Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Work
    NSA Reveals Cloud Plans, May Open-Source Some of Its Software

    The nation's cryptologic intelligence agency is moving towards a cloud-centric approach to computing. In an interview with Information Week, National Security Agency CIO Lonny Anderson talks about the cloud, cross-agency information systems and open source.It turns out the NSA has many of the same problems that private sector enterprises do....

  • Developer
    MeeGoExperts talks with Bjorn Taubert

      At the MeeGo Summit Finland 2011 we got to speak to Bjorn Taubert who is a Marketing Manager for the Intel AppUp(SM) developer program. Bjorn did also have a session at the event - "The Intel AppUp(SM) program - How to distribute and make money with MeeGo apps", that...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: 1M/1M Partners With Indian Angel Network

    On April 16, I was in Mumbai doing a live 1M/1M event with TiE Mumbai and Indian Angel Network (IAN). While in Mumbai, I also finalized a deeper partnership with IAN, which I will discuss later in this post.I presented my usual 1M/1M perspective on bootstrapping. After the event, I...

  • Smartphone
    More Handset Manufacturers to Join MeeGo – Panasonic and Huawei

      Two more Handset manufacturers are to join MeeGo working on the Handset form factor. Panasonic and Huawei are to be nominated to join the MeeGo Handset Working Group at a scheduled TSG (Technical Steering Group) Meeting. If approved (and I can't see any reason for them not getting approved)...

  • Mobile
    Facts Should Be Free: SimpleGeo Puts 20 Million Places in the Public Domain

    If this week's Where 2.0 conference is proof of anything, it's that developers are excited about creating location aware mobile apps. One of the biggest barriers to creating a place-aware app, however, is getting the ball rolling - you need place data. Place and location, though hand-in-hand, are two different...

  • Web
    Is Samsung Building Amazon’s Tablet?

    According to Peter Rojas, former co-founer of Engadget and now co-founder of gdgt, the highly anticipated Amazon Android tablet may be coming from Samsung. Citing only "sources within the industry," Rojas claims he's "99% certain" that Amazon is having Samsung build its tablet computer for them and it's expected to...

  • Mobile
    Visa Launches Real-Time, Location-Based Discounts for Gap Customers

    Visa is launching its own version of the location-based discount, in a move that rivals Facebook Places Deals, Foursquare and other mobile social networks hoping to capitalize on a shopper's physical presence in order to offer them bargains. But in Visa's case, no "checkin" is required. In fact, neither is...

  • Web
    Nielsen: U.S. Smartphone Users Concerned About Privacy and Location Data

    The Nielsen Company's latest research, released today, into consumers thoughts on their privacy and their location data seems well timed in light of yesterday's news that iPhones contain a hidden file that chronicles users' movements. And no surprise - even without knowing about this recent revelation of the potential for...

  • Mobile
    PlayBook Launch Better Than Expected: About 50,000 Units Sold

    After mixed reviews detailing the unfinished state, not to mention the bugs and quirks that comprise RIM's new 7-inch tablet computer, the BlackBerry PlayBook, few expected yesterday's launch to be anything short of failure. But as it turns out, the tablet did better than expected - at least according to...

  • Web Goes Live With Bold New User Experience & Business Model

    There was a time in the United States when anything that called into question moral clarity, the black and white of a clear perspective on right and wrong, was deeply distrusted - if not actively shut down. Seeing the world through other peoples' eyes was considered not an essential act...

  • Web
    How to Keep Dropbox Employees’ Hands Off Your Data

    Yesterday Dropbox, the popular file storage Web application that enables users to easily sync a folder from their local computer with the the cloud, made a small change to its terms of service. Dropbox made it clear that it would decrypt and hand-over files if the U.S. government requested it.The...

  • Hack
    Easily Share Files From Your Local Computer Over the Internet with Showoff or PageKite

    Showoff is a simple service that lets you use your local computer as a file server over the Internet. You install the software (a Ruby gem), specify a folder or file using the "Share" command and then get a URL for sharing the location - ie, It's only available...

  • Web
    Poll: Will Desktop Virtualization Be A Driver for Bringing Your Own Computer to Work?

    The iPhone, iPad and every smartphone known to mankind have one thing in common. You can use them for work and you can use them at home. There is no difference when it comes to the new generation of mobile devices that people use. That is pretty much true for...

  • Hack
    HTML5 Rendering- How Do The iPad2, Playbook, Xoom and Galaxy Tab Options Stack-up?

    HTML5 has been seen as a silver bullet for developers building rich, cross-platform sites for desktops, smartphones and tablets. Tablet in particular have generated much excitement by offering fast processors, large screens and WebKit-based browsers.But how does the rendering on tablets really standup? Sencha, which sells mobile development tools, has...

  • Mobile
    Loopt Introduces Qs: Real-Time Polls in Place of Reviews

    Think about your average, smartphone-enabled visit to a new restaurant: You sit down, take a gander at the menu and quickly pull out your phone to look up the latest Foursquare tips and Yelp reviews. Some are novels of glowing hyperbole while others lament the irritable waitress and denounce the...

  • Web
    Happy Birthday, ReadWriteWeb! A Look Back at 8 Years of RWW Designs

    Today, April 20, marks the 8th birthday of ReadWriteWeb. Like a self-titled debut album, the first post on April 20, 2003 was simply titled: The Read/Write Web. It began: "The World Wide Web in 2003 is beginning to fulfil the hopes that Tim Berners-Lee had for it over 10 years...

  • Mobile
    How Location is Changing the Way We Work

    With the Internet has come a new breed of worker: the telecommuter. A business owner, employee, or freelancer, someone who telecommutes is able to work from home rather than from a designated office building. According to the latest American Community survey data, about 2% of Americans - some 2.8 million...

  • Mobile
    IGDA Updates Warning, Says Amazon Appstore is a Threat to Developers

    Last week, the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) issued a warning to mobile app developers regarding Amazon's recently launched Appstore for Android. The message, simply put: don't use it. According to the letter posted here on the IGDA website, the organization had "significant concerns" about the distribution terms, pricing policies and...

  • Mobile
    Will Hotmail Get Offline Storage Before Gmail?

    Microsoft is working on an HTML5-enabled version of its Hotmail Web application, according to a new report from ZDNet. The updated version will deliver offline storage capabilities, which means webmail users will be able to access their email even when an Internet connection is not available. A similar feature is...

  • Web
    Move Over Flipboard: Qwiki is the iPad’s Newest Killer App

    "It's clear that the future of media consumption is tablets and mobile...if there's anywhere to be experimenting as a company, it's in the acceleration of content off the desktop. It's a whole new world and now we need new tools." So says Doug Imbruce, founder and CEO of Qwiki, a...

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