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  • Web
    Twine Raises Millions More for Semantic Web

    Radar Networks, the home of the eagerly awaited semantic web app Twine, will announce on Monday that it's closed another round of funding, including a major investment from the fund lead by Ross Levinsohn, the man who bought MySpace while at Fox. Super-sleuth Dan Primack over at PE Hub dug...

  • Web
    Digg Townhall To Address Censorship, Inequality

    Love it or hate it, the social news site digg sure does have a passionate user base. This Monday night (February 25th) at 9pm EST/6pm PST, Digg is holding a virtual "Townhall webcast", in partnership with Ustream. In a recent blog post Digg founder Kevin Rose said that in the...

  • Web
    WordPress + Flickr + Creative Commons = Awesome New Plugin for Bloggers

    Adding photos to your blog is one of the best ways to enhance your content and attract attention to your writings. The only problem is that finding quality photos to use can be difficult. Bloggers end up going with one of three options: stealing, buying, or using Creative Commons licensed...

  • Social
    Are U.K. Users Burning Out on Social Networking?

    According to yesterday's article in the Guardian, the three largest social networks in the U.K., MySpace, Facebook, and Bebo, all experienced large drops in membership between December, 2007 and January, 2008. Is this one month of falling numbers a fluke or have the networks reached a plateau? Says, Alex Burmaster,...

  • Web
    Why Google Apps is a Serious Threat to Microsoft Office

    This is the perspective of a “skeptical, later early adopter”; the sort of person who Microsoft needs to retain and should have been able to retain easily. I don’t spend time on productivity tools that may at some date make me more productive, but which today are just a frustrating...

  • Web
    Top Health 2.0 Web Apps

    Health 2.0, web-based apps and services for the healthcare sector, is a nascent but potentially huge market for web 2.0. As of now, many of these apps have an emphasis on communication, information sharing and community. These are relatively easy things to address using Web tools. However we're starting to...

  • Web
    Awdio Brings Nightclubs into Your Living Room

    Somewhere, right now, it is night time, and somewhere, you can bet people are partying. It's on that premise that live-streaming web radio site Awdio is built. Awdio streams live feeds from club DJs around the world, with coverage on every continent except Africa and Antarctica and has full 24/7...

  • Web
    Comment of the Day: Google Vulnerable, But Not From Lack of Features

    We had a lot of great comments today, but the winner is from our post How Vulnerable is Google on Search?. The premise was that Google hasn't changed search in 7 or 8 years, so they are vulnerable to search innovators - like the companies profiled at AltSearchEngines. Gabe Morris...

  • Web
    Red Hat Sends C&D to DataPortability.org…Over Its Logo

    Open source giant Red Hat sent a Cease and Desist letter to the DataPortability.org group today, the group says, demanding the removal of the DP logo from the group's website. Red Hat alleges that the infinity sign on the blue suitcase of DataPortability.org and the green and white infinity sign...

  • Social
    Will Social Bookmarking Pay Dividends with Search Result Augmentation?

    Last May we asked the question, "are social bookmarking sites better at search than Google?" Though some readers questioned our specific methods, our conclusion was that "while social bookmarking and ranking sites don't make great search engines on their own, they offer a wealth of user-vetted data that could be...

  • Entertainment
    Anonymous Music Execs Confirm Details of MySpace’s Upcoming Music Service

    According to an AP news story that ran yesterday afternoon, the upcoming MySpace Music service is definitely happening. Based on reports from music executives, who spoke only under the condition of anonymity, News Corp. has approached the four major record labels to discuss the launch of a music service that...

  • Web
    How Vulnerable is Google on Search?

    A new wrinkle in the search landscape emerged this morning with the announcement that Ask.com is now offering Compete traffic stats inline for the sites on results pages. (Disclosure: Compete is an RWW advertiser.) This move itself may not shake up search but it does beg the question, how much...

  • Web
    Microsoft Makes Public Commitments to Data Portability and Interoperability

    I'm listening now to a telephone press conference with top Microsoft execs about the company's new strategy shift towards Data Portability and Interoperability for their high volume products like Windows and Office. Ray Ozzie says it is opening up the same APIs that internal developers use out into the public...

  • Web
    Getting Healthy With Google – Google Health Pilot Program

    Google today announced a pilot program (read: closed beta) of their health records application. The program will be conducted at Cleveland Clinic hospital in Cleveland, Ohio and will include under 10,000 patients. The pilot program will run six to eight weeks with the eventual goal to roll the program out...

  • Web
    Cloudo, an Internet OS, Launches Alpha

    Cloudo, a Swedish-based based startup, is now inviting developers to sign up for the alpha of their Internet Operating System. The Cloudo IOS, previously called Xindesk, is a virtual computer on the web. Cloudo's offering closely resembles a PC-like experience, but also has some unique features which could make it...

  • Web
    Comment of the Day: Castro News… Ho Hum

    Late last night Marshall Kirkpatrick published an epic post entitled Fail: Social News on World Events, Like Cuba. It is a great analysis of how web 2.0 news services covered a big mainstream news story. And the comments to the post are just as interesting. We actually got some kickback,...

  • Web
    How Has Web Hosting Changed in 10 Years? Not Very Much

    On their blog today, web site monitoring service Pingdom took a look at web hosting services ten years ago and compared them to today's hosting services to see what has changed. The answer -- prices have gone down while included storage space and bandwidth have increased. Or, in other words,...

  • Web
    Are National ID Cards Going to Snuggle Up With OpenID?

    The REAL ID Act of 2005 is said by some to pave the way for a United States National ID Card and has come under heavy criticism from a wide range of people in the US. Some recent developments indicate that a National ID card could be tied to the...

  • Web
    Olympic Committe Rules Revealed: No Posting of Media Allowed

    Recently, the International Olympic Committee announced that they would allow athletes and other accredited persons to blog at the Olympics in August. The committee decided that this would be allowed, since blogs are a form of personal expression, and not a form of journalism. That's great, except for one small...

  • Mobile
    Buzzd Cleans Up at Mobile Web Awards

    Recently the winners of the MobileMonday Peer Awards were announced, coinciding with the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. We covered the 25 nominees here. The award recognizes early stage and emerging Mobile Web start-up companies.Buzzd, a provider of local real-time search information for bars, clubs and restaurants, won the jury,...

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