Home Qt Quick Home Control Demo

Qt Quick Home Control Demo

With my background in Networking I find any “Smart Home Control application” a definite to get the blood pumping and this Application hits the spot. Developed by basysKom [qt.nokia.com], you can control windows, blinds, heating and lighting from the PC and also a mobile device which in this case is the Nokia N900.

The application uses nested JavaScript function for all logic parts in their QML-Files. Additionally a C++ plugin provides a smooth SVG image element. Despite the default Image element the new SVG image element provides dynamic SVG features. The C++ plugin provides a convenience class for date and time and, in addition, tons of animations, transitions and states are integrated to get a fluid and smooth control flow.

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The Smart Home Control demo runs on Nokia N900 and on any desktop platforms.

  1. Unpack the archive if you have not done so already.
  2. Enter the package directory in a console window and configure the package by typing: qmake.
  3. To build the application type: make. Or if you are using Microsoft Visual Studio compiler: nmake.
  4. To start the application open the binary that was created in the same folder.

Steps 2, 3 and 4 can be dropped by simply opening the .pro file with the QtCreator (it’s best to use the newest version available) and build and also execute it there.

Via Qt Nokia

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