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  • Web
    The Color of Music

    Moody offers a different way to categorize your music collection. Using color-coded tagging, this app lets you categorize your iTunes music based on the "mood" of the song. Horizontally, the scale goes from sad to happy, and vertically the scale goes from calm to intense. When you listen to a...

  • Web
    AltSearchEngines Launches Forum

    ReadWriteWeb network blog AltSearchEngines announced this week a partnership with Near-Time to establish a new forum. The forum has three levels. One tier is for CEOs and executives of Alternative Search Engines, the second tier is open to all AltSearchEngines readers, and the third tier is for the international advisors...

  • Web
    Tiinker is the Anti-Digg

    Whereas the social news service from Digg relies on members to select and rank content, a new startup from Sydney, Australia, tiinker, does just the opposite: it treats each member as an individual and learns what he or she likes. The service, an intelligent news aggregator, uses A.I.-like technology to determine your...

  • Social
    When Facebook Ads Go Wrong

    Social ads have social consequences. Josh Kopelman, Managing Director of VC firm First Round Capital, recently found that out. Kopelman, a very savvy web 2.0 investor who got in early with StumbleUpon, Odeo, LinkedIn, and others, tried an experiment with Facebook's controversial SocialAds advertising system. He spent $50 to test...

  • Web
    Ideate This: Dell Takes a Swipe at IBM in Funny Web Video

    A new web video campaign from Dell called "IT Through the Decades" takes an overt swipe at IBM's most recent television advertising campaign. The video, which is embedded below, hasn't yet been promoted by Dell, though we were tipped off that a companion site for the campaign is coming. It...

  • Mobile
    itsmy Launches Personal Mobile Broadcasting

    The itsmy.com mobile community wants to be MySpace for your phone. By connecting people and content in both the U.S. and E.U., itsmy has already gathered up more than 1 million registered mobile users with 4 million mobile home and content pages and continues to grow. Yesterday, itsmy announced they've...

  • Web
    Alertle Wants to Make RSS Mainstream

    Alertle isn't your typical start page. A web-based RSS reader at its core, Alertle is really a new way of surfing the web.  The service allows you to "visit" various web sites by clicking on the web site's icon which is located in a panel at the top of the Alertle home page. The...

  • Social
    Visualizing Social Media Fatigue

    Our attention is stretched so thin these days that there are times when I have actually tried to register for what I thought was a new service only to realize later that I already had an account -- it just got lost in the shuffle. With so many new web...

  • Web
    How Many Times Can This Work? SponsorMyLoans.com

    In 2000, Chris Barrett and Luke McCabe paid for their college education by offering their lives up for sponsorship. In 2005, Alex Tew started The Million Dollar Homepage and sold a million bucks worth of ads on a page that was nothing but ads. Last year a web developer tried...

  • Social
    Top 10 Reasons For a LinkedIn IPO

    1. Businesses that can cut costs for clients can IPO in a recession. LinkedIn cuts the cost of business development, recruiting and finding experts.2. The best businesses IPO when markets are down. It shows strength. Who cares if it takes 12 months for markets to pickup? Insiders will be locked-in...

  • Web
    FriendFeed: Ex-Googlers Create Social Network Experience Using Feeds

    On the most recent episode of ReadWriteTalk, I sat down with Bret Taylor and Paul Buchheit of FriendFeed. Both have been successful 'intrapreneurs' inside of Google. Buchheit created GMail; while Taylor created Google Maps with another one of the 4 FriendFeed founders, and then led the Google developer tools program....

  • Web
    Yahoo! Launches Live Video Service and We Cover it…Live…Sort of

    The rumored launch of Yahoo!'s live video service became reality tonight at Live.Yahoo.com. I'm covering it live, in video below. It looks pretty good though early tests are experiencing scaling issues already. Apparently, the company that gets more web traffic than anyone on earth is incapable so far of handling...

  • Web
    The Web Media Player Framework

    If you haven't heard of longtime Flash developer Paul Yanez, there's a good chance you've likely seen some of his work over the past few months. Yanez creates web-based flash media players that interact with the Internet's top video sites, and many of them have been written up on top...

  • Web
    Your MySpace Web Browser Is Coming

    Flock, the Mozilla-based social web browser has made the announcement that everyone has been waiting for: they will now integrate with MySpace. Building on the MySpace Developer Platform, Flock will allow users to surf the web with their MySpace friends in their sidebar. At Tuesday's MySpace Developer Platform kick-off, Flock...

  • Mobile
    Yokia! Why Nokia Should Buy Yahoo

    Syndicated from last100, our digital lifestyle blog Forget Microsoft, News Corp. or even Apple. Nokia, the world's no.1 mobile handset maker, should buy Yahoo. Or so says Information Week's Stephen Wellman, who puts forward a compelling argument: If Nokia is repositioning itself as a Web services company, to combat falling...

  • Web
    MoveSmart: Mashups for Housing Integration

    Chicago based MoveSmart.org is a project aiming to make housing integration a reality, years after legal changes have left de facto segregation intact, by using mashups. The project will combine collections of data concerning public amenities and services, demographic data and economic numbers together with housing search. Think of it...

  • Web
    Building Web Apps Really Fast: Why Developers are Drawn to Weekend Code-a-thons

    What is it about a weekend that makes you want to create a web application from start to finish? Most people would probably think it insane to try cramming design, development, testing, and deployment of a web app into a single weekend, but a growing number of events are encouraging...

  • Web
    Box.net Adds Collaboration, Takes Aim at Google Docs

    After being in development for months, Box.net has officially released the beta of their new collaboration functionality. With this new feature, any Box.net user can invite collaborators to any folder in their account. The collaboration feature is also fully compatible with all the OpenBox services, which extends online collaboration beyond...

  • Web
    OpenID: Google, Yahoo, IBM and More Put Some Money Where Their Mouths Are

    The OpenID Foundation is announcing this morning that Google, IBM, Microsoft, VeriSign and Yahoo! have taken seats as the organization's first corporate board members. OpenID is a protocol for authenticating your identity through a single chosen provider instead of creating unique accounts at every website you use.The Foundation, which was...

  • Web
    Google is Not Recession-Proof

    By Llew Claasen, a web technologist who runs his own consultancy, KeyJam.net. It's nice being the industry leader. People start to forget that economic principles apply to you as much as anyone else. Say, you're an executive at Google and you have a conference call with analysts to announce lower-than-expected...

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