Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Social
    Facebook Deals on Launch Day: Looks Strong, With Some Surprising Limitations

    News of a new coupon service from Facebook, called Facebook Deals, emerged last night and was unveiled early this morning. We looked at all that Facebook had to offer and said it could blow Groupon and Living Social out of the water.Now that the product has been unveiled and Facebook...

  • Mobile
    Consumers Don’t Want Prototypes (They Want iPads)

    There's an interesting trend happening in mobile these days. Companies - major companies like Samsung, Motorola, Kyocera, RIM and Microsoft - are launching unfinished, unpolished products and then asking us, the consumers, to buy them based on their "potential." Despite the fact that the new BlackBerry tablet computer has no...

  • Web
    ZangZing: A New Photo-Sharing Site That Emphasizes Privacy

    A new photo-sharing startup launches today in private beta, no doubt entering what it an incredibly crowded space. But ZangZing hopes that its approach is unique enough to make it stand out from the rest.That approach differs from many of the other photo-sharing apps on the market in two key...

  • Web
    Taking Notes Just Got Easier: Evernote For Mac Adds Audio Recording

    Another week, another major update for the note-taking and storage platform Evernote, and this time the app that's getting a polish is Evernote for Mac. As we've seen with the last few updates, starting with a redesigned Web interface, the emphasis here is partly on making notes more sharable and...

  • Web
    Checkins Coming to Windows Phone via New Live Messenger App?

    A Microsoft employee was spotted testing what appears to be a new check-in service on Windows Phone, according to his Twitter updates from an app called "Windows Phone(viaWindowsLive)INT." The app's name, when clicked in Twitter, simply redirects you to the main Windows Phone 7 website. It's also mapped to a...

  • Mobile
    Corona SDK Approved for Nook Color App Development

    Yesterday, a major upgrade for Barnes & Noble's Nook Color delivered a wider selection of Android applications to the popular e-reader tablet. And today, B&N's Nook Developer program officially added Ansca Mobile's Corona SDK to its short list of approved frameworks for Nook app development. The only other frameworks supported...

  • Web
    Facebook Deals Launches Tonight & Groupon Doesn’t Stand a Chance (Updated)

    Facebook will unveil its group deals program tonight in 5 US cities according to an embargo-breaking slip-up by the New York Times caught by TechCrunch. Facebook Deals launched 3 months ago in Europe. Tonight, according to reports, the feature will go live in Atlanta, Austin, Dallas, San Diego, and San...

  • Mobile
    “Mango” is Windows Phone 7.5, Platform Renamed “Windows Phone”

    The highly-anticipated update to Microsoft's fledgling mobile operating system, code-named "Mango," is now known as "Windows Phone 7.5." Despite the company's determination to keep the number under wraps, leaks have emerged both during sessions at Microsoft's recent MIX 11 developer conference and now, via a website on Microsoft's Partner Network.The...

  • Mobile
    Android Momentum Plateaus, Says New Developer Report

    Momentum surrounding the Android mobile platform has reached a plateau, with developers now refocusing their efforts on building apps for Apple devices. This somewhat surprising conclusion is just one of many new trends spotted by Appcelerator and analyst firm IDC in their jointly produced developer report based off a survey...

  • All Categories
    Google Fined $5 Million For Linux Patent Infringement

      An East Texas Jury has decided that Google has been infringing a patent through its use of Linux and must pay $5 million to East Texas based Bedrock Computer Technologies. A judgement by a Texas jury against Google could have major implications for the search giant and the open...

  • Work
    iPad for Business Round-Up: Tom’s Planner, Building Apps from InDesign Files and More

    The iPad isn't just a hot new consumer device, it's also an increasingly popular tool for business. Each week we take a look at the new or updated business apps for the iPad, and highlight trends in how tablets are being used in the enterprise.This week week we look at...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: iPhone Location Tracking, Optimize Your Brand’s Facebook Page, Facts Should Be Free and More…

    Big news from the O'Reilly Where 2.0 conference this week. Data scientists Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden (who is also a ReadWriteWeb contributor) revealed that iPhones running iOS4 are keeping an ongoing record of your location in an unencrypted and unprotected file. Privacy concerns plus security concerns plus anything to...

  • Developer
    Optimizing MeeGo Apps with Intel MeeGo development tools – Uli Dumschat

      Uli Dumschat presented a session at the MeeGo Summit Finland about Optimizing MeeGo Apps with the aid of the Intel AppUp SDK Suite which has an integrated Qt development environment (inc Qt creator). The different steps of Application Testing, Debugging and Optimizing where touched on. Power Vs Performance issues...

  • Developer
    Ixonos show their MeeGo based TV Demo at MeeGo Summit Finland

      Ixonos were at the MeeGo Summit Finland and were showing off some of their programming skills. The setup below is a CT-3650 CI TV Tuner (Costs about 120 euro) which is a Linux supported Digbox, connected to a Netbook running MeeGo 1.1 and also VLC + QML for the...

  • Web
    Army Develops Android Phone for Battlefield

    First, the U.S. Army's Captain Jonathan Springer developed the iPhone app, Tactical Nav, for battlefield mapping and artillery sighting. Now, Ft. Bragg has developed an integrated system for many of the same things based on the Android operating system. According to the Army's Web page on the project, the security...

  • Entertainment
    Google Reportedly In Talks With Music Service Spotify

    Google is in talks with European-based streaming music service Spotify, according to a report today on CNET. Google has been rumored to be working on launching a streaming music service of its own for years now, with clamor over the potential service reaching a peak last summer when Big G...

  • Web
    Halfway to Windows 8, Windows 7 Has Sold 350 Million Licenses

    In the nature of Microsoft product updates, Windows 7 is entering its middle years. Generally, Microsoft comes out with a new update to Windows every three years and Windows 7 is currently 18 months into its game. In that time Microsoft has sold 350 million licenses to the operating system...

  • Mobile
    Poll: Will the PlayBook Help BlackBerry Smartphone Sales?

    This week RIM's 7-inch tablet computer launched to somewhat surprising Day One sales. Nearly 50,000 units were moved within the first 24 hours and many Best Buy locations reported they were out of inventory altogether. This is despite the PlayBook having received mixed reviews in the press due to missing...

  • Mobile
    Parents Rejoice: New Technologies Will End “Sexting,” Driving While Texting & More

    Mobile carriers in the U.S. will soon have expanded Family Locator solutions in place that offer far more controls than simply tracking family members' whereabouts. Instead, these services will offer tools that allow parents to stop teens from texting while driving, stop "sexting" from occurring and stop kids from communicating...

  • Mobile
    Android Phones Track Your Location, Too

    A security researcher has discovered that smartphones running Google's Android operating system are tracking users' locations and storing that data in files on the phone. This news comes only days after it became widely known that a similar file on Apple's iPhone also logs a complete history of users' travels...

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