If you’ve ever needed to access medical information, accounts and codes while on the go, then Orggit’s new iPhone application might be your answer. For a $50 dollar annual fee, the company stores user info and lets them share their vital information with up to 10 others. This means that one account can house an entire family’s passport, insurance and medical records. Accounts also come with an “in case of emergency” card in order for medics to access records via a 1-800 number. The service offers emergency professionals an instant look at pre-existing conditions, immunizations and allergies before they treat you.

Orggit’s parent company Morgan Street Document Systems has a history of providing digital archives for businesses. The group has provided insurance carriers, wealth advisors and banks with digital document retrieval for their clients. Orggit is the company’s second consumer-focused product and is described as allowing users to “share and protect life’s essential information”. Nevertheless, it’s hard to tell if the general public will see this as adding or detracting from their information security. The issue may be that Orggit’s storage capabilities are too comprehensive. Below are some of the company’s data storage categories:

1. Wallet: Users store Information about their passport, driver’s license, social security card, credit cards and club memberships in an online archive. If your physical wallet is stolen, you can cancel all of your cards at once.
2. Medical: As described above, users store family medical information in one convenient place. Puff Idea’s Medical Records application is free and appears to offer similar health-related information. However, the emergency card is unique to Orggit.
3. Accounts and Codes: Users store and access their user names, passwords and account codes from this section of the application. According to the company, “account numbers and pass codes are encrypted at rest”.
4. Filing Cabinet: This section allows users to check their household documents from the cloud. Mortgage, insurance and legal information is easily accessible via the Orggit dashboard.
A complete list of Orggit’s information safety policies are available in the company’s security page. Given what you already know about freemium cloud-based personal finance sites like Mint.com and health services like Google Health, how much do safety and cost matter in your decision to use this service?