Results for "news"

We found 16059 results for your search.
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    Pew Claims Over 99% of Social Media News Links are to MSM

    See below for response from Tom Rosenstiel, Director of the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism"More than 99% of the stories linked to in blogs came from legacy outlets such as newspapers and broadcast networks. And just four - the BBC, CNN, the New York Times and the...

  • Entertainment
    Missouri’s Newsy Changes Journalism on the iPad

    Jim Spencer spent the end of the 1990's as an executive at NBC, AOL and Ask Jeeves when those were all viable media companies, before the dot-com crash. Now he's taking on the iPad-media-era from an office across the street at his alma mater, the University of Missouri-Columbia. That's home...

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    Fwix Socializes Hyperlocal News

    The hyperlocal news site Fwix launched a revamp to its service yesterday, allowing readers on its website to customize and socialize their news feed. Fwix users can follow local and hyperlocal topics, as well as follow other readers who share their interests. Taking advantage of Facebook's recently released Open Graph...

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    WSJ Experiments With Location-Based News

    Checking-in at a venue around town with the Foursquare mobile location app could now come with a thought provoking payload: a news link related to the place you're at. The Wall St. Journal announced today that as a part of its new focus on covering New York City, links to...

  • Social
    Why Newspapers Need to Heed Facebook, Now

    Given Mark Zuckerberg's announcements at the Facebook F8 conference, one thing is certain: newspapers can no longer ignore Facebook's impact and reach. Whereas publishers continue to scapegoat Google for many of their current troubles, they should be equally, if not more, wary of Facebook.Whether they acknowledge it or not, newspapers...

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    Why Twitter Buying Tweetie is Great News

    Before tonight there were probably 30 to 50 teams making a serious play to build the best mobile client for Twitter. Tonight one of those teams was annointed the official selection of Twitter itself and its leader at least is now a millionaire.People are saying that the acquisition of Tweetie...

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    Paperboy: Bridging the Gap Between Print and Online News

    Swiss startup Kooaba is trying to bring the worlds of printed news and virtual content closer together with its Paperboy iPhone app. This app, which is currently only available in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, allows users to take pictures of articles from a range of popular magazines and papers and...

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    Want to Read Good Journalism? Try NewsTrust’s New Personalized Filtering Tool

    Fair, thorough, enterprising and in context - that's what we're looking for in the journalism we read, isn't it? At a time when shallow ranting takes up so much space in public discourse, a new media evaluation technology offers hope, inspiration and is a lot of fun to use.NewsTrust is...

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    Why Wikipedia Should Be Trusted As A Breaking News Source

    Most any journalism professor, upon mention of Wikipedia, will immediately launch into a rant about how the massively collaborative online encyclopedia can't be trusted. It can, you see, be edited and altered by absolutely anyone at any moment. But how much less trustworthy is the site for breaking news than...

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    Sony Brings More Newspaper and Magazine Content to its E-Readers

    Sony just announced that it is expanding its selection of newspapers and magazines in its e-book store. Starting today, users of Sony's e-readers will be able to subscribe to 20 new newspapers and magazines, including the New York Times, Boston Globe, San Jose Mercury News, PC Magazine and Foreign Affairs....

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    Mediagazer: Techmeme Launches Memetracker for Media News

    Techmeme founder Gabe Rivera just launchedMediagazer, a new memetracker for topics related to media news. This new site will be based on the same technology as Techmeme, memeorandum, the gossip site WeSmich and the baseball memetracker Ballbug. The content on Mediagazer will be edited by Megan McCarthy.As McCarthy notes in...

  • Social
    Facebook Drives 3X Traffic to Broadcast Than Google News

    We've spent some time recently looking at how Facebook has become a bigger driver of traffic to online news than news portals like MyYahoo or Google News, and our initial suspicions were confirmed with some data by the folks at HitWise. In continuing to look at this trend, Heather Hopkins,...

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    Study: Only 2% of U.S. Adults Rely Exclusively on Internet for Getting News

    According to a new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 61% of Americans now get some of their news online, though local TV stations are still the most popular means of finding out about the news. Local print newspapers still reach 50% of Americans and 17% read...

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    Facebook-Like News Feed Headlines First Round Capital’s Redesigned Homepage

    A visit to the typical homepage for a venture capital firm most likely provides a well designed landing page that spells out the firm's mission with links to its portfolio companies and VC bios. Secondary to this general information is a page dedicated to press releases from the firm, or...

  • Social
    Facebook Granted Patent on the News Feed – This Could Be Very Big

    Facebook has been granted a patent on the Newsfeed, "displaying a news feed in a social network environment." Nick O'Neill at AllFacebook found the patent first and says it could be "one of the most significant social web patents" in a decade.If all algorithmic ranking and delivery of social activity...

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    For Startups, Sometimes Good News is No News

    There's an old saying that "any press is good press," which for a company means it is ultimately beneficial to be mentioned in the media regardless of whether said mention is positive or negative. But there's also a time when good press, while positive in nature, is not necessarily meaningful...

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    Will AOL Use Seed to Fuel Its Hyperlocal News Site?

    AOL is continuing with its push to create content on a massive local scale, according to a story by the Silicon Valley Insider. The story says that AOL is looking to "expand Patch, its network of local news blogs, from 30 sites to 'hundreds', by the end of 2010."AOL recently...

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    Entrepreneurs: The Newspaper Industry Needs You

    As struggling newspapers file for bankruptcy left and right, the quest is on to find the new business models for news consumption in a new digital age. Recently the New York Times announced that it has begun investigating and testing a system for placing some of their content behind pay...

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    Divide and Conquer: A Unique Approach For Non-Profit News Startups

    With large daily newspapers filing for bankruptcy left and right, it is no secret that the journalism industry is going through a severe period of change. Old business models focused on advertising and classifieds have been eroded by more target online ads and by the rise of sites like Craigslist....

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    Google News Adds Personalized Story Tracking

    Want to track a hot story being covered by multiple news outlets? Today Google News added the ability to pin hot stories to a special "starred" page where you can go back and find the latest updates at any time. It's a simple but elegant feature that makes the service...

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