If your life is anything like mine, you’ve probably got a list of things you’d like to do differently each day. New habits to form, old habits to break. There’s got to be a way that a well-developed web app can help with that, right?

Enter Streak.ly, a service in beta built by a group that includes Kyle Bragger, creator of the exclusive design and developer community Forrst. Streak.ly lets you set daily goals, tracks how many days in a row you’ve accomplished them (your streak) and reminds you each day if you haven’t checked your daily goals off a list. It’s simple, and I like it. We’ve got 500 invites to try out the service below.

Streakly will show you how many days in a row you’ve accomplished each daily task, and you’ll see the longest streak you’ve hit per task. What’s to keep you from lying? Nothing, except that the site FAQ says a kitten will cry every time someone does.
Thinking about health matters? You should read the profile of world renowned medical meta-researcher Dr. John Ioannidis in the November issue of The Atlantic. It’s quite good.
Sounds good to me, I’m signed up and ready to go on some streaks! Now that I’ve taken the screenshot above, I’m going to go back in and add all the goals I’m less likely to post about publicly but are even more important to me. I bet you’ve got similar goals you’d like to hit a streak on accomplishing, too. It’s a simple model, but it speaks to me and I’m sure I’m not alone in that.
The first 500 ReadWriteWeb writers who visit this link can give Streakly a try before it launches. Check out the nice iPhone stylesheet that appears once you authenticate, too.