Results for "news"

We found 16040 results for your search.
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    Newspapers Shifting Coverage Local As Online Challenge Grows

    A Pew study of US newspapers released today finds that national and international news coverage is declining as ad revenue plummets an emphasis shifts toward local stories. While those survey results may not seem so bad, newspaper editors also report that the biggest customer protests are being seen in response...

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    How Reddit is Flirting With The Future of Social News

    In the competitive social news market, Digg has gotten a lot of attention for its recommendation engine and Mixx continues to release new features (it has launched communities and an API recently). However it seems like Reddit is not getting the attention it deserves. Its open source initiative was well...

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    Get Great Tech Product Coverage With Tech NewsJunk

    There's a new aggregator in town folks. If you're a fan of Dave Winer's political NewsJunk aggregation site, Techmeme, or FriendFeed, then you're going to love Winer's counterpart to the political NewsJunk site, Tech NewsJunk. Created because Winer wasn't getting enough news about products, Tech Newsjunk is the latest product...

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    Why Social News Sites Must Implement Social Search

    Social news sites such as Digg, Propeller, Reddit, StumbleUpon, where the community decides what content is worthy and what content isn't, are powerful enough to drive tens of thousands of visitors to some lucky content producers, and thus have become an incredibly valuable marketing platform. One good day on any...

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    Huffington Post To Take on Local Newspapers

    Last night at Guardian News & Media's internal Future of Journalism conference, Arianna Huffington revealed that her Huffington Post property is planning to expand into local news. Initially, the site will launch an edited news aggregation site (similar to the main Huffington Post web site) localized for the US metro...

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    Wanted: News & Product Reviews Writer

    ReadWriteWeb is looking for a new blogger to join our team. Ideally we're after a blogger based in Silicon Valley, who can attend the local events on our behalf and meet with startups. However we'll consider non-Valley bloggers too. The role description is basically: cover breaking web tech news and...

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    Smashing Feeds: Get the Latest Twitter and FriendFeed News

    News aggregation sites aren't anything new to us. There are sites like Techmeme, Popurls, Techsted, Alltop, and more that get the job done. So when we took a look at Smashing Feeds we weren't all that excited about it, until we discovered something that the other sites don't have: Twitter...

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    AP Threatens News Aggregation Site for Short Excerpts

    Rogers Cadenhead, a controversial but long standing figure in the RSS community, has disclosed a DMCA take-down letter he's received from the Associated Press demanding the removal of small excerpts of AP content on his community news site It's hard to take anyone too seriously who's built a site...

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    Anothr – Real-time News Tracker

    When it comes to staying up-to-date on the news, RSS is the best thing that could have ever happened to the web. You've probably subscribed to a ton of feeds by now through services such as Google Reader or software like FeedDemon. Instead of waiting impatiently for these services to...

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    YouTube Launches Citizen Journalism Channel, Citizen News

    On Sunday, a YouTube blog post introduced us to Olivia, YouTube's recently hired News Manager. She's going to be in charge of a new Channel on YouTube called Citizen News. This channel will highlight the best of the citizen journalism that's taking place on YouTube, but its ultimate goal is...

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    Knewsroom: A Look at the Latest Social News Site

    The way we create, interact with, and share information on the web is continuously changing, and at a very rapid pace. The end goal, most would argue, is the create a medium that completely democratizes the entire process. This evolution has taken us through editorially driven community sites (Slashdot), socially...

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    Play the News: Data Portability’s Future

    Last week, the fight to manage your social data kicked off in earnest as three major players in the social networking space each announced independent competing approaches to making profile and friend information data portable. MySpace Data Availability was followed by Facebook Connect and then Google Friend Connect after that....

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    The Good News About MicroHoo – Your Favorite Apps Are Safe, For Now

    This weekend Microsoft withdrew its bid to buy Yahoo! and there's plenty to be read about the business angles in the collapse of the deal. Here at RWW we're focused more than anything on innovation in online technology and by some accounts an independent Yahoo! is good news in that...

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    Rockstar Bloggers Couldn’t Save NewsAlloy

    RSS development powerhouse Volodymyr Danylyuk emailed users of his nearly 3 year old AJAX feed reader NewsAlloy today to let them know that he's closing up shop. While offering to sell the property at a bargain basement price, Danylyuk told users of the once groundbreaking service that it was time...

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    BlogRize: Social News Gets Personal

    The idea behind BlogRize is that the "wisdom of the crowds" works best if you have the right crowd. While sites like have chosen to go mainstream, BlogRize believes that finding the best content from the web should be a more personal experience. To achieve this goal, BlogRize's solution...

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    Internet TV News: Three More Netflix Set-Top Box Partners, New Hollywood JV, PS3 Movie Download Service

    Lots more Internet TV-related coverage on our network blog last100 this week, including news of a new joint venture from Viacom, Paramount, MGM and Lionsgate; Netflix has secured three new set-top box partners who'll add support for the company’s ‘Watch Now’ video streaming service; more speculation surrounding Sony's forthcoming movie...

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    Social|median: Personalized News Filter – 1000 Invites

    Over the past couple of months, Jason Goldberg, who previously founded job search engine Jobster and vacated the CEO role last December to "pursue other early stage ventures," has quietly relaunched his personal blog social|median and transformed it into a collaborative news filtering service. The service is still very rough...

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    Prioritize Your Feed Reading: Newsgator Integrates AideRSS

    Newsgator Online, the company's web-based feed reader and until now a relatively weak product, rolled out a feature today that makes the service worth another look. One of our favorite filtering services, AideRSS, is now ranking by popularity the individual items in feeds you subscribe to. Newsgator users can now...

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    Google News Becomes Near Real-Time Bartlett’s

    Just two days after Microsoft released a Google News competitor, Google has upped the ante by adding a useful new feature to their popular news site: Quotations. Google announced today that it is now augmenting searches for newsworthy names with recent quotes by those people. The quotes are pulled from...

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    6 Web Apps To Get You Through A Slow News Day

    Sometimes, news on the web is noticeably slow - especially in the weekends. It's ironic in a way, considering that millions of articles get written everyday and many go unnoticed. To address this need, here are six social media sites to help you find more great content. This is a guest post...

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