Results for "mobile"

We found 14383 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    Who’s Winning the Battle for the Best-Stocked App Store?

    The app store analytics firm Distimo has released its latest report on the size of the various mobile app stores, as well as the types and prices of apps that are most successful there. The report compares the Apple App Store for iPad, Apple App Store for iPhone, Apple Mac...

  • Web
    How Color is Being Used

    Yesterday we compared the recent launch of new photo and video sharing app Color to the arrival of Twitter five years ago. Like Twitter, Color is an innovative app that has intrigued early adopters and has the potential to catch on in a big way. It's also popularizing a new...

  • Developer
    Qt Creator 2.2 RC and QtWebKit-2.1.0 released

    Qt Creator 2.2 RC Just to update you that the beta release of Qt Creator 2.2 RC is out with the new features log at Qt Creator 2.2 beta release blog, Lots of Bug fixes for Qt Creator’s ABI detection, QML debugging, Qt Quick designer, Maemo development, and more. If you...

  • Mobile
    Study: 77% Don’t Want to Share Location on Smartphones

    For the last two weeks, it seems like anything anyone can talk about is the fact that our GPS-enabled smartphones are tracking our location. First, it was the iPhone, then the Android and finally Windows Phone 7. Why has this struck such a chord?According to a study by TRUSTe, a...

  • Mobile
    Is RIM Acquistion Headed for the PlayBook?

    Research In Motion is continuing its "development by acquisition" strategy as it announced today that the company has acquired calendar and scheduling application words "calendar" and "BlackBerry" have been together a lot recently. That is because RIM's new tablet, the BlackBerry PlayBook, shipped without a native calendar, contacts or...

  • Mobile
    Charge It: Square Gets a Visa Investment

    Visa may have just launched In2Pay, a mobile payments solution of its own, last December but why should that stop it from funding rival mobile payment systems? The answer is that it shouldn't and it hasn't.This morning, Square, the mobile payment solution founded by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, announced that...

  • Mobile
    Google Docs Gets An Android App (With Optical Character Recognition)

    It makes sense that the Google suite of products would have a nicer version on Android than on iPhone, right? The newly released Google Docs app for Android is certainly a testament to that.Google added the ability to edit your Google Docs on your mobile devices last fall, a huge...

  • Web
    VMware is a Virtualization Company – So Why is it Buying a Slide Show Service?

    VMware is a virtualization company, right? Then why did it announce yesterday that it is buying SlideRocket, a services company that helps people make their presentations look all snappy?The same reasons as last year when it bought Zimbra, the email services provider. Microsoft.Or because perhaps collaboration may be one of...

  • Mobile
    Appia Announces Pay-Per-Downloads for Developers

    Apple recently took actions to dissuade developers from participating in incentivized install programs, meaning programs that encouraged consumers to download new apps in return for virtual goods and other bonuses which could be used in mobile gaming and other apps. But while those changes may have negatively affected some companies'...

  • Mobile
    Android Developers Can Now Access Sales Reports

    Google has introduced a new feature for Android developers: merchant sales reports. These reports will show, in detail, the monthly financial performance of mobile applications and will be hosted in the Android Market Developer Console. Included in the reports is information from Google Checkout, including per-transaction details, device information, currency...

  • Social
    News Corp Has Finally Had It: Accepting Bids for Myspace

    The death knells of the first generation of social media platforms continue. A day after Friendster announced that it would be deleting photos and blog posts from its platform, reports surface that News Corp is selling off Myspace and is starting the bidding at $100 million.News Corp bought the one-time...

  • Mobile
    LiveCode Extends Its Development Platform to Android

    LiveCode, an alternative tool for developing mobile apps designed for those who don't want to use Objective-C, C++ or Java, has now extended its development environment from iOS to now include Android. This platform lets developers create apps using one code base for multiple platforms, including mobile, desktop and Web,...

  • Web
    Apple Finally Responds to iPhone Location Tracking Issue

    It's been a week since data scientists Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden published their discovery that the iPhone has been keeping track of users' locations and storing the data - unencrypted - on the phone as well as any machine with which you sync the device.Although the news spread like...

  • Web
    Why Color May Be The Next Twitter

    Love it or loath it, the smartphone app Color is one of the most innovative Web products to have launched this year. It has a user experience that is as unique and different as Twitter was 5 years ago. This has led to confusion about how to use Color and...

  • Web
    Add Location-Based Q&A With the Localmind API

    Localmind, the iPhone app that lets users engage in Q&A based on their location and Foursquare check-ins, announced the availability of an API last week. Right now, the app lets users ask questions of each other that could only be answered by someone on the scene and the API will...

  • Mobile
    Got Windows Phone 7? Microsoft’s Tracking You Too

    It might be time to state the obvious: If you have a smartphone in your pocket, someone knows where you are, right now. First, we found out that Apple, maker of the uber-popular iPhone and iPad, has been storing and tracking location data on its devices for more than a...

  • Mobile
    Instapaper Founder: Apps Don’t Need To Be Free

    Have you noticed that the free version of Instapaper, the app that captures online articles and stores them for offline reading on your mobile device, disappeared from the app store about a month ago? Neither had we, but today, Instapaper founder Marco Arment tweeted that he pulled the app "as...

  • Web
    National Location Data Standard Approved – Does The Private Sector Care?

    After five years of interagency collaboration and thousands of points of public communication, a new standard data format for adresses, thoroughfares and landmarks has been approved by the final agency acronym it needs to be in order for the project to reach its culmination. This seems like it could be...

  • Web
    For Its Centenary, Mapping Gallipoli by GPS

    Although trowels and brushes are still de rigueur for archaeologists, electronic and web-based tools are fast losing their exception-to-the-rule status. The latest patch of ground to get the electronic treatment is the seminal World War I battleground of Gallipoli. The Turkish European peninsula of Gallipoli in the Dardanelles was a...

  • Work
    Yammer Releases New Version of Its iOS App

    Enterprise social networking service Yammer today released a new version of its iOS app. The new version adds threaded discussions, private messaging and full Retina Display support. Also, users will now be able to view documents from within the app.Here's the feature list:Threaded Conversations - Easily follow conversations with replies...

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