Results for "mobile"

We found 14383 results for your search.
  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: Incubators Are Reaching Out To 1M/1M

    After hosting three live roundtables and being on stage for six to seven hours a day last month during my trip to Pune, I almost lost my voice. At the final roundtable, we worked with just two entrepreneurs and then spent the rest of the time on Q&A, which in...

  • Mobile
    Humble Barcode Scanning Could End Up Changing Your World

    Social shopping mobile app ShopSavvy does a lot of things but one of the things it does particularly well is license out its barcode scanning technology through a software developers' kit. The Dallas, Texas company announced this afternoon that it hit a landmark 500 licensees. The company offers multiple forms...

  • Mobile
    New Apps for Your iPhone and Android, April 2011 Edition

    In this continuing series, we round up some of our favorite new applications for smartphones each month, specifically for iPhone and Android devices. This spring edition is one of the longest lists yet - there have been a number of incredible new launches to highlight this past month. (And yes,...

  • Web’s Socialcam Gets a Website

    Socialcam, the mobile social video-sharing app by, hit the App Store two months ago and quickly became a favorite (for me, at least) for quick mobile video sharing. Like Instagram, however, it lacked just one thing - a website.Today, Socialcam got just that and it makes it easy to...

  • Developer
    Qt SDK 1.1 released

      Qt Software Development Kit (SDK) 1.1 has matured from Beta to full blown release. This is the SDK provided through Nokia channels opposed to the Intel one.     The Qt SDK 1.1 delivers the next step in tools support for Qt based development. The new features available in...

  • Entertainment
    Developers Can Add In-app Photo Effects With New Aviary API

    Developers are always looking for a good API to hook their applications through to provide rich functionality to their applications. Photo editing company Aviary is releasing Aviary Effects API today to help developers add filters, effects and functionality to applications.Aviary has also gone live with a new developer site to...

  • Computers
    Acer Considering Meego Tablet for the future

    We heard news of Acers intentions with MeeGo back at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in February but nothing since. Now it is reported by Forbes that according to two product managers within Acer that they are seriously considering releasing a MeeGo based Tablet. Hints are also coming from Eric Ackerson,...

  • Mobile
    Isis Plans Change, but NFC Still on Track

    Isis, the NFC-enabled mobile payments venture led by three of the four major U.S. operators, AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile, has changed its course. Originally, the service was designed so that the operators themselves would take a cut of every mobile transaction made, with customers maintaining accounts with the carrier. Now,...

  • Entertainment
    Spotify Music Store Allows Users to Bypass iTunes to Sync to iPods

    The more features and improvements that European streaming music service Spotify makes, the more we here in North America cannot wait until it finally jumps across the pond. Today the company announced that its users will be able to integrate and download playlists onto assorted iPod, iPhone and Android devices...

  • Mobile
    Bank of America App Comes to Windows Phone 7

    Being able to do whatever I need with my bank account is one of my favorite parts of having a smartphone. Well, that and the 10,000 other things made simple by the tiny pocket super computer that I carry around everywhere I go, but today we're talking about mobile banking.Never...

  • Web
    Africans Teach High Schoolers to Change Communities with Social Media

    In 2006, I created a project with a friend who had taught in Botswana. Called "Blogswana," the project was designed to teach students at the University of Botswana how to employ social media to tell their own stories. It was very popular - with Africans. All the funding sources, public...

  • Mobile
    New App Stores for iPhone Jailbreakers Coming Soon

    There will soon be two new app stores available to iPhone jailbreakers, it's beingreported. In addition to the Cydia app store, the default home to jailbreak applications for Apple mobile devices, it looks like the once-popular Icy store will also be making a comeback. The other new store is called...

  • Web
    4 Ways to Roll Your Own Dropbox Alternative

    Want a cloud-based folder, but want more control over your service than you could get form Dropbox or one of its competitors? Here are a few different ways to building your own Dropbox-like folder. The first method is based on GlusterFS, two use Git for syncing files. These projects are...

  • Web
    Check-Ins Not Dead: GetGlue Posts a Record Number of Check-Ins for April

    To paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of the death of the check-in may be greatly exaggerated. An argument that 2011 would be the demise of the check-in was put forward by Mark Watkins, the CEO of Goby in a post here last month. He contended that while some of the check-in...

  • Social
    Imagine Digg Fed by Your Twitter & Facebook Friends: That’s XYDO

    A new social network launched today around the sharing and engagement of news. XYDO takes the social graph and turns it into a network of news that is automatically curated through users Twitter and Facebook streams. Think Digg and Reddit, add social news feeds automatically and you have XYDO.Digg and...

  • Mobile
    iPad and Android Tablets Get Beautiful New Feed Reader From Feedly

    The newest release of the Feedly reader version may be one of the essential reading applications you can have for any of your devices. It is the power reader's reader and available today on any Android or iOS device you can find.Feedly has been around for a while. As a...

  • Web
    JQuery Creator John Resig Leaves Mozilla, Joins Khan Academy

    John Resig, creator of the web's most popular javascript library, jQuery, just announced that he's leaving the Mozilla Foundation and joining online education powerhouse Khan Academy. Resig worked at Mozilla for more than 4 years, joining in January 2007 as a Javascript Evangelist after leaving a position as a developer...

  • Mobile
    RIM Demos Core Apps, Android Apps on PlayBook

    At this morning's BlackBerry World conference, the audience attending RIM's CEO Mike Lazaridis' keynote address was given a sneak peek at some of the most noticeable "missing" applications on the new BlackBerry PlayBook tablet computer: email, contacts and calendaring. These core apps are currently available only when the PlayBook is...

  • Web
    Google’s Seoul Offices Raided Over AdMob Location Data

    The Google offices in South Korea have been raided by police on the suspicion that Google's mobile advertising service, AdMob, has been illegally collecting location information, according to a report from Reuters."We suspect AdMob collected personal location information without consent or approval from the Korean Communication Commission," a South Korean...

  • Mobile
    Bing Becomes Default Search & Maps on BlackBerry Phones, Deeply Integrated in OS

    This morning at the BlackBerry World conference in Orlando, Florida, RIM President and co-CEO Mike Lazaridis was joined by RIM's industry partners to talk about and demonstrate the company's products and solutions in action. One of those partners was a surprise guest: Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who announced Microsoft's new...

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