It seems a lot of people took my April Fool’s post about me moving into the TechCrunch ranch in Silicon Valley seriously, so I’m compelled to put the record straight. I’m still living in New Zealand. 🙂 I don’t think it’s a case of foolish people, rather I think my April Fool’s post was a bit too subtle – which is kind of how my sense of humour works. So apologies if you’ve been mislead into believing I sold my blog to Mike Arrington for $1 and am a fugitive of the US Immigration Dept 🙂
Actually today I spent a great day in Wellington NZ, attending the latest think tank meeting for the NZ Government’s Digital Content Strategy. It’s fantastic to be contributing to the future of New Zealand’s digital media landscape! Plus I also caught up with my kiwi blog buddies Phil Pearson (who’s also in the think tank) and Ben Nolan.
GoogNZ flag pic by Untitled-1.