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  • Web
    Dynamic Bookmarking with Iterasi

    Iterasi is a new browser-based tool for saving web pages. Unlike other bookmarking services, which simply save a link to a page's location, Iterasi captures the content of a page as it appears at that particular moment in time and saves it in an accessible HTML format with just one click. This...

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    Is Facebook Your “Permanent Record?”

    When Dawn and Bart Beye's 15-year-old daughter began showing signs of an eating disorder, they immediately took action. The Beyes enrolled the girl in a treatment program they thought was covered by insurance. Three weeks later, their insurance provider, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, informed the couple...

  • Web
    Utterz Expands Media Messaging Service

    Multimedia messaging service Utterz is launching an expanded offering Monday morning that will allow users from 17 additional countries outside of the US to post to the service with their mobile phones. Utterz combines voice, video, photos and text to facilitate conversations either on the Utterz site, through Twitter or...

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    Microsoft, Yahoo! and the Effect on OpenID

    The takeover of Yahoo! by Microsoft is almost a foregone conclusion (see our initial reaction). Barring a bid from another suitor, such as News Corp. (not likely), eBay (even less likely), Google (no way), or a private equity firm, or a partnership with Google, most analysts seem to agree that...

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    Jeanette Symons, Founder Imbee and Zhone, Dies in Plane Crash

    Tech entrepreneur Jeanette Symons passed away Friday night when a plane she was flying crashed in the woods outside Augusta, Maine, killing Symons and her 10 year old son. Symons co-founded the big ticket telcom firm Zhone Technologies, then the family-centered social network Imbee/Industrious Kid. I wrote about Imbee's funding...

  • Web
    The Industry Standard Returns – Will It Stick?

    In 2000, the Industry Standard was one of the hottest magazines on the planet. It was flush with VC dollars and sold more ad pages than any magazine in history. But when the dot-com wave it was riding finally crashed, the magazine receded with the tide and filed for bankruptcy...

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    Poll: Has Google Lost The Plot By Attacking Microsoft’s Bid For Yahoo?

    While I was flying halfway across the world, a huge story developed that I am just now catching up on: Microsoft launched a takeover bid for Yahoo valued at $44.6 Billion. In a frankly stunning move today, the Official Google Blog has published a post raising questions about "Microsoft's hostile...

  • Social
    Plaxo Pulse First to Use Google’s Social Graph

    Although only announced hours ago, Plaxo's Pulse is already using the new Google Social Graph API. They got a head start due to a collaborative effort between their Chief Platform Architect, Joseph Smarr, and Google’s Brad Fitzpatrick. Now, the Plaxo public profile pages will serve as the flagship example of...

  • Social
    Google Releases Social Graph API

    Google today announced the release of a new API for graphing social net connections on the web at large. The Social Graph API is a way for developers of social applications to let users easily find data on their social connections across the open web. The information the API returns...

  • Web
    Microhoo! What Does it Mean for Users?

    Presuming you've seen the news that Microsoft has moved to buy Yahoo! for $44 billion, the next logical question to ask concerns what this means for users and lovers of technology.If its business analysis you're looking for, go read Paul Kedrosky. Here at ReadWriteWeb we focus more on the cultural...

  • Mobile
    25 Nominees for MobileMonday Peer Award – Some Cool Startups Here

    Yesterday MobileMonday announced the 25 nominees for its Barcelona Peer Award. The selection of the winning mobile startup will take place during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain in ten days on February 11, 2008. The nominees for the award represent early stage and emerging start-up companies from 25...

  • Web
    Social Search is Coming

    In a recent interview with VentureBeat, Marissa Mayer, Google's VP of Search Products & User Experience, spoke of Google's interest in social search and their future plans in that area. Social search, which may be the defining quality of Google's next generation of search products, is any search that is aided...

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    Zong Mobile App Platform Comes to the US

    Zong, a mobile SMS app framework from Europe's Echovox, has cut deals with eight major US mobile carriers to enable the Zong turnkey applications and API to be used in the US.Publishers can now use Zong apps to offer their customers polls, quizzes, alerts, RSS feeds and more via SMS...

  • Web
    MTV Election Coverage is a Coup for Citizen Journalism

    As part of MTV's coverage of the 2008 presidential elections in the US, the media network assembled a "street team" of 51 amateur journalists -- one in each state and the District of Columbia -- to file blog reports, photos, videos, and audio podcasts about election issues during the course...

  • Web
    OpenSocial or OpenGadget?

    Steve O'Hear (who edits our digital lifestyle blog last100) has an interesting post on his ZDNet blog that questions whether Google's OpenSocial initiative is at all about data portability, or if in fact it really just about widget standardization. O'Hear quotes heavily from a recent article by Marc Canter, who...

  • Web
    Meebo Launches Rooms API – Chat Gets Everywhere

    Meebo announced today that it is launching an API for its Meebo Rooms service. The API will allow the automated creation and embedding of chat rooms at the server level. Rooms previously had to be set up by hand on the Meebo site. "For example, social networks can embed a...

  • Entertainment
    Last100: Can Ad-Supported Digital Music Work?

    With the high profile launch this week of Qtrax, a free and legal P2P music offering (ReadWriteWeb coverage), ad-supported music downloads are very much in the spotlight, and as always RWW network blog last100 has its finger on the pulse, with great news coverage and analysis of the week that...

  • Web
    Amazon Web Services: Bigger Than Amazon

    Web retailer Amazon announced their fourth quarter earnings today and included some interesting figures on the state of their distributed computing products. Namely, web services bandwidth now accounts for more bandwidth than all of Amazon's global web sites combined. To put this in perspective, comScore ranked Amazon the 7th most...

  • Web
    Seesmic Transcends Comparisons With Twitter

    Loic Le Meur's short video messaging system Seesmic made a number of announcements here at DEMO but when I got to sit down with him, that wasn't the subject of our conversation. I wanted to talk about microblogging as a phenomenon, but the biggest take away I found from our...

  • Social
    The Rise of Twitter as a Platform for Serious Discourse

    For 2007, our Best Web LittleCo was Twitter, the microblogging/status application that captured the collective attention of Silicon Valley at SXSW last winter and has been on a meteoric rise ever since. We picked Twitter because it "has captured the imagination and become a new hybrid of chat, social networking...

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