few different themes emerged over the course of the JSConf this week: that JavaScript is growing up, the need for a JavaScript core, the value of modules over frameworks and the continued debate over native apps vs. Web apps. But the most potent theme, hiding beneath the surface of...

  • Web
    iOS SDK for Bing Maps Released

    Microsoft announced today a new software developer kit for Bing Maps on iOS. The SDK will give developers a set of C classes to create iPhone and iPad applications within xCode, according to a blog post by Bing.The Bing SDK map control will sport Bing's road, aerial and hybrid aerial...

  • Web
    Facebook Quietly Fixes its Original Privacy Problem, 5 Years Later (Updated)

    Facebook has quietly enabled a new privacy feature that allows users to hide certain types of updates from their walls and from the newsfeeds of friends. Make a new friend? Planning on going to an event? Now you can do those things on Facebook but be discreet about it, thanks...

  • Entertainment
    Hackapalooza: Lollapalooza Launches an API

    I don't know about you, but when I hear the word "Lollapalooza," I think about beer, grunge rock and application programming interfaces. Wait, what?Okay, so maybe an API isn't exactly what comes to mind, but this year, the rock festival that once helped propel bands like the Red Hot Chili...

  • Web
    Is Android Really Open? Skyhook’s Battle With Google Challenges That Claim

    Imagine you have a date set up with one of the prettiest girls in school. You may not be the most popular kid in the halls, but she seems to like you and going out with her will be a big boost to your reputation.Along comes the captain of the...

  • Mobile
    BlackBerry PlayBook: A Work in Progress

    I've had the BlackBerry PlayBook for nearly two weeks now. Although we don't typically review gadgets and hardware here at ReadWriteWeb, RIM was able to send us a review unit. Below are some initial impressions and thoughts, but for a more detailed review, you should head to the gadget blog...

  • Technology
    Intel Announces its 3D Tri-Gate Transistor – Ivy Bridge

      Intel announced its 3D Tri-Gate transistor that is going to be in its next generation processing platform code named "Ivy Bridge" based on 22-nm architecture. The design was originally demonstrated in 2002 but it is now entering production. Mark Bohr, Intel Senior Fellow, Technology and Manufacturing Group Director, Process...

  • Web
    Node.js at Facebook – Why it’s Needed and What’s Holding it Back

    Robert Kieffer, an a engineer at Facebook and the company's internal Node.js evangelist, gave a talk at NodeConf today. He says the company isn't doing enough with Node.js yet. So instead of an explanation of how to deploy Node.js to thousands of servers, he's talked about why Facebook needs Node.js...

  • Work
    5 Document Collaboration Tools for the iPad

    Continuing our series on iPad apps for work, today we'll look at document collaboration tools for the iPad.First of all, the iPad isn't great for this. As Instapaper creator Marco Arment, wrote recently: "The iPad isn't really a great 'office productivity' device, in the traditional PC sense. It can be...

  • Web
    GroupMe Buys Sensobi: Elastic Groups on the Horizon?

    You know a company is all grown up and ready to take on the world when it makes its first acquisition. Well, fine, maybe raising $10.6 million last January counts too, but today leading group messaging app GroupMe announced that it had acquired small application developer Sensobi for an undisclosed...

  • Mobile
    Using Windows Phone 7: Differences for Mac & PC Users

    As a part of an experiment to really understand the value and the shortcomings of Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 platform, I recentlymade the HTC HD7 my primary device. The only exception to this is when I travel, when a mobile hotspot (such as is provided by my Nexus S) is...

  • Web
    Learn to Fly: Google Earth Optimized For Android Tablets

    A new version of Google Earth for Android was released today to be able to take advantage of the larger form factor of and robust computing power of Honeycomb tablets. The update for Honeycomb adds support for fully textured 3D buildings and an action bar on top of the app...

  • Mobile
    Quixey: New Dashboard for Developers to Aid with App Discovery

    Of the many challenges mobile application developers face today, one of the most pressing is that of app discovery. There are over 330,000 apps for iPhone, 75,755 for iPad and 206,000+ for Android, at the last count. It is not enough to simply launch an app anymore - the app...

  • Web
    Showyou, the Flipboard-Like Video App, Adds YouTube, Vimeo, Tumblr Integration

    As a tech journalist who travels a lot, I often find myself sitting next to someone at the airport or on an airplane who wants my advice on whether they should buy an iPad or which apps they should download. (Note to self: start carrying print books again in lieu...

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