Results for "news"

We found 16021 results for your search.
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    10 Ways Twitter Can Boost Your Social News Profile

    This is guest post by Dan Zarrella, a social media marketing consultant. You can follow him on Twitter here.Building popularity on Twitter is about gaining followers, and the most fundamental and important concept to learn about building popularity is the idea that when you follow someone, they'll get an email...

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    How Much Is Being The Most Influential Man in News Worth?

    Who is the most influential man in American news? It's not Brian Williams or Bill O'Reilly or Keith Olbermann or Larry King. It's not Seymour Hersh or Charlie Savage or Frank Rich or Robert Novak. No, arguably the most influential man in American news is Matt Drudge. So how much...

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    New York Times to Run Amateur News Videos

    The New York Times is planning to begin running "citizen" videos about the US presidential primary elections on the paper's web site later this week, reports Beet.TV. The videos will feature non-professional journalists and will run on the Op-Ed section of the site until February 5, so-called "Super Tuesday" when...

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    The Blogosphere Gets a Newspaper in The Issue

    The vast majority of the blogosphere exists in the long tail, and as we have often talked about recently, attracting an audience in the long tail is very hard to do. So it stands that many good blogs go virtually unread. Automatic aggregators, like Techmeme, end up acting somewhat like...

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    LinkedIn Announcement: The Good News and The Bad

    LinkedIn, the holy grail for widget developers seeking to prove their software is serious, has taken some interesting steps towards a more social future in the release of some new features and discussion of their forthcoming API this morning. While some of what was announced is very cool, I'm not...

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    Poll: Is the Technorati Percolator Useful as a News Aggregator?

    Today Technorati, one of the leading blog search engines along with Google Blog Search and Bloglines/, launched a re-design. I chatted with new Technorati CEO Richard Jalichandra today about it. He noted that the new design is about "going back to our roots" as a site for bloggers - but...

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    NASDAQ Internet Index – No Microsoft, News Corp?

    Yesterday we noted the launch of a new Nasdaq stock market index tracking only Internet companies, called the NASDAQ Internet Index. The index (^QNET) will track a diverse range of companies covering "Internet access providers, Internet search engines, web hosting, website design, and Internet retail commerce."The list is now available...

  • Social
    Has Rupert Murdoch Been Reading RWW? News Corp Rumored to Buy LinkedIn

    At the risk of reporting rumors (ahem), I can't resist making a note of this one. For the past couple of weeks we have been analyzing LinkedIn and comparing it to Facebook. When I say 'we', I mean Bernard Lunn. But it's a topic a fewof us have written about...

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    Newspaper Ad Sales Up Online, Down in Print

    The latest figures on the state of the US newspaper advertising industry indicate that print advertising sales have continued to plummet. Online ad sales, however, have risen significantly, though not enough to offset the sharp decline in print ad revenue.The Newspaper Association of America said that print ad spending fell...

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    Content News: Glenn Close, Steve Gillmor and Microsoft’s Office Live

    There's content news all around this morning. Microsoft just announced the launch of a new blog for its forthcoming Office Live Workspace Community, Glenn Close has launched a blog of her own to support the dog products ecommerce site her family has invested in and the classic tech podcast Gillmor...

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    Major Newspapers Consider Ad Alliance

    According to a New York Times story this morning, circulation across the US newspaper industry fell about 3 percent over the spring and summer compared with figures from the same period last year. The drop in paper sales is indicative of a change in the way people consume news content,...

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    DailyMe Personal News Aggregator

    Florida-based DailyMe is a personalized news aggregation service that creates a daily online newspaper that can be delivered at set times via email or browsed from the web. The site aggregates news in a wide variety of topic areas from over 3,000 mainstream and blog sources, including the Associated Press,...

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    YourStreet Relaunches as Elegant Local News Site

    YourStreet is relaunching this week as a local news aggregator and mapping service. It's simple but really well executed; getting to review nice, smart little apps like this one is a big part of what I like about my job here. The site originally launched this spring as a neighborhood-based...

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    Google News Now Available in Facebook

    Google News released its own official Facebook app today. Users can view the feeds of major topics by default and keyword searches for news in a full canvas page. News stories can be shared with friends easily, notes can be added, and there's tabs to view stories shared by and...

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    Telephony News Abounds: iPhone SDK, Google Docs Mobile, Skype on MySpace

    This week has been an exciting one in mobile and voice news, here's three important stories you don't want to miss. iPhone to Open to Outside Apps Steve Jobs posted to the Apple Hot News page today that a software development kit for the iPhone and iPod touch will be...

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    Microsoft Partners with Atlassian & NewsGator – SharePoint Goes Web 2.0

    Today Microsoft is announcing two strategic partnerships, with enterprise software company Atlassian and RSS solutions vendor NewsGator. The partnerships link togther Microsoft's SharePoint product with Atlassian's wiki collaboration product Confluence and a new offering from Newsgator called 'NewsGator Social Sites', a collection of site templates, profiles, Web parts and middleware...

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    Attention – NewsGator and Bloglines Join APML Workgroup

    Web users interested in personalization, privacy and increasing sophistication in their applications take note: the Attention Data spec APML (Attention Profiling Markup Language) gained substantial momentum today with the announcement that two of the long-time leaders in the RSS reader market, NewsGator and Bloglines, are joining the official APML working...

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    Newsvine Acquired By MSNBC – Leading Citizen Journalism Site Snapped Up by MSM

    Today Newsvine CEO Mike Davidson contacted Read/WriteWeb to announce that his citizen journalism startup Newsvine has been acquired by MSNBC, the Microsoft/NBC joint venture, for an undisclosed sum. Davidson told us that "Newsvine will continue operating independently, just as it has been since launching in March of 2006." He also...

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    More Google Ad News: Gadget Ads

    Google announced the limited release of their new Gadget Ads program, which they tout as "mini versions of your website in any AdSense ad size." The rich media ads combine "data feeds, maps, images, audio, video, Flash, HTML or JavaScript in a single creative," according to Google, and are available...

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    NewsGator Launches Facebook App: NewsFriends

    One of the leading RSS Aggregation startups, NewsGator Technologies, jumped on the Facebook bandwagon today with NewsFriends (add to Facebook here) - a social news application where Facebook users can aggregate and share news, videos and podcasts. Once you have it installed, you can select friends and it automatically delivers...

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