Mobile lifestreaming is an process that isn’t as easy as it should be. Although we highlighted some ways you can lifestream from your iPhone, in order to record video, your iPhone needs to be jailbroken – and that’s not something everyone wants to do. For the iPhone-less, the options are even worse. Lifestream from your Razr? From your Blackberry? It just doesn’t happen. (Unless you’re counting Twitter as lifestreaming, which we don’t. Lifestreaming is more than text).
For users of Nokia phones, though, a new app will soon be revealed that does exactly what we always dreamed a mobile lifestreaming app should: geotag your media and upload it to the web.
Nokia’s LifeviNe
The Nokia app is called LifeviNe (we don’t know what’s with the “N”) will be available sometime in the next few weeks in Nokia’s Beta Labs. With LifeviNe, everything you do can be recorded and uploaded to the web.
Based on the SportsTracker app, LifeviNe will geotag every image, video, and even your music (there are no details on the music aspect yet). The media will then be pushed to the web when you sync your phone, a process which can be done manually or automatically, depending on your preference. For security purposes, you may not want it to upload automatically since the geotagged images, videos, etc. will pinpoint your exact location on the map, but that’s a personal choice you’ll have to make.

Where the media ends up exactly, Nokia doesn’t say, but we imagine that it will be on some sort of personal homepage within the online application. Here, you will be able to “share your journeys, filter by user, place or time,” according to a post on Nokia Conversations.
There will also be a widget which you can add to your Facebook profile or blog which will display what you have been up to.
Lifestreaming Done Right
Since the app is not available yet, it’s too soon to tell how usable it is or give it any sort of in-depth review. What we can say, though, is that LifeviNe looks to be one of the most promising lifestreaming apps that we’ve come across so far. That’s exactly what lifestreaming should look like: mobile, geotagged, automatic, and inclusive of more than just text or just photos. This makes us want to run out and buy a new phone right now… Well, almost.