Results for "news"

We found 16059 results for your search.
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    Facebook Could Become World’s Leading News Reader (Sorry Google)

    From TV to Tivo and Hulu, from the mall to Amazon and eCommerce and from newspaper carriers and delivery trucks to online syndication and subscription - distribution of goods, services and information has changed a lot thanks to the internet. Subscription to syndicated publications hasn't changed nearly as much yet...

  • Web
    Paid Content Won’t Work for Everybody: Newspaper Sells 35 Subscriptions in 3 Months

    On the eve of the Apple tablet announcement, a lot of people are talking about the role the tablet could play in saving the newspaper industry by making paid content a viable alternative to ad-based revenue models. Clearly, though, this strategy won't work for every paper. Newsday, a Long Island...

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    Why Apple’s iPad Will Beat Out Kindle as a News Reader

    While there are a million rumors over what Apple's new tablet will do, from having a built-in Web cam to doing your laundry (not really), we can be sure that it will at least have a color display and show pictures, right? These simple features would put it well ahead...

  • Social
    The Twitter Suggested Users List Is Dead: Great News for Mainstream Users

    Twitter's Suggested Users List (SUL), a longstanding and much-disputed feature of the popular microblogging app, has finally bitten the dust.In its place, we have an interesting method for suggesting accounts for new users to follow, this time based on categories of interest instead of a hard-and-fast, limited crew of A-listers...

  • Work
    Newsgator Acquires Tomoye – Deepening Sharepoint Ties

    Newsgator has acquiredTomoye, a social networking platform for Sharepoint. The acqusition makes Newagator one of the largest enterprise collaboration companies in the Enterprise 2.0 space and positions it as a vendor with the deepest ties to the Sharepoint environment.Details of the deal were not disclosed. The acquisition buoys Newsgator's reputation...

  • Work
    Enterprise 2.0 Company Results: How Good is Good News?

    It's exciting for us to see young companies like Jive grow so fast. But before we pop the champagne bottles, it's important to take these results with a grain of salt.Jive announced today that it had record results for the past year, up 85%. That's impressive in the sense that...

  • Web
    MSNBC Buys to Go With With @breakingnews [UPDATED]

    Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly reported that was opperated by the same people who started the @breakingnews Twitter account.MSNBC announced this morning that it is buying the URL from a company called PV Media Group. This follows November's purchase of @breakingnews and its 1.4 million...

  • Entertainment
    Layar Pulled From App Store, Bad News for Augmented Reality

    The company behind the much-hyped Layar Augmented Reality browser has decided to withdraw its iPhone app from the iTunes App Store due to repeated crashes reported by users. Layar had been the most eagerly anticipated entrant yet into the field of AR, a class of technologies that place data from...

  • Web
    Netvibes Launches Ultimate News and Lifestyle Dashboard

    In late November, ReadWriteWeb asked the question, Can Netvibes pull off integration of real-time feeds into its existing dashboard product?. At the time, early testers were just gaining access to Wasabi beta. As of today the service will go live to the public concurrent with CEO Freddy Mini's presentation at...

  • Web
    Google’s Marissa Mayer Talks About Wave, Music Search and the Future of News

    In an interview with TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington at LeWeb today, Google's Marissa Mayer discussed some of the new product that Google announced over the last year, including the recent integration of real-time news streams into the default search pages, Google Music Search and Google Wave. Talking about the future...

  • Web
    Beyond the Web Page: Google, NY Times and Washington Post Launch News Experiment

    "The lock- in that we've had around pages has held us back in terms of innovation and how to use this medium. When we got here [to the Web] there was nothing, and we flopped a 500-year-old metaphor of pages on top of it, a browser that by its name...

  • Web
    CNN Backs to Power News From Your Neighborhood is a hyper-local news aggregator and when they say hyper-local they mean it - the site captures news, blog posts and other resources right down to the neighborhood level. The company announced tonight that it's raised a nice round of funding, $7 million from CNN, the super-hip VC at...

  • Web
    @BreakingNews: Will Now Manage Twitter’s Most Popular Breaking News Account

    BNO News, the news wire service famous for publishing breaking news stories through its @BreakingNews Twitter feed, just announced that it plans to launch a new news wire service early next year. In order to focus on this project, the BNO team will hand over the management of the @BreakingNews...

  • Web
    Ebay Founder Omidyar Shuttering His Twitter Project Ginx, To Launch Online News Site

    Pierre Omidyar, founder of eBay, announced this morning that he's closing down his Twitter client Ginx early next year and instead focusing on an online local news project. We reviewed a "private pre-alpha" version of Ginx in February and called it a dud. Ginx had some nice ideas but wasn't...

  • Web
    Top Internet Trends of 2000-2009: Democratization of News Media

    It's November 2009 and we're nearing the end of a decade. It's been a tumultuous time of change for many industries, much of it driven by the Internet. The newspaper industry has been particularly affected by the Web. Over the past 10 years, news media has undergone a seachange akin...

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    Murdoch to Block Google from Searching News Items?

    Media titan and News Corp czar Rupert Murdoch seems to be on a warpath against Google's spiders, particularly with regard to Google News' indexing of News Corp items.In an interview today with Australian media outlet Sky News, Murdoch hinted that when News Corp sites start charging users for access to...

  • Web
    Google Enters Customizable News Dashboard Market

    Like some of our favorite news dashboard services, such as Lazyfeed and, Google News has decided to allow users to create and save customizable news searches and consume that news in their own "sections."Part dashboard, part feed reader, and all user-friendly, this service promises to be both popular and...

  • Social
    Can Digg Do Real-Time News?

    A great community for crowd sourced news and content, Digg is taking a page from the Twitter playbook and testing its mettle in the real-time stream. Similar to Twitter's Trending Topics, Digg is set to launch Digg Trends. According to a company blog post , the bookmarking community is offering...

  • Web
    Google Friend Connect Introduces New Ways to Make Friends, Send Newsletters and See More Highly Targeted Ads

    Google just announced a number of major updates to Google Friend Connect (GFC), the company's set of tools that can bring social networking tools and widgets to any site. Today, Google is extending this functionality with a new 'Interests' section that helps a site's visitors to get to know each...

  • Web
    The New MSN: Will More White Space and Local News Make You Visit It?

    Microsoft just announced a radical redesign of its MSN homepage. Today's MSN homepage for the US market is a busy mix of ads, hundreds of links and some customizable local news and weather widgets. The redesign, which is MSN's first major redesign since 2004, puts a new emphasis on search,...

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