Results for "news"

We found 16059 results for your search.
  • Web
    Blog-To-Newsletter: Cheap Community and Advocacy Tools

    Volunteer-run organizations often spend thousands of dollars on quarterly newsletters and direct mail solicitations. While the groups have the best of intentions, they often lack the in-house graphic designers and high-quality printers to actually produce these goods. Nevertheless, they almost always have blogs, websites and social media profiles for outreach...

  • Social
    Facebook’s New NewsFeed: A Big Shot Fired in The War Against Information Overload

    Facebook just made one of the biggest changes to the site's user experience since the introduction of the News Feed three years ago. News Feed was the place in the very center of the site where all the activities of a user's friends were displayed in reverse chronological order. That...

  • Web
    Real-Time Search Startups on Google/Bing/Twitter News: Who Will Prevail, Who Will Profit?

    Is today's news of major search engines' integration of Twitter posts in search results the herald of a mass extinction or a mass acquisition?According to tonight's conversations with key players in the space, the day's events and announcements could spell either or both. Every real-time search engine we spoke to...

  • Web
    Yahoo! To Come Full Circle With News Link Curation Site

    Yahoo! started out as a hand-curated directory of links and will now recognize the value of manual curation again in a new project to be run by respected online journalist Andrew Golis. That according to Golis himself, who comes from Talking Points Memo - a site widely recognized as one...

  • Web
    1,500 Newspapers Could Soon Support the AP’s Controversial hNews Microformat

    Earlier this year, the Associated Press, together with the Media Standards Trust, introduced hNews, a new microformat for describing news content. HNews allows publishers to easily attach machine-readable news semantics to content on the web. Today, the AP announced the completion of the first draft of hNews. In addition, TownNews,...

  • Web
    Thoora Launches Real-Time News Aggregator

    News aggregation startup Thoora is celebrating its public release just one day after ReadWriteWeb's Real-Time Summit. In June, we wrote about the fact that CNN was hours behind Twitter in reporting news from Tehran. As real-time services continue to trump traditional media outlets, companies like Thoora have jumped on the...

  • Web
    Upping the Rant-y: Blogged adds Live Chat to the News

    Whether you're riffing on the latest celebrity gossip or ranting about local politics, Blogged lets you add your two cents to today's hottest news posts. As of this morning, the conversation tracking service is offering another level of news-related discussion through its live chat feature. In addition to aggregating topical...

  • Web
    Online Journalism Honorees Announced: Meet the Newseum’s Latest Members

    For the overworked, underpaid masses of highly competitive journalists, there is no salve for the battered ego that can match the healing power of the official, professional accolade. At San Francisco's Online Journalism Awards tonight, a select few received their hero's laurels.Although the "literature on a deadline" aesthetic of journalism...

  • Web
    Fwix Announces Real-Time News Wire API, Series A Funding

    Real-time local newswire service Fwix has announced that they are opening their API to all interested developers. Although the startup, which launched just over a year ago, has worked on applications with partners in the past, an open API will allow more bloggers and site owners the ability to deliver...

  • Web
    Is Fast Flip Really the Best Google Can Do to Save the News?

    Yesterday, Google launchedFast Flip - a Google Labs product that wants to give users a new way to browse newspaper sites and blogs on their desktops and mobile devices. The big business news here is that Google will share ad revenue from this product with the publishers. The relationship between...

  • Web
    Blogged Morphs Into a Social News Service

    Blogged started out as a straightforward blog directory in early 2008. Today, Blogged announced a major redesign of its product that puts the service's focus on facilitating conversations around blog posts. Blogged now presents users with a Facebook-like feed of blog posts, with the ability to comment on posts and...

  • Web
    Think You Have a Great News Idea? Knight Foundation Wants to Fund It

    The Knight Foundation has announced the launch of its 2009 Knight News Challenge, a contest that will award people with the best ideas for building the future of news media a total of $5 Million in support. The Challenge is riding high this year on news that a past winner,...

  • Web
    FanFeedr Gives Sports Fans Personalized News Aggregator

    In a fairytale case of ask-and-ye-shall-receive, we issued a call for sports-related apps, and startup FanFeedr answered that call.FanFeedr allows users to select topics of interest and find (hopefully) relevant scores, photos, news, videos, and blog posts. It also plays nicely with Twitter and Facebook. Their search function was buggy...

  • Web Acquires Hyperlocal News Site EveryBlock just announced that it has acquired EveryBlock, a 'hyperlocal' news and information site that has been publishing and aggregating data and news stories for 16 American cities for the last two years. EveryBlock aggregates local news stories, but it also makes publicly available information like data about restaurant inspections...

  • Web
    Dygest: Survey All The Hottest News Coverage in One Digest is a fascinating new service that looks over hundreds of topical sources online, finds out what the hot topics are and publishes excerpts of coverage that help tell the whole story succinctly on one page. It's like Cliffs Notes for meme-tracking and it appears to work quite well.At first...

  • Web
    Delicious Reborn as Real-Time News Tracker

    Yahoo's social bookmarking service Delicious launched a new home page this morning, combining recent tagging activity and cross-referenced links on Twitter to deliver what it calls the hottest news from around the web in real time. While the exact formula behind the front page remains unclear, its contents are clearly...

  • Mobile
    Breaking News Online: The iPhone App is Live & Worth Buying

    News junkies rejoice, the much anticipated iPhone app from Dutch 19 year old Michael van Poppel's scrappy and wildly popular international reporting network Breaking News Online (BNO) has been released (iTunes link). The app uses the iPhone's new push notification service to deliver important news updates from around the world...

  • Web
    Newsgator Shuts Down Its Online Feed Reader

    NewsGator, the company behind the popular FeedDemon and NetNewsWire feed readers, just announced that it will shut down the NewsGator Online Reader on August 31, 2009. The company will provide users with instructions on how to migrate to Google Reader. NewsGator's desktop and mobile feed readers already support synchronization with...

  • Web
    News Registry: The Associated Press is Watching

    The Associated Press is set to create a news registry to protect their online content from copyright violations. The organization amassed critics on the issue after a number of DMCA take down notices were issued to bloggers who had linked to the AP, used their headlines or paraphrased AP stories....

  • Web
    Google Removes Alerts, RSS Buttons from News

    RSS feeds for Google News search results have been broken for about three weeks, according to complaints in the company's help forum. Three weeks ago a Google engineer said they expected the problem to be fixed in about a week. Now the company has simply removed the links in the...

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