If your credit card or personal data is compromised, it should be the law for companies to let you know. On Monday, President Obama will call for legislation to make it happen.
The Personal Data Notification and Protection Act would ensure that American companies quickly and succinctly inform customers about data breaches according to an established national standard for dealing with just that. The President will call for companies to inform consumers within a deadline of 30 days, White House officials said Sunday.
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The President’s speech, which is scheduled for Monday at the Federal Trade Commission, will also propose the Student Data Privacy Act, which would prevent technology companies from selling the data they collect from schools as teachers increasingly utilize laptops, tablets, and software for their curriculums.
Currently, an uneven range of state laws are in place to protect people from technological data breaches and privacy overreach, something the President is expect to say is insufficient where a consistent national standard could address citizen’s concerns.
“As cybersecurity threats and identity theft continue to rise, recent polls show that nine in 10 Americans feel they have in some way lost control of their personal information—and that can lead to less interaction with technology, less innovation and a less productive economy,” said a White House briefing document on the proposed legislation.
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