In October 2006 Google acquired the hottest online video property on the planet, YouTube. Later on that same month, news came out that the founders of Kazaa and Skype were building an Internet TV service, nicknamed The Venice Project (later named Joost). To underscore the point that online was Where It’s At, in December Read/WriteWeb readers voted online video most likely to be the biggest Web trend of 2007.

So, it’s now August 2007 – has online video been the biggest trend in 2007? You could argue that Facebook and iPhone have been bigger events in 2007, but online video is still right up there.
To find out exactly how big an impact online video has had in 2007 so far, we’re doing a special series this week. We’ll look back on R/WW articles about online video, as well as those from our niche blog devoted to online video and other aspects of the digital lifestyle – last100. We’ll also pick out the best of online video and predict what’s to come.
But enough writing, what better way to celebrate the start of Online Video Week than to show a white boy rapping about YouTube. Enjoy: