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    Get Satisfaction Announces API – Look Out Corporations of the World

    New customer service site Get Satisfaction, itself a wonder to behold, announced today that it is now accepting requests for access to a beta API (Application Programming Interface). Satisfaction functionality will soon be available for apps and sites all over the web. Fresh off of a successful conference titled "Customer...

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    A Guide to Billionaire Bloggers – And Some We’d Like to See

    With the news today that billionaire investor Carl Icahn is getting ready to start blogging, we started to wonder what other billionaires blog. Sadly (or perhaps not so sadly), not many of them blog. Why should we care if a billionaire blogs? After all, they only represent the tiniest fraction...

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    This Is Not Our Bubble

    Back in early October I posted about coming economic storms and what entrepreneurs could do to prepare. Given recent news, it is now almost certain that we are in recession. The bad news from financial institutions and credit markets is like a steady drumbeat, so it would be easy to...

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    Opera Mobile 9.5 Unveiled

    Opera has just unveiled the newest version of its mobile web browser: Opera Mobile 9.5.  The software, which will be officially previewed at next week's Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, introduces several enhancements to the prior version including faster speeds, a re-designed UI, and Opera Widgets. The Opera Mobile upgrade will be...

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    Liveaps: Online Web-Building Software

    Liveaps is an online toolset that allows you to easily build web pages on the fly without needing to know how to write HTML code. However, unlike many free page builders, Liveaps is not purely template-based. Although templates are available if you need them, the beauty of Liveaps is that you...

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    Funding the Semantic Web: Dapper’s Ad Network Plan

    The founders of the data extraction and API creation service Dapper announced this week that their aim is to leverage Dapper in the service of ad networks and derive a semantic index of pages around the web from that activity. They will launch their ad powering product at Ad:Tech in...

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    Facebook to Punish Stupid Applications, Reward Good Ones

    ? On the same night the sophisticated ?Newsfeed notices are the Holy Grail for Facebook Apps, but the limits placed on the numbers allowed have always been a bit arbitrary. Allow too many notifications to be sent and users feel spammed by their friends' stupid zombie tossing, allow too few...

  • Social
    Facebook Graduates: Now Do Something For the World

    Yesterday marked Facebook's four year anniversary, or to look at it from the college perspective to which the site owes its success: Facebook graduated. Washington Post assistant editor Rachel Dry, who was a senior at Harvard when Mark Zuckerberg launched thefacebook.com from his college dorm room on February 4, 2004,...

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    Co-Browsing with Clavardon

    Clavardon, from the French for "to chat," is the latest from Canadian-based company Sosign. The product, launched in late 2007,  is a tool for co-browsing of e-commerce web sites, which means it's essentially another way to do social shopping. However, unlike some other social shopping services, Clavardon is a tool...

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    Vidoop Hires OpenID Foundation Chair Scott Kveton

    Tulsa, Oklahoma based authentication service Vidoop announced today that it has hired Scott Kveton, Chair of the OpenID Foundation, to be the company's VP of Open Platforms and the Director of the company's new West Coast office in Portland, Oregon. With the move Kveton ends a short run at the...

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    Aviary: Flashy Collaborative Media Editing

    Online media processing tool suite Aviary is opening up two of its many services to those who have requested beta access and a limited number of new requesters. The first two tools, an image editor and a pattern generator, are impressive and will be followed by a vector editor next...

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    pulverTV: 24/7 Indie TV Channel Launches

    Although we're hopeful that Hollywood's writers strike is nearly at its end, the experience has led us to discover other entertainment venues. One area where there seems to be a lot of development lately is in Internet TV. The latest is a 100% indie Internet TV channel with 24/7 programming,...

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    Obama and Paul: The Kings of the Web Election

    There's no question this year that Barack Obama and Ron Paul are the kings of US politics on the Internet. They both command the lion's share of their party's attention online and seem to dominate social networking and social media sites. So why is only one of those campaigns actually...

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    Web 3.0: Is It About Personalization?

    On the UK's Guardian newspaper site today, writer Jemina Kiss suggested that Web 3.0 will be about recommendation. "If web 2.0 could be summarized as interaction, web 3.0 must be about recommendation and personalization," she wrote. Using Last.fm and Facebook's Beacon as an example, Kiss painted a picture of a...

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    Podcasting Becoming More Popular, Advertisers Take Notice

    This is a guest post by Aseem Kishore, a technology enthusiast and lead blogger for Online-Tech-Tips. The US podcasting market has steadily been increasing in size over the last couple of years and is expected to double within the next two years to almost 38 million people, according to eMarketer....

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    MySpace Platform Aims to Pick Up Where Facebook Left Off

    MySpace is launching its developer platform tomorrow and is going great lengths to highlight the ways it's different from the Facebook Platform. That's ironic given that the dominant reaction to the Facebook Platform, from users at least if not the press, is that it's made the site too much like...

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    miVitals Takes Aim at Tough Online Health Market

    miVitals is a new Australian startup that has an ambitious goal: to enable individuals to manage their personal health data via a web application. miVitals describes itself as "a secure online storage system for health and lifestyle records". The company says that "most people have about 5 professionals involved in...

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    MP3 Search on Your Mobile With Mowser

    Telephony-head Russell Beattie added an MP3 search and download feature to his mobile service Mowser tonight, powered by music search engine SeeqPod. The service makes it remarkably easy to search for, download and listen to any song online. All. From. Your. Phone. It's nice.This is just one of a number...

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    Is Google’s Social Graph API a Creeping Privacy Violation?

    I love me some screenscaping and mashups and data portability, but when it comes to personal information things get a little more complicated.I'm in San Francisco today at Dappercamp, an event concerning a tool that's always got the rights of those it interfaces with in mind as an issue. Keynote...

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    Guide to Seed Fund Incubators (Y Combinator Clones)

    They say imitation the most sincere form of flattery. If that's true, then Paul Graham must be about to drown from all the praise. His Y Combinator project, which has funded nearly 60 startups since 2005 and has arguably inspired a new emphasis on smaller scale investments at traditional venture...

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