Results for "news"

We found 16040 results for your search.
  • Web
    Web Tech News – New R/WW Links Blog

    We've started a new links blog here at Read/WriteWeb, called Web Tech News. As the name suggests, this mini-blog will cover Web Technology news on a daily basis.We're focusing specifically on Web news, because that is our niche here at R/WW. We think this will be a handy way for...

  • Web
    New Google News Feature Feels “Web 1.0”

    Google announced a new feature today for their Google News web site that allows people involved in news stories to post dissenting (or concurring) view points next to published news items. From the Google News Blog:"We'll be trying out a mechanism for publishing comments from a special subset of readers:...

  • Web
    Newser: Human Edited News Aggregation

    The web has a new news aggregation site today with the launch of Newser, a start up with an impressive team behind it. Newser is run by Highbeam CEO Patrick Spain, Vanity Fair columnist Michael Wolff, and Caroline Miller, who was the editor in chief of New York Magazine. According...

  • Web
    More Virtualization News: HP Buys Opsware and Neoware

    Last night we broke the news that web hosting company Media Temple is bringing virtualization to Dedicated Physical Servers, with its Nitro product. Today there is further virtualization news, with HP acquiring two companies in this domain: a $1.6 billion acquisition of Opsware (which Netscape founder Marc Andreessen co-founded, under...

  • Web
    Citizen Journalism Part 2, Localized News – Buffalo Rising and PerthNorg

    In our introductory post on Citizen Journalism (CJ), we reviewed Newsvine - an innovative and well-designed citizen journalism web site. In this post we'll review two examples of 'localized' CJ: Buffalo Rising (Buffalo, New York) and PerthNorg (Perth, West Australia). A note for our Canadian readers: NowPublic is coming in...

  • Web
    Review of Streamy, a News Networking Service

    Getting to the crux of Streamy, a very new beta startup, has proven to be more difficult than several prominent bloggers originally thought. I have been testing the development since Friday and awoke today to the news that Streamy is everything from a Digg competitor to a doomed social networking...

  • Web
    The State of Citizen Journalism: Part 1, Newsvine

    In the young but growing world of user-generated news, sites like digg and slashdot dominate in the tech sphere. In the political arena, it is mostly editorial-driven sites that do well - such as DrudgeReport, HuffingtonPost and RawStory. Those sites get a lot of attention, but there are also a...

  • Web
    5 News Aggregation Methods Compared

    News is delivered in many different ways via the Internet. With so many blogs and news sites, it is sometimes hard to keep up and know if you're really getting all the day's top headlines. That's where content aggregation comes into play. Aggregators are sites specifically designed to bring multiple...

  • Web
    Thoof: A New Social News Startup

    Yesterday Richard opined that Digg could use some editors so that if someone submits a story with a nonsensical description or lame title it could be fixed instead of seeing a good story get buried. Thoof, which is a new link sharing and social news site, allows anyone to do...

  • Web
    New Media Meets Old: A Look at Redesigned Mainstream News Sites

    Newspaper circulation has been on the decline over the past few years, but the traffic to newspaper websites continues to rise. Interestingly, the area of newspaper websites that has experienced the most growth is blogs, perhaps proving that new media formats are beginning to usurp old media in earnest.As we...

  • Web
    Newspaper Alliances Help Yahoo! Expand Ad Reach

    The alliance between newspaper publishers and Yahoo! that was unveiled last November has now grown to 17 publishing groups representing over 400 daily papers, reports Red Herring. Hearst, the publisher of 12 daily newspapers including the San Francisco Chronicle, Houston Chronicle, and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, said the alliance has already...

  • Web
    Digital Lifestyle News: Microsoft’s Answer To iPhone; Babelgum Review

    Update to Microsoft story: news has just come out about the product described below, officially named Surface. It's a lot bigger than the iPhone, but uses similar multi-touch technology. Here is the press release and here is our write-up.(original story) Our sister site last100 reports on the imminent unveiling of...

  • Social
    Facebook Grows Up – An Analysis of Today’s News

    Today in San Francisco social networking site Facebook officially announced their much talked about open platform, for companies wanting to hook into the Facebook network. There's plenty of blog coverage of this event, so in this post I hope to synthesize it all and explore what it means...What has Facebook...

  • Web
    What Google News and Techmeme Could Learn from Each Other

    Google News and Techmeme are two services that I use extensively every day. They are also two services whose technology is way over my head and are both eminently impressive. But Google News could, in my opinion, learn a lot from Techmeme, which has no rival when it comes to...

  • Web
    Digital Lifestyle News: AppleTV Hacks and Pandora for Mobile & Living Room

    Over on our new network blog, last100, Steve O'Hear has covered two interesting developments in the 'digital home' space. Firstly Steve posted that there has been quite a bit of development activity around AppleTV - but not by Apple itself, rather by hackers. Wrote Steve:"...[the hackers] have been hard at...

  • Web
    News Wrap: Newsgator milestones, Sun’s JavaFX, Amazon RSS Tags, ThinkFree Docs

    NewsGator announces user base milestones; Newsgator is something of a quiet revolution these days. It isn't announcing flashy features like Google Reader or Yahoo Pipes, but today it announced that more than one million people use NewsGator’s consumer RSS solutions, and its RSS platform is accessed over 10 million times...

  • Web
    Listen To The News With BlueGrind

    When the people at BlueGrind say they're in beta, they mean it. The website nearly doesn't work at all. Even the 'About' and 'Contact' pages don't yet exist, so this post is going to be full of a lot of speculation. That said, however, BlueGrind is too compelling for me...

  • Web
    News Bytes: Techcrunch20, Netvibes/Pageflakes, Expo Thoughts

    While I've been doing the conference equivalent of a headless chicken (running about, trying to remember who I'm supposed to meet next and where), the following bits of news have come out:Techcrunch20Mike Arrington announced his new conference with Jason Calacanis, Techcrunch20. The format is twenty new startups from around the...

  • Web
    Big Internet Companies (Except Google) Brought Into Line – Thoughts on News Corp/NBC Online Video Deal

    The big news today is News Corporation and NBC Universal launching what they claim will be "the largest Internet video distribution network ever assembled", with AOL, MSN, MySpace and Yahoo! as the site’s initial distribution partners. It will launch this summer (US). The benefits obviously work both ways - News...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapups Email Newsletter and RSS Feed

    Every Friday afternoon PST, Read/WriteWeb publishes a Weekly Wrapup of news, reviews and analysis from the past week. I know a lot of people are too busy with their jobs to keep up with Web tech news on a daily basis, so the Weekly Wrapup is the perfect opportunity for...

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