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    Social News: Can the Digg/Mixx/Buzz Model Hold Up Against FriendFeed and Sphinn?

    The social news space is developing at a mind-boggling pace. Just in the last 48 hours Yahoo! launched its new site Buzz, the increasingly mainstream site Mixx announced more funding and Digg held its first ever town hall meeting. Meanwhile a screenshot of the soon to be aggregated service Tumblr...

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    Link Journalism: Is Linking to News a form of Journalism?

    Scott Karp attempted to coin a new term on his Publishing2 blog today: link journalism. "Link journalism is linking to other reporting on the web to enhance, complement, source, or add more context to a journalist’s original reporting," he wrote. Links as journalism is something that Karp has been writing...

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    Comment of the Day: Build an Offline Browser

    We have two winning comments today, from Michael Lambie and Vibhu Norby. Michael's comment was on our post The Best Things About Adobe's AIR Platform. He suggested that AIR could be used to create an offline browser. Vibhu's comment was on Microsoft: ROI Measurement is Broken - he thinks that...

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    BricaBox – The Beginning of Social Content Platforms?

    BricaBox is a new type of service that combines elements of social networking and content creation into a medium it calls a "social content platform." The NYC-based startup hopes to do for social content what Ning did for social networks. It launches quietly early this morning in public beta. It...

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    How Microsoft Can Beat Google on the Web: Take User Data to the Bank

    The times are changing, Microsoft is losing and Google has won as computing moves to the web - right? That's not necessarily the case. In fact, Microsoft has a clear opportunity to come from behind online and dominate the future, albeit in a radically different way than they dominated the...

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    How To Manage Your Online Reputation

    You've spent a lot of time building up your reputation and image both online and off, so it's important to make sure that someone isn't out there dragging it through the mud. The latest tool for reputation management is Trackur, but its bottom-level price is $88/month, so the question on...

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    eBay Listings Down 13% During Seller Strike

    Last week we wrote about a boycott of online auction site eBay that was organized by sellers angry over recent fee and policy changes. We noted that the full effect of the boycott wouldn't be evident until today, when the consumer action was scheduled to come to an end. "If...

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    6 Adobe AIR Apps to Check Out

    Adobe's AIR platform allows developers to create web applications that run on your desktop without the need of a web browser. Now that AIR has dropped the beta tag (see our previous coverage), it's time to look at some of the AIR apps you can use today. And if you...

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    Pulse of Open Source: A Look at Niche Conversations

    Pulse of Open Source is a new site that aggregates the Twitter messages of thought leaders and participants in the Open Source Software community. It's a great example of the value that can be added on top of a simple aggregation of dynamic niche content. It's also a good example...

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    Microsoft: ROI Measurement is Broken; We’ll Fix It

    Microsoft today announced the release of a new ROI measurement tool called "engagement mapping." Rather than measure ROI based on the last ad a user clicks, Microsoft's new tool attempts to take into account all the interactions with a company's marketing message and brand that may have lead up to...

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    Rethinking Recommendation Engines

    Over two years ago, Netflix announced a Recommendation Engine contest - anyone who invents an algorithm that does 10% better than their current recommendation system will win $1 Million dollars. Many research teams raced to attack the problem, excited by the unprecedented amount of data available. Initially quite a lot...

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    Thanks Sponsors; Packages Available March-April

    Thank you to our sponsors, for supporting ReadWriteWeb's mission to provide in-depth coverage of Web Technology trends and products. We currently have a couple of sponsor slots available for March-April on ReadWriteWeb, so if you would like to enquire about those then please email the editor for a Media Kit....

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    Comment of the Day: Health 2.0 Web Apps

    Today's winning comment comes from our post Top Health 2.0 Web Apps. At the end of that post we asked for your suggestions of innovative, potentially ground-breaking web apps that will change how healthcare is done. One came from Dr. Anri Kissilenko, who was particularly impressed with the doctor ratings...

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    49% & 56%: Are These What Have Brin Worried?

    Like most people, when I saw the headline “Google founder spooked by Microsoft bid” (because Microhoo dominance would stifle innovation on the Internet) my thoughts ran to pots and kettles, PR battle for proxy votes, confuse the enemy with antitrust and so forth.Don’t the Google guys realise how big and...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 18-22 Feb 2008

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Web TrendsWhy Google Apps is a Serious Threat to Microsoft Office Bernard...

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    Comment of the Day: “Google Docs is Chock Full of Fail”

    In his post Why Google Apps is a Serious Threat to Microsoft Office, Bernard Lunn argued that the collaboration features in Google Apps are good enough to take on Microsoft. Commenter Karim took him on, with a well-written defense of MS Office. Also check out Bernard's response and the further...

  • Social
    Commuter Feed Uses Twitter for Localized Traffic Reports

    Twitter was originally designed as an app that would allow people to share information about what they were doing within a distributed group setting. It's something akin to a collection of automatically forming email discussion lists (except not via email). The benefit of this is that people can receive and...

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    Online Print On Demand Space Heats Up

    Last July, while the seventh Harry Potter book was setting sales records, we wrote a post detailing how to write and publish a book from start to finish. At the time, Lulu was easily the best self-service print on demand option available to fledgling authors. With limited fees, a thriving...

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    Higgins Project 1.0 Takes OpenID to the Next Level

    An open source identity platform called the Higgins Project launched the 1.0 version of their service this week and it's a nice look into what could be the future of user-centric identity online. Higgins offers a variety of features and services, but the basic premise is that it serves as...

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    With BigCarrot Anyone Can Offer an X Prize

    Inducement prize contests are simple: offer up a cash reward to whoever can best solve a problem first. One of the most famous current inducement prize organizers is the X Prize Foundation, which organizes a number of such competitions around scientific endeavors such as space flight, lunar exploration, and human...

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