Results for "news"

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  • Web
    Poll: Should a newspaper be a social network?

    The title of this week's poll is taken straight from Matthew Ingram's post about USA Today's re-design. The new-look USA Today incorporates many of the social networking features that have become popular over the last year or so. Or as the editor of USA Today put it: "the real change...

  • Web
    Three More Microsoft WPF News Readers Launched: Forbes, Seattle PI, Daily Mail

    Following on from the New York Times Reader last year, made with Microsoft's rich presentation technology WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), three more big media companies have released Web/desktop News Readers built with WPF. Tim Sneath from Microsoft notes that the Daily Mail in the UK, and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer have...

  • Web
    Web News: Yahoo/Digg, Web 4.0, Soapbox, Gmail, Index Ventures

    - Yahoo implements digg-style voting across some of its products; two opposing headlines pretty much sum this story up... Yahoo Anecdotal's headline: It takes two to Tango (suggesting interaction between Y! developers and their users); digg's headline: Yahoo Shamelessly Rips Off Digg and Brags About It. The first digg commenter...

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    Web News: Mozilla Manifesto, Offline Firefox, Yahoo IM/Mail, President 2.0, SNS APIs, Web Safety

    - The Mozilla Manifesto; rather generic new manifesto. It reminds us of an old Jeff Bezos quote... when someone asked him 'What do u think about Google's moto - don't be evil?' Bezos is said to have replied: 'I assumed this was obvious'. We couldn't track down the exact quote,...

  • Social
    Web News: Mobile (Microsoft, Yahoo, Nokia), MySpace Filtering

    - Microsoft Announces Three New Windows Live Products for Mobile Devices; along with the official release of Windows Mobile 6, Microsoft has announced 3 new Live products - Live Search for Windows Mobile, Live Search for Java, and Windows Live for Windows Mobile (a portal-type offering for mobile including e-mail,...

  • Web
    Web News: Pipes, Windows Live Hotmail & Mobile 6, Baidu Video Search, IBM QEDWiki

    - Is that a pipe in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?; as expected, geeks (myself included) are drooling over Yahoo Pipes, the new RSS Remix service. Indeed the demand has caused some outages. I particularly recommend the following coverage: O'Reilly Radar (although "milestone in the...

  • Web
    Web News: Microsoft Supports OpenID, Gmail Opens Up, Amazon/TiVo, Google and Cable Operators

    - Microsoft to Support OpenID; details are sketchy at this point, but Microsoft looks likely to utilize OpenID (the open, decentralized identity system) in some of its products. Brady Forrest has more info at O'Reilly Radar. If this turns out to be true, it'll be a huge step forward and...

  • Web
    Web News: China’s Internet Boom, Yahoo Panama Launched, Google Integration, Digg Anti-Gaming

    These summary posts are designed to be a 'quick fix' of the top Web news, for those people who don't have time to read the full articles but who want to stay informed.- Internet Boom in China Is Built on Virtual Fun; NY Times continues the western fascination with all...

  • Web
    CES Web Tech News Wrap-up

    With two conferences to keep track of (CES and Macworld), it's easy to get lost in all the website coverage. One blog though is doing an outstanding job of covering both events - Engadget. I'm also enjoying the CNET CES coverage for down and dirty details on the products.Today I've...

  • Web
    Web TV News: Skype Founders Going For Hat-Trick; Brightcove Launches Network

    As if we needed any further proof that the online video market is white hot right now, the founders of Skype have now set their sites on a Web TV service - according to this Yahoo News story. After creating the file-swapping service KaZaA and then VoIP software Skype, Janus...

  • Web
    Personalized News: A Market Overview

    Written by Guest Blogger Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus.IntroductionPersonalized Content is one of the two most popular approaches in next generation news sites - the other is Power of Masses, which we will cover in a future post. The leading examples of these approaches are reddit for Personalized...

  • Web
    The Social News Faceoff

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.This post looks at the main players in the Social News space, to try and identify their characteristics and understand the dynamics of the market. The sites we analyze are digg, Netscape, Newsvine, and Reddit. While there are many other social news...

  • Web
    Breaking News: Facebook in talks with Yahoo for rumored $1B deal

    The WSJ is reporting that US Social Networking site Facebook is in serious talks to sell itself to Yahoo, for an amount that may be as high as $1 billion. According to the WSJ, this is a return to the acquisition talks which Facebook has held over the past year...

  • Web
    TBL Podcast, Mobile News, and 2 tickets to Future of Web Apps to give away

    IBM has a podcast with Tim Berners-Lee. In a conversation with Scott Laningham of IBM developerWorks, Sir Tim discusses his early history with the Web, opportunities and challenges of the present, emerging technologies, and of course the semantic web. Reading news on your mobile device - Another Web inventor, Dave...

  • Social
    Social Software dominates the tech news

    This week there has been a slew of news about social networks and big companies ramping up their social software features. Here's a quick summary of the latest news and some thoughts below.Apple Making Huge Social Software Push - Josh Porter digs into Apple releases to find a Wiki Server,...

  • Web
    News Corp: portals are out, mini-portals in

    The latest issue of Wired magazine has a useful profile of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, which Wired has elevated to number 9 in its latest Wired 40 list (it didn't even make the list last year). The article focuses on News Corp's $580 million acquisition of MySpace last year, which...

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    News Corp launches blogs

    News Corp has quietly released its own set of blogs, dubbed "Newsblog". The design is rather bland and the actual personalities of the bloggers is not revealed. It all seems a bit too corporate for my tastes, but some of the 'blogs' are getting a large amount of traffic already....

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    News trackers: smart or snark?

    Robert Scoble swears off tech.memeorandum for a week, due to excessive snark in the Sunday edition:"’s the little things in life that make you smarter. The little things don’t show up on Memeorandum. They do show up on RSS. Which is why I’m still subscribed to 847 smart people’s feeds."...

  • Web
    Slow news day

    Seems reporting new media news gets a bit dreary sometimes. This from"BlogMedia Acquires The Blog Herald [by rafat] : Blog blog blog blog blag blag blah...blah. [by rafat] [Feb.27, 06]"I have to admit, the press release Rafat linked to made me yawn too. Oh well, at least the blogosphere...

  • Web
    Memeorandum: what Google News should’ve been

    I listened to the Gillmor Gang today, because it featured Gabe Rivera talking about Memeorandum. After wading through all the Gang's talk about, which didn't interest me in the slightest (what was that about?!), I noted this gem of a quote from Doc Searls:"Memeorandum is what google news should've...

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