Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • Online B2B Marketplace
    Guide To Develop A Highly Successful Online B2B Marketplace

    Many B2B companies are now looking to develop their own online B2B Marketplace with the potential of becoming industry leaders. The internet and technology have taken over businesses and marketing strategies, so it's logical that any b2b company would want to capitalize on this medium to stay competitive in the...

  • Turing After-Show Episode Two
    Turing Distinguished Leader Series: After-Show Episode Two

    In this after-show, Kat Hu, from our Chief of Staff team, and I, Jonathan Siddharth, CEO, and Founder of Turing,  discuss the main takeaways from our most recent TDLS episode with David Zhang, Partner at TCV. You may enjoy watching this After-Show episode here. As always, the full text...

  • Attractive Presentation
    How to Create an Attractive Presentation for Investors

    Every aspiring entrepreneur who wants to launch their business and get funding needs to know how to package and present a company to a potential audience and investors. A compelling presentation shows how well you understand your project and its development. According to Crunchbase, in 2021, startups raised $201 billion...

  • Being a Livestream Host
    The Do’s and Don’ts of Being a Livestream Shopping Host

    Livestreams have become a widely used marketing tool across industries. For retailers and e-commerce businesses, livestreaming gives store owners the ability to continue engaging buyers without taking them to a storefront. Think of it as a virtual shopping spree. Instead of prospective buyers browsing through the seemingly endless number of...

  • PaaS Marketing Strategy
    A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding and Building a PaaS Marketing Strategy

    It feels like yesterday when the first public PaaS (platform as a Service) named Zimki was launched at EuroOSCON in March 2006. Fontango launched the beta version after finishing its development in 2005. However, when PaaS was introduced to the masses -- not many people understood its importance very well....

  • Your Brand
    Your Brand | Great Employees

    When it comes to your brand, many business owners think that it is all about the customer. They believe that if they can create a strong brand identity and message, then customers will flock to their business. However, this isn't always the case. In order for your company to be...

  • next generation chair
    Moon Pod: The Next-Generation Chair 

    Originally funded on Kickstarter, the Moon Pod is a unique, long, amorphous-shaped bean bag that has taken the internet by storm. With a futuristic design and zero-gravity beads, it only makes sense that this next-generation chair has grabbed the attention of many. John Fiorentino, the creator of the Moon Pod,...

  • Digital Marketing Agencies
    Why 23 Digital Marketing Agencies in Sydney Australia are the Best

    If you're looking for a digital marketing agency in Sydney, you're in luck. There are plenty of great agencies to choose from, and each has its own strengths and specialties. So how do you choose the right one for your business? Factors to consider when choosing the best digital marketing...

  • Keep Track of Competitors
    10 Metrics To Keep Track of Competitors for Your Business Improvement

    A key way to monitor your business is to track what your competitors are doing. Why is this? One reason is to make sure that you're up to industry standards. When you know what other businesses in your arena are doing, you have a finger on the pulse of your...

  • Software Solves Problems
    How Software Solves the Modern-World Problems

    As Hackernoon reports, "Over the past few years, software has transferred all-important life processes to the digital environment, which helps to solve problems in various industries efficiently and quickly." Most developers don't just think about writing code but try to create practical applications to help people, animals, and the planet....

  • SEO Affiliate Marketing
    SEO Affiliate Marketing Programs – The Ultimate Guide

    SEO affiliate marketing is one of the most effective ways to make money online. By ranking high for keywords that people are searching for, you can earn commissions from the products and services that you promote In this guide, we're going to show you everything you need to know about...

  • startups build trust
    What Are the Best Ways for a New Startup to Build Trust?

    If you want your startup to be successful, especially in the long term, you need to find a way to build trust. Hopefully, you operate your business so ethically and transparently that trust will become natural with time. But when you're first starting out, you don't have much of a...

  • Choosing an SEO Partner
    What Are Your Biggest Priorities When Choosing an SEO Partner?

    Let's face it. It's technically possible to execute a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy entirely on your own, but it's ridiculously complicated and difficult to do so. So for most individuals, small businesses, and even major companies, you'll probably have to choose an SEO partner to help you with strategic...

  • business expenses
    The Most Important Strategies for Reducing Startup Expenses

    Launching a new startup is an exciting opportunity, and one with the potential to make you very wealthy over the next several years. However, one of your biggest obstacles is going to be getting started on a slim budget. If you don’t have much money to work with, and the...

  • 500 million new apps in five years?
    App Store Optimization Techniques and Strategies

    Competing with millions of mobile apps, on the app store and Google play store, isn’t a breeze. In the first quarter of 2021, there were 3.48 million apps on the Google Play store. On the other hand, the iOS app store had 2.22 million mobile apps. In both cases, getting...

  • Without the right tools and processes as part of your contract management strategy, you could lose money or, worse, face legal trouble.
    Contract Management: How to Improve Your Processes

    Contract management is an essential part of most businesses, responsible for helping companies draft arrangements, form partnerships, and more. However, you could lose money without the right tools and processes in your contract management strategy or, worse, face legal trouble. So how do you improve your approach to contract management?...

  • Video Content Marketing
    10 Ways Video Content Marketing Can Increase Your Website Traffic

    Using videos to drive more visitors to your website is a smart move. Such is the popularity of videos, that big and small companies are investing thousands of dollars in video content creation. Keeping people on your site for an extended period is likewise an effective marketing approach. Using this...

  • Business Growth Strategies
    Best Small Business Growth Strategies for 2022

    For various reasons, 2021 was a challenging year for small company owners. However, 2022 gives a fresh opportunity to build your business, whether it was a successful or poor year for you or if you just began one. Eight small company growth methods and recommendations are included below to assist...

  • Last Minute for Mother's Day
    Mom Gifts to Find Last Minute for Mother’s Day

    OH NO! I waited until the last minute to think of mom! And why don't they put Father's Day first since men don't seem to care as much about the Father's Day gifts -- but mom wants the most thoughtful gift on the planet. A tie, a quick shirt, something...

  • Evolution of Ecommerce – A Glimpse of Its Past, Present, and Future
    Web Design
    Evolution of Ecommerce – A Glimpse of Its Past, Present, and Future

    With the developments in the internet, eCommerce and the way we sell goods and services online are changing at all times. Merchants and retailers are investing in eCommerce website development to boost their sales with no geographical barriers. While being familiar with terms like PPC and CPC, and other key...

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