Four years ago, I was among many people who were blown away by a speech that Barack Obama made at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. Then in November 2004, exactly four years ago to this day, I blogged about Obama’s interview with CNN after he had won his race for Senator. “Wow, this guy should be the next President”, I enthused then. I went on to say that “Barack Obama has the intelligence, passion and clarity of vision to make a great president.” Well, enough said. Four years later, it is reality. We at ReadWriteWeb celebrate this great moment in history!
Whatever your political persuasion, I hope you agree that this is a significant turning point for the US – and the world. I am currently in San Francisco for the Web 2.0 Summit starting tomorrow, and after Obama’s speech tonight in Chicago, I walked down to Union Square with my wife to see how the locals were taking the news. There were whoops and horn-honking, people smiling and cheering in the streets. The cable cars struggled down Post St, as throngs of people applauded and shouted “yes we can!”. Here is a grainy pic I captured on my iPhone (more on Flickr):
Change is in the air and we at ReadWriteWeb are celebrating!!