Results for "news"

We found 16040 results for your search.
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    Ambient News: A Low-Impact RSS Reader

    Feeling information overloaded? No doubt one of the sources of stress in your life are the unread items that await you daily in your RSS reader. No matter how many times you read through your feeds, new items always appear. Perhaps it's time to find a different way to get...

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    NewsMixer: An Innovative Community News Framework

    With the apparent death of newsprint now upon us, journalists and others in the business are struggling to come up with a new model to save their industry. One new attempt to do so is the recently launched site News Mixer developed by a group of Medill School of Journalism...

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    Would You Pay for a Web App That Delivers the News?

    Can you imagine a news-delivering web application so compelling that you would pay a couple of dollars per month for it? What would it look like? That's the challenge facing The Reynolds Journalism Institute at the University of Missouri. They're working on a project called "Information Valet," which hopes to...

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    Good News: A-Team Score for November Better than October

    We published the first A-Team post in October, when only three web tech ventures got through our qualifying criteria: a minimum of $1 million in Series A funding from an institutional VC. Well you may not have noticed, but on one count the economy got better in November. In November,...

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    Poll: Internet Now Considered More Reliable Than TV, Radio News

    Don't trust what you read on the internet? That's no longer the dominant sentiment in the US, according to a new poll by Zogby International. A survey of more than 3000 people performed in the two days after the US Presidential Election found that 37.6% of respondents considered the Internet...

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    Murdoch: The Future Of Newspapers Goes Beyond Dead Trees

    Rupert Murdoch, the chairman and chief executive of News Corp., gave a speech on Sunday titled "The Future of Newspapers: Moving Beyond Dead Trees." In the speech, he made the bold statement that newspapers would always be around in some form or other. "Too many journalists seem to take a...

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    Would You Manage Your Money Through The Newspaper?

    Wesabe and the UK Telegraph Think You MightOnline money management service Wesabe and the UK newspaper giant The Telegraph have entered a partnership to offer co-branded tools on the Telegraph website. It's a daring move, we can't help but admire it. We can't help but wonder how users will feel...

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    Local News Service Shows Off’s New API

    A newly launched service called sends you links to news and blogs posts that are happening in your area. The news items ("nearlies") are sent to you via a Twitter direct message that consists of a quick headline and a URL. Yes, this service is a Twitter app,...

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    Weekly Wrapup: After Web 2.0, Newsfeeds, Recommendation Technologies, And More…

    It's time for our weekly summary of Web Technology news, products and trends. On the trends side this week, we had a great discussion about what's next after web 2.0, celebrated the success of the newsfeed, looked at enterprise use of social media, helped Twitter find a revenue model, and...

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    Having Conquered Flickr & Yahoo, “The Newsfeed” Is Now the Dominant Info-Metaphor of Our Time

    The internet is really exciting. There's a whole lot of information on it - an overwhelming amount, even. Years ago we first looked at it in monochrome text, then we started looking at it through a search box on an empty white page. What's next? Is it huge War Games...

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    Law 2.0 News: Mumboe Uses Semantics To Pull Key Data From Contracts

    Mumboe isn't just another enterprise collaboration suite. Instead, they focus on doing one thing and doing it well: making business agreements searchable. That's a very unique need they fill, which is why is why they already have 3000 customers using their free Express solution after only having launched earlier this...

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    AP: The Modern Newsroom Looks Like a Little RSS Reader

    The 20th century news and stock ticker used to be one of the most archetypal images of newsrooms all around the world. It was timely and exciting, if a bit impersonal, for editors to watch the wires for breaking news from the big news syndicates and select stories to run...

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    Have The News Come To You With

    After the DEMO presentations yesterday, a lot of people were discussing favorites sites and services from the day's sessions. Based on buzz alone, one of the more popular applications appears to be the new service With this service, instead of visiting multiple sites to stay up-to-date with the latest...

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    Google News Archive Expands: See Articles in Context

    Google just announced an interesting update to its Google News Archive, which, starting today, will not only feature the electronic text of a lot more historical newspapers, but also a scanned copy of the actual paper. While having access to the text itself is already great for researchers, having access...

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    Yahoo! May Put Blog Links on Every News Page

    Yahoo! may be struggling financially, but when it comes to supporting the rest of the web with standards and generous links - they are in the lead among the the big search and advertising companies. Yahoo! Buzz has driven millions of viewers to independent blogs writing about the news of...

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    New Adobe AIR App Delivers Live Video From FOX News

    Are you addicted to the news lately? Here in the U.S., it's election season which means that easy access to live news coverage is a must-have these days. There was a time when you could only get the news via TV, radio, or paper, but now the web offers a...

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    Socialmedian Introduces News Streaming: Like FriendFeed Without the Noise

    Here at ReadWriteWeb, we've talked about how the hot new trend of lifestreaming has been taking off lately. Now the social news service Socialmedian aims to capitalize on that trend by releasing an upgrade to their service that features something they're calling "news streaming." Like lifestreaming, news streaming lets users...

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    NewsCred, a Credible News Dashboard Opens to the Public

    NewsCred garnered quite a bit of attention in its initial private beta launch where ReadWriteWeb was considered by its users to be one of the most credible news sources to read. With less than 20% of readers really believing what their news sources are saying, NewsCred aims to be the...

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    Feedly Launches a River of News

    At the beginning of this month, we told you about Feedly, a Firefox extension for Google Reader users that provides an alternative UI for reading through the news. The Feedly UI lays out your feeds magazine-style while also including a number of other features such as Twitter and FriendFeed integration...

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    Socialmedian Launches Open Beta: Personalize Your News Filter

    After 4 months of private, invite-only alpha testing, social news network Socialmedian is now open and available in a public beta. During the last 4 months, Socialmedian has taken its motto of shipping fast and iterating faster quite seriously. Today, the service looks nothing like it did 4 months ago...

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