Home Oh my Lord! Samsung is considering rolling out Windows phone 8.1

Oh my Lord! Samsung is considering rolling out Windows phone 8.1

Soon we will hopefully have the release of the first Samsung Tizen based smartphone, but it seems that Samsung don’t want to just put their Smartphone eggs in one basket. To cut their reliance on Google, Samsung is considering releasing low end Windows Smartphones. Tizen Experts firmly say Please Samsung, NO, NO, NO, NO!. Samsung should be fully embracing suitable open source and collaborative opportunities, and windows phone is not one of those.

“Samsung has run pilot programs on the stability of Windows 8.1 software on devices. It is interested in promoting Windows mobiles,” said an official directly involved.

Samsung and Microsoft have ongoing legal disputes over royalties, so will a deal help resolve these issues? Microsoft has also taken Samsung to court over later royalty fees and Interest charges, so these two are not the best of “bed buddies”. Samsung last year paid 1 trillion won in royalties to Microsoft, so they do understand the might of the Samsung marketing & production machine, which can only help the under-performing platform.
“If the companies settle their litigation, then Samsung will manufacture handsets powered by the Microsoft-developed mobile platform,” the official said. “The timing could be the third quarter of this year at the earliest.”
Apparently the “official” also claims that Samsung will be concentrating on the Tizen TV platform this year and not Smartphones. We will get a Smartphone released in India shortly, and Samsung will be very much be testing the market with it, and then once they feel comfortable they will expand to other markets.

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