Results for "mobile"

We found 14384 results for your search.
  • Web
    SkyDrive, Microsoft’s “iCloud,” to be Integrated in Windows Phone Mango

    In a none-too-subtle PR move, Microsoft posted on its official Windows Live Blog yesterday about its own cloud service called SkyDrive, which will be integrated deeply into the Windows Phone handsets with the next software update known as code-name "Mango." This news comes just after Apple announced "iCloud," a new...

  • Web
    Spiceworks Releases Android Client

    Spiceworks, the IT management software-as-a-service and online community, released its Android app today. The new app will enable customers to access Spiceworks' remote monitoring, help desk and inventory tools, as well as online groups for IT professionals.Spiceworks has been available for the iPhone since February. The Android features are similar....

  • Web
    How to Arrange Meetings and Share Calendars Online

    Let's take a meeting. Somewhere. Most of us hate going to meetings, and the promise of the Internet is that you can meet virtually in a chat room or using desktop video conferencing. But first you have to figure out a common time when to meet.There are a variety of...

  • Web
    In iOS 5, a New Way to Manage Your Tasks From Your iPad, iPhone or iPod

    For users of Apple's iOS mobile operating system, there was much to be excited about in yesterday's keynote unveiling iOS 5, the next version of the OS for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Deeper Twitter integration, wireless syncing across devices, and the ability to untether your iOS devices from the...

  • Mobile
    iCloud for Developers: This Could Get Interesting

    Of all the new features announced yesterday at WWDC as a part of iOS 5, one of the more interesting options now available to developers is access to iCloud. Much more than just a MobileMe replacement service, the new iCloud will store and sync music, photos, apps, calendars and documents...

  • Social
    5 Concerns Groupon’s IPO Filing Didn’t Address

    Groupon has had a terrific ride. Since pivoting from a community action site, it has dominated the mindshare of Internet commerce. Its IPO filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission lays out a lot of that success, including growing from 3 million to 83 million subscribers in one year and...

  • Hack
    RunKeeper Opens HealthGraph API to the Public

    RunKeeper, a mobile application for tracking your exercise and online community for fitness buffs, opened its API to the public today. Dubbed the HealthGraph, it will provide access to the variety of health and fitness data stored in RunKeeper, such as exercise, sleep, weight and blood pressure. Developers will then...

  • Work
    Why webOS is a Challenge to iOS and Android in the Business World

    webOS is the heart of how HP will compete against far more established competitors in the mobile marketplace, especially in the enterprise, where it may have its best chance of success against Apple iOS and Google Android.At the opening keynote yesterday for HP Discover, CEO Leo Apotheker said the TouchPad...

  • Web
    iOS5 Has Been Jailbroken

    Good news, iPhone jailbreakers! Less than 24 hours after iOS5 was announced at WWDC, Apple's developer conference taking place in San Francisco this week, a member of the iPhone hacking collective known as the Dev-Team confirmed that the new operating system (OS) has been jailbroken.The hackers already have their hands...

  • Mobile
    RIM Acquires Social Gaming Company Scoreloop

    Research in Motion (RIM) announced today it has acquired Scoreloop, a mobile social gaming company and makers of a cross-platform mobile gaming developer toolkit. The terms of the deal or details as to RIM's future plans were not disclosed.RIM simply says that it plans to provide tools to the BlackBerry...

  • Hack
    Learn to Program By Giving Yourself Open Ended Problems to Solve CTO James Somers wrote recently for The Atlantic about his multi-year struggle to learn programming. When he was a teenager, he started trying to learn with a book on C++."I imagined myself working montage-like through the book, smoothly accruing expertise one chapter at a time," Somers wrote. "What happened...

  • Mobile
    Apple’s iCloud Foreshadows a Future of Quantum Computing

    Apple announced a slew of updates to its Mac OS, to its mobile iOS and to its relationship with the web in the form of a new product called iCloud today. A key over-arching trend across all the new technology announced is that it is intended to make everything you...

  • Web
    The Personal Cloud Will Be A $12 Billion Industry in 2016

    Personal computing has become complicated. Consumers and IT managers face dozens of services for a single functionality and users are increasingly using smartphones, tablets, and different PCs for home and work. It is hard to juggle it all."The personal computing experience is a victim of its own success" research company...

  • Mobile
    HP Now Accepting TouchPad Apps, Will Include In-App Purchases at Launch

    A few days ago, HP announced it was opening its doors to developers who want to submit applications for its forthcoming TouchPad tablet. The TouchPad, a 10-inch tablet built using the webOS mobile operating system, is set to debut later this summer. While many developers are already over-committed in terms...

  • Mobile
    How iCloud Could be Apple’s Shot Against Android

    The most believable of the iCloud rumors is that Apple's upcoming service is a "Cloud iTunes" - meaning a way to access all your music, movies, podcasts and more from any Internet-connected Apple mobile device like the iPhone or iPad. Some think it may be much more than that - imagining...

  • Computers
    Nokia Not Ready for a Tablet — Yet

    If cell phone maker Nokia rolls out a tablet device one day, it will be late to a game where its competitors have a big head start. Some observers think the company would be better off focusing all its resources on a successful smartphone portfolio first, then worry about a...

  • Entertainment
    As Instagram Grows More Complex, Can It Maintain the Love?

    Popular iPhone photo sharing app Instagram captured the hearts of nearly five million users this year despite, or perhaps because of, a surprising lack of features. The super-simple photo app let you apply filters and post out to other networks. It didn't let you do much more than that.The company...

  • Work
    iPad for Business Round-Up: Mindjet, snagR and More

    The iPad isn't just a hot new consumer device, it's also an increasingly popular tool for business. Each week we take a look at the new or updated business apps for the iPad, and highlight trends in how tablets are being used in the enterprise.This week week we look at...

  • Hack
    6 Free E-Books and Tutorials on HTML5

    HTML5 is popular for building rich Web sites as well as cross-platform mobile applications. And it looks like with Windows 8 Microsoft is embracing using HTML5 and JavaScript as a paradigm for building desktop applications as well. With everyone from Apple to Microsoft embracing HTML5 as "the future," if you...

  • Web
    Google Acquires Postrank: A Fork in the Road for the Future of Social Media

    One of my favorite startups in the world, Postrank, has been acquired by Google. Here at ReadWriteWeb we use Postrank every day and if Google shuts it down I am going to be sick. New account creation has already been shut off and a shell of the technology is most...

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