Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Web
    Your iPhone Is Tracking Your Every Move

    Researchers have discovered that the iPhone is keeping track of where you go and storing that information in a file that is stored - unencrypted and unprotected - on any machine with which you synchronize your phone. It is not clear why Apple is collecting this data.Data scientists Alasdair Allan...

  • Mobile
    Skype for Android Brings 3G Calling to U.S., Plus Security Fix

    Skype released an update to its Android mobile application today which fixes the recently reported security issues in addition to bringing 3G calling to U.S. users. Earlier this month, reports of a security vulnerability in the Android version of the app were found which could compromise personal information, including a...

  • Web
    The Cloud Gets Big Credit for Intel’s Record Results

    Intel posted whopping results today. The cloud, and data centers in particular, are accounting for the steep increase.In its quarterly earnings call today, Intel executives pointed to increased Internet usage, smart phones and tablets as contributing factors for the increased demand.Year over year, its Data Center Group revenue was up...

  • Mobile
    Just in Time for PlayBook’s Launch, New SDKs from RIM

    Today, Research in Motion (RIM), has released two new SDKs for developers: the BlackBerry WebWorks SDK 2.0 for Tablet OS and Smartphones and the final version of the BlackBerry Tablet OS SDK for Adobe AIR. The former is a major update involving architecture changes, and the latter of these two,...

  • Entertainment
    Grooveshark Pens an Angry Open Letter to the Music Industry (cc’s Google, Apple)

    The peer-to-peer music streaming service Grooveshark has had a series of run-ins with mobile providers. Its iOS app was pulled from the App Store in August of last year, and its Android app was booted from the Android Marketplace earlier this month. The company has now fired back at the...

  • Web
    Netflix Eyes Changes to Streaming Options, Personalized Recommendations

    It's a common problem with many services that offer personalized recommendations: if you share an account among family members, it's pretty difficult for a recommendation engine to get a sense of what one individual actually likes. Netflix is the perfect example in my household, as our "Recently Watched" videos will...

  • Mobile
    Apple Changes iTunes App Store Rankings

    Apple has made changes to the way it ranks its top mobile applications in its iTunes App Store. The new rankings appear to take in consideration additional data points beyond raw download numbers, it appears. The changes should lead to more accurate lists of the top free and paid apps...

  • Work
    IT Poll: Which Consumer Technology Will Take Off Next in the Enterprise?

    We've covered several companies applying some of the latest trends in consumer to technology to the enterprise, such as Q&A services and location-based services. We've questioned the utility of augmented reality and gamification at work. We've considered whether some sort of Yelp-like review site will disrupt the analyst business. We...

  • Mobile
    Evernote for Android Gets More Secure, More Social, More Collaborative

    The sharing platform Evernote has been on a tear lately, updating its mobile, desktop, and Web apps each in turn - not just polishing the UI but adding new features. Today it's Android's turn, and the newly updated Evernote for Android contains a ton of new features: better sharing, better...

  • Web
    Google Map Maker Comes to U.S.

    Google Map Maker opened up to U.S. users today, allowing anyone to submit updates, revisions and additional information to the company's online mapping service. The tool was originally designed for users in other countries without access to the mapping resources we have stateside. Says Google, prior to the launch of...

  • Web
    Fwix Aims to be the Google of the Place-Based Web

    The rise of the mobile web and the integration of our online and offline experiences point towards one big opportunity: for the world's information to be organized by place. Hyperlocal news service Fwix today announces a new service that allows any other application developer to pull the names, locations and...

  • Mobile
    AppCircus Makes Its Way to the West Coast

    Later this month, APPNATION, the self-described "show me the money conference," and AppCircus, the "global traveling showcase of innovative apps," will land in San Francisco after stopping in a number of other cities across the globe.If you're an app developer, entrepreneur or otherwise, there's still time to enter your app...

  • Mobile
    Foursquare Takes a Crack at Color With Shared Photos

    Foursquare, the location-based check-in app, has added a feature after an internal weekend hackathon that will bring some context to your historical check-ins. Now, when users look back at their check-ins, they won't see only their pictures, but also pictures taken by friends who were also checked in at the...

  • Mobile
    Groupon Could Take Out Foursquare with Pelago Acquisition

    All Things Digital reports that Groupon has acquired Pelago, the company behind location-based check-in service Whrrl, for an undisclosed amount. Whrrl allows users to check in to locations and discover new businesses nearby, while the Groupon iOS app simply shows nearby deals. Could Groupon - the leader and pioneer in...

  • Social
    Report: Twitter In Talks to Buy Tweetdeck

    Popular Twitter client TweetDeck, previously reported to have been acquired by Ubermedia, is now said to be in talks with Twitter for an acquisition that would nearly double its former $30 million price tag.The Wall Street Journal reports today that Twitter is "in advanced talks" to buy the client for...

  • Mobile
    Photosynth for iOS: Build Panorama Images, Integrate Them With Bing Maps

    Microsoft has just released a new app for the iPhone - Photosynth that lets you capture 360° images and then share them with others.There are several panorama apps available for the iPhone, each with different levels of ease with capturing an expansive view of a particular room. Photosynth stands out...

  • Mobile
    LG May Bring Back MeeGo…in Your Car!

    The open-source, Linux-based MeeGo mobile operating system (OS) created from the merger of Intel's Moblin and Nokia's Maemo platforms may be headed for a comeback thanks to LG Electronics. Once the future of Nokia's high-end smartphones, MeeGo was abandoned by Nokia in favor of Microsoft's Windows Phone in February of...

  • Web
    E-Book Sales Surpass Print: Is This a Win or a Loss for the Publishing Industry?

    When the Association of American Publishers (AAP) released its sales figures for the month of February, the headlines were easy to compose: e-books have surpassed print in all trade categories.E-books have become the format-of-choice, these figures suggest. In January, the AAP said that e-book sales were up 116% year-over-year, and...

  • Web
    How to Keep Company Data Safe on Employees’ Personal Devices

    Once upon a time, the only computers people used at work were those paid for, owned and managed by the company and its IT department. One wouldn't even think of lugging in their home PC to use in the office. Why would they? Even as laptops came into prominence, the...

  • Work
    iPad for Business Round-Up: Tablets Cutting into PC Sales, Doctors Prefer iOS and More

    The iPad isn't just a hot new consumer device, it's also an increasingly popular tool for business. Each week we take a look at the new or updated business apps for the iPad, and highlight trends in how tablets are being used in the enterprise.This week we didn't see any...

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