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  • Web
    NuConomy Announces the Death of the Page View

    A new product from NuConomy Studio Insights promises to be a new way of measuring web analytics. Instead of the old model of page views and traffic, NuConomy proposes a way to measure engagement. With their product, you can understand your users' activities on your web site and how your...

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    Livestation Opens Beta – Live Streaming News Service

    Since last Spring when I first heard about it, I've been patiently waiting to get my hands on Livestation, a streaming television service from UK-based Skinkers, which is based on technology from Microsoft (who took an equity stake in the company in exchange for rights to the technology). Our digital...

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    Extend Firefox Award Winners Announced

    Three Firefox extensions were named winners of the Extend Firefox 2 awards this morning after being selected from a list of more than 100 submissions by a panel of tech celebrity judges . The Minimap Sidebar Extension (fast mapping), SamePlace (multiclient browser IM) and Shareaholic (multi tool bookmark submitter) were...

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    Pixish: Contest Marketplace for Images

    Well-known designer Derek Powazek over the weekend launched his latest project, Pixish, a design marketplace where people can post open calls for submissions for design elements or photography. Designers can then submit work to the assignment, as they're called on the site, and other designers vote for the best. The...

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    TheStreet.com Makes Celebrity News Even More Low-Brow

    Publicly-traded TheStreet.com, a serious investment and business news site that was started by CNBC's Jim Cramer in 1996, yesterday launched a new site MainStreet.com. The site has the stated goal of writing about stories where "life and money intersect," and though it covers politics, and general news, the site is...

  • Web
    Google’s Kevin Marks Introduces “The Social Cloud”

    Interesting video presentation from Kevin Marks, Google's main evangelist for the OpenSocial project. Marks explains more about the theory behind OpenSocial, in what he calls "the social cloud". This seems to be a variation of the Social Graph concept, which Alex Iskold analyzed for ReadWriteWeb last September. See also Sarah...

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    Comment of the Day: Advice for Big Media

    Our first daily Comments Competition winner is Dan from BlogMinistry, who left this comment on Josh Catone's post CNN to Launch Completely User Generated News Site. Congratulations Dan, you've won a $30 Amazon voucher, courtesy of our competition sponsors AdaptiveBlue and their SmartLink Widgets.Here is Dan's comment, with some great...

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    EFF, Creative Commons Offer Developers Free Access to 2m Pages of Legal Documents

    Creative Commons announced tonight that in partnership with Public.Resource.Org and with legal representation from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, it has purchased and has now made available at no charge the equivalent of nearly two million pages of legal documents. If printed and piled on top of each other, the documents...

  • Web
    Feng-GUI: “Visual Attention” Heatmaps

    Feng-GUI is an interesting heatmap creation service. Unlike click-based heatmaps from Crazy Egg, FuseStats, and others, Feng-GUI creates heatmaps based on where it thinks the human eye would most likely be attracted. Eye tracking is something that designers have long used to measure the effectiveness of advertising, or design more...

  • Mobile
    JotYou: Location-Based Mobile Phone Messaging

    The basic concept of location-based mobile phone messaging is that you can send a text message to someone's cell phone and they will receive the SMS message only when they enter into the exact location you specify. How can this be useful? Let's say you're up really late working and...

  • Web
    Gmail Delivery Delays – Will a Reply from Google Ever Arrive?

    Significant delays in the delivery of email messages to Gmail users are being widely reported with no apparent response from Google. As an increasing number of people choose to forward their email to and from Gmail, these delays present a real problem - enough business decisions are made based on...

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    CNN to Launch Completely User Generated News Site

    We've been writing a lot about the trend of media companies paying more attention to citizen journalism and amateur reporting tools. Perhaps no mainstream media outlet has done more to push citizen journalism into the spotlight over the past year than CNN. In August 2006, they launched the user generated...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft Buys Danger – Zune Phone Anyone?

    Syndicated from last100, our digital lifestyle blog Long before Apple’s iPhone, another Silicon Valley-based company pioneered the consumer-friendly smart phone. That company was Danger Inc. best known for its T-mobile branded Sidekick (the Paris Hilton smart phone of choice) and its user friendly mobile OS and Internet applications.As of today,...

  • Web
    Delver Reinvents Search

    The most impressive thing about the new search engine Delver is that it knows who you are and who your friends are even if you don't import your address book or add your social networking profiles. Instead, Delver leverages the social graph to map out a user's social connections. Since everyone's social graph...

  • Web
    Oovoo Records Cross Platform Video Conferences

    I just participated in a launch test for desktop video conferencing service Oovoo and if you're looking to have a private video session with up to six people then it's worth checking out. Mac and Windows users can have a high resolution session with IM, file transfer and video recording...

  • Mobile
    AOL Announces Open Mobile Platform

    AOL today announced the Open Mobile Platform, which the company plans to release to developers this summer. AOL says the software development platform will help developers create applications across major mobile device operating systems including BREW, Java, Linux, RIM, Symbian, and Windows Mobile. The platform will consist of three parts:...

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    Comments Competition: Win a Daily Prize!

    As many of you know, we recently underwent a re-design at ReadWriteWeb and upgraded our publishing system at the same time. Unfortunately that resulted in some frustrating technical glitches with our comments system. However, we're now pleased to report that ReadWriteWeb's comment system is back running 100% -- and it's...

  • Mobile
    GPhone Prototype Expected at Mobile World Congress

    It's a big week coming up in the Mobile Web world. The annual Mobile World Congress is being held in Barcelona, 11-14 February. The early buzz is around Google's much (and oft) rumored GPhone. According to the Times Online, Google "is expected to produce a prototype mobile handset" at the...

  • Web
    Upcoming Conferences: Webstock, WebVentures, Under The Radar, Graphing Social Patterns

    There are some excellent Web conferences happening soon, including a great one in my neck of the woods. The awesomely named Webstock is on this Thursday and Friday, in my home city of Wellington New Zealand. There are a number of Web stars coming from overseas for this event, including...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 4-8 Feb 2008

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Highlights this week: Josh explores Super Tuesday on the Web and pinpoints...

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