Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: The Year the Check-in Died, Twitter Drops Ruby for Java, The Future of the Camera and More…

    One of our top posts this week was Richard MacManus' look at the future of the camera. We all know how smartphones integrated cameras. "Could we be about to see the inverse - cameras integrating smartphone technology?" he asked. The story is part of our ongoing series looking at what...

  • Work
    Network Management Services: A Cost Effective Approach to Complexity

    Enterprises across all industries operate in complex and rapidly changing business environments and must constantly plan, implement, and execute strategies to grow revenue, improve operational efficiencies, and reduce costs. To achieve these objectives, enterprises are increasingly centralizing, automating, Web-/IP-enabling, and internetworking mission-critical processes and applications in order to streamline and...

  • Mobile
    Poll: Should Developers Stay Away from Amazon’s Appstore?

    This week, the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) issued a warning to its members, suggesting they "educate themselves on the pros and cons of submitting content to Amazon." The letter refers to the recently launched Amazon Appstore, a curated market place for Android applications. The issue at hand is the...

  • Entertainment
    What Is the Future of Gamification? [Survey]

    Since Seth Priebatsch's keynote at this year's SXSW, excitement about adding a "game layer" to the world - liberating games from their traditional place on a computer screen and imposing game-like, social and situational constraints onto the real world (largely through mobile apps) - has positively erupted. There's been considerable...

  • Mobile
    Google Keeps Building the Tower of Babel, Floor by Floor

    If you've never read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, know three things - the guide is this really cool book that knows everything about the universe, everyone in that universe can communicate with each other, and you're really missing out on a great story. What's that have to do...

  • Web
    Check-ins Are Dead? Location App Life360 Adds 1 Million Users in 10 Weeks

    Location-based "check-ins" - are they hot - or not? Two days ago we ran a guest post by Mark Watkins, CEO of mobile startup Goby, who argued that check-in services were unlikely to thrive and that startups had to do something more. Today, though, family app Life360 announced it just...

  • Work
    The State of RIM

    We asked last summer what RIM needs to do to stay relevant in the enterprise. Since then, the trends undermining RIM's dominance have only accelerated. iPhones, iPads and Android apps are insurgent in businesses of all sizes. Companies ranging from Motorola to Microsoft are competing with the BlackBerry Enterprise Server....

  • Web
    What do Developers Dream Of? Fun, Money and Beautiful Machines

    At dinner the other night, John Squire the chief strategy officer for CoreMetrics told me that his team is building an API and embarking on that windy path in search of the the communities where those elusive programmers can be discovered.What's a good way to attract developers? That was the...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: 1M/1M Announces Partnership With TiE Chennai

    On Saturday, April 9, 2011, I arrived in Chennai at 3 a.m. after a 24-hour journey from California. At 11 a.m., a group of entrepreneurs from TiE Chennai gathered at the Indian Institute of Technology-Madras (IIT-M) Research Park campus, and we spent the next four hours discussing strategy and tactics...

  • Social
    HTC Dominating Online Chatter, Says Market Research Firm

    After having analyzed over a million conversations taking place in social media channels, market research firm SocialNuggests says that consumers are currently more interested in talking about HTC devices than iPhones. According to the firm's March smartphone index, the iPhone 4 was ranked 10th, while the HTC Thunderbolt came in...

  • Social
    Tweetbot: A Beautiful Twitter iPhone App (& Proof That Third Parties Should Still Build Clients?)

    I'm an avid Twitter user. I spend much of my day monitoring tweets for news stories. As Marshall Kirkpatrick wrote almost 4 years ago, Twitter helps me do my job better: "Twitter pays my rent." But I don't actually use any Twitter's own clients or website to do this, with...

  • Mobile
    iOS Grows in March, Generates More Ad Revenue

    In mobile ad network Millennial Media's March 2011 report on mobile platform trends, it found that iOS's share has grown, thanks to the recent launch of the Verizon iPhone. Month-over-month, the iPhone grew 17% and the iOS platform itself grew by 11%. The Verizon iPhone accounted for 8.2% of all the...

  • Mobile
    Using Windows Phone 7: One Week with an HD7

    I have now been using Windows Phone 7, Microsoft's new mobile operating system, for exactly a week, having temporarily set aside my beloved Android-based Nexus S in the process. To really test a smartphone, and determine what the end user experience is like, I don't like to play around with...

  • Web
    Microsoft Announces Kinect SDK: Why This is the Future of Windows

    Today at the Microsoft Mix event, an annual showcase of its latest web and mobile technologies, Microsoft announced an SDK (software development kit) for its motion-controlled gaming system Kinect. After launching in November 2010 on the Xbox, Kinect became the fastest selling electronics device ever - eclipsing the iPad in...

  • Web
    Apple Hiring a Team to Build “the Future of Cloud Services”

    A new job posting on the Apple website indicates the company is looking for the position of "Cloud Systems Software Engineer." The job, first discovered by Apple Insider, is a full-time job at the company's Cupertino campus.Apple says it's looking for an engineer "who has built high-performance, scalable and extensible...

  • Work
    Making a Pain-Free Migration to Unified Communications

    Every firm, company or enterprise with distributed data and voice networks is looking for ways to control costs and increase efficiency. To achieve these goals, businesses need to integrate both voice and data onto a single, converged network to reduce costs and improve productivity. A converged voice and data network...

  • Mobile
    All About “Mango:” New Version of Windows Phone Arriving this Fall

    This morning at Microsoft's MIX '11 conference in Las Vegas, the company confirmed the next version of its new Windows Phone mobile operating system - code-named "Mango" - will arrive this fall. The update will bring Microsoft's OS more on par with its competitors by finally introducing multitasking capabilities, which...

  • Mobile
    Sprint Rolls Out Carrier Billing to Android Market

    Developers will soon have another way to charge Android users for apps, it appears. U.S. mobile operator Sprint is now joining T-Mobile and AT&T to support carrier billing in the Android Market. Carrier billing means that users can pay for apps on their next mobile phone bill, instead of using...

  • Hack
    Live Blog: Microsoft MIX 2011 Day 2 – New Windows Phone 7 Features, Silverlight 5, Kinect SDK

    Today we're at Microsoft MIX, a developers conference in Las Vegas. Microsoft will be trying to woo developers and presenting on HTML5, Windows Phone 7 and Silverlight.Today we're expecting to see more about mobile and Kinect.9:05 The event kicked off with this video made by a fan. Joe Belfiore, corporate...

  • Web
    The Virtual Water Cooler: GetGlue Hits the Million User Mark [Infographic]

    As of March, the social entertainment service GetGlue has passed the million user mark, a significant milestone for any startup. It now also boasts 100 million data points - likes, reviews, check-ins - representing connections between entertainment, people, and each other.Those impressive numbers are an indication of the company's rapid...

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