The scientific publisher Springer has launched a free analytics tool that gives you a peek into how people are using the publisher’s online content. The tool provides a number of visualizations based on real-time data aggregated from Springer’s online offerings. Springer’s publications include nearly 5 million documents from about 41,000 e-books, 1160 book series, and 2524 academic journals.

The interactive visualizations include a map showing where the downloads are coming from, a constantly updated keyword tag cloud, and a graphical and textual display of real-time downloads. There’s also a search feature that shows you a chart of the downloads, as well as a “Top Five Most Downloaded” list for every journal and book.

This tool will give authors, editors, scholars and librarians a lot of information about what content is being used and will also allow them to see which and where topics are trending. “The dimension of context that this service provides to our authors and readers gives them a constantly updated understanding of what the rest of the community considers valuable,” says Brian Bishop, VP platform development at Springer.