Today Apple announced OS X Yosemite, the latest version of its Mac software. The developer preview is available today, and it will be released free to everyone in the fall.
One of the biggest changes affects how iPhone users send and receive text messages from users who don’t have iMessage, as well as changing how users can make and receive phone calls.
See also: It’s Time To Get iMessage On Android
With OS X Yosemite, users will be able to send and receive text messages and phone calls directly from their Macs.
Historically, iPhone users have only been able to make and receive text messages and phone calls direct from their iPhones—text messages from Android or Windows devices are shown in green text bubbles, whereas iMessages from iPhones, iPads and Macs appear as blue text bubbles. iMessages travel to Macs, while ordinary SMS text messages haven’t to date. This update changes that, bringing all text messages to Apple’s desktop systems.
“Green bubble friends, they have inferior devices,” senior vice president of Software Engineering Craig Federighi said on stage at WWDC when he announced the new text and phone call features. The audience—largely composed of Apple developers inclined to think well of the company’s products—broke out in applause and laughter.
Not laughing: Users who have switched from iPhones to Android smartphones, only to find their text messages have gone missing. It’s not clear if Apple’s latest updates do anything for people in that situation.
Image via Apple