Results for "news"

We found 16040 results for your search.
  • Web
    New From Google Labs: Similar Images and Google News Timeline

    Google released two new labs projects today: Similar Images and Google News Timeline. Similar Images, as the name implies, allows you to restrict image searches to pictures that are similar to a source picture while Google News Timeline presents a new interface for searching Google News. Google Labs has now...

  • Web
    The PostRank Newsroom: Twitter For High-Value Information

    The rise of link sharing on Twitter has cut down on many peoples' use of RSS readers and social bookmarking services like Delicious. Now blog post ranking service PostRank is aiming to systematize that shift - and they've done a really good job.Imagine a system for delivering only high-value information...

  • Social
    Fox News Says Facebook Will Ruin Your Grades

    Ohio State University doctoral student and researcher Aryn Karpinski announced a study today indicating that students who use Facebook also have lower GPA scores and study less. The study got picked up by traditional news media sites like UPI and Fox News. A lot of the media reports (including Fox...

  • Social
    Facebook’s Redesign: Bad News for Some Developers

    According to All Facebook, not only did Facebook's latest redesign frustrate a lot of its users, but the new emphasis on the social network's news feed has turned out to be a major headache for developers. Some of the most popular Facebook applications have seen a 15 to 25% decline...

  • Web
    Hitwise: News Sites Need Search Engines and Aggregators

    It's no secret that the Associated Press and Google News aren't exactly getting along right now. According to the AP, Google News and other content aggregators often come too close to violating the principles of fair use. Most people, however, would argue that these aggregators actually bring more traffic to...

  • Web
    Shocking News: Scientists Say Workplace Social Networking Increases Productivity!

    Can you believe that using social networking sites at work can increase your workplace productivity? A new study just published by Australian scientists found that taking time to visit websites of personal interest, including news sites and YouTube, provided workers a mental break that ultimately increased their ability to concentrate...

  • Web
    The Sorry State of the Newspaper Industry: Advertising Income Fell 16.6% in 2008

    The U.S. newspaper industry was already facing numerous challenges before the economy took a nosedive, but the latest data from the Newspaper Association of America shows that the current economic climate has only exacerbated the already dire state of the American newspaper industry. Specifically, total newspaper advertising revenue fell 16.6%...

  • Web
    Media Cloud Leverages Calais to Track News Trends

    Media Cloud, a new project from the Berkman Center at Harvard University, has an ambitious goal: It will do the heavy lifting of analyzing stories from thousands of traditional news sources, analyzing the semantics of the content through Calais (covered here and here), and then providing tools to quickly get...

  • Web
    Sensors, Smart Content, and the Future of News

    Nick Bilton from The New York Times R&D Labs was at ETech today, talking about how NYT is preparing for the future of news delivery. His presentation explored how "sensors in every part of our lives [are] helping us aggregate smart content that is relevant to the device we are...

  • Web
    Newspaper as a Platform: Guardian Launches API

    The Guardian just launched a new API which will allow third-party developers to access and reuse the Guardian's content database in their own applications. The new API is part of the Guardian's new Open Platform, which, as of today, consists of the API and a Data Store, but the Guardian...

  • Web
    Newspaper Company Wants to Gain Back Readers By Printing Customized Papers

    The newspaper business is clearly not doing so well these days. Now, the MediaNews Group, which, among many others, owns the Denver Post, San Jose Mercury News, and Oakland Tribune, is trying to revive its business by going back to an old idea that didn't work in the past and...

  • Work
    Index Ventures: Good News for European Start-Ups

    Index Ventures today announced the closing of a €350 million early-stage fund, Index Ventures V. Early stage? Wow! And early stage + Europe = Double Wow! How does Index Ventures raise such big funds for early-stage ventures when most investors are still trying to figure out if Treasury Bonds are...

  • Web
    A Newspaper Refuses to Die Quietly

    Denver's Rocky Mountain News daily paper is being closed by its owners the Scripps Interactive Newspapers Group. The newspaper had a difficult year economically, was put up for sale for a mere one month and this week was told by its owners that the doors were simply going to shut.It's...

  • Web
    NYT Times Newswire API: All the News That Will Fit

    We continue to be impressed with the direction The New York Times is taking with their Times Open strategy - exposing more and more data from the Gray Lady via a number of APIs. The level of access that the venerable publication has continued to provide has been laudable. There's...

  • Social
    Bad News for OpenID: People Still Using Same Password Everywhere

    A new survey from Gartner Research delivers some bad news regarding our online security practices: two-thirds of U.S. consumers use the same one or two passwords for all the websites they access. And they like it that way. Although people claim they're concerned about security, they still tend to use...

  • Web
    How Japanese Newspapers are Trying to Save Themselves

    Hint: They're Using iPhone Apps The newspaper industry is in a downward death spiral, having been severely impacted by new technologies, the ubiquity of internet access, and a rise in citizen journalism. Here in the U.S., some papers are filing for bankruptcy, others are close to doing the same, and...

  • Mobile
    Mobile News: Yahoo Mobile, Skype on Cell Phones, Second Android Phone, and More

    This week, the mobile computing world revolves around the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Among some of the highlights today were the announcement of the second Android phone, as well as Yahoo's new mobile initiative, and the announcement of a partnership between Nokia and Skype that will bring Skype's VOIP...

  • Web
    5 Reasons Why Facebook + OpenID is Good News

    Facebook has joined the OpenID Foundation, something that many OpenID advocates have hoped would happen for some time. The two systems of logging in to distributed websites, OpenID and Facebook Connect, have been characterized as rivals - OpenID being the high-minded but socially awkward one who doesn't get invited to...

  • Web Embraces RSS: Launches Breaking News Service

    If you want to stay current on the latest updates from U.S. government agencies, you can now find a central repository of RSS feeds with the latest breaking news from these agencies on the newly designed, the U.S. government's official online portal. The site now hosts a selection of...

  • Web
    Real-Time News: PubSub Gets Ready for a Comeback

    In 2002, PubSub released an interesting and useful product that provided a real-time search engine for RSS feeds, flight information, Usenet posts, and even earthquake updates. Sadly, PubSub closed its doors in 2007 and its assets were bought by Something Simpler. Today, however, we received an email from Something Simpler,...

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