You know how Jude Law seemed to be in just about every movie released in Hollywood last
year? Well on a smaller scale, my writing is being published on various sites
across the Web currently. And no I’m not talking about those people who copy and paste my
posts into their blogs!
My new Silicon Valley Watcher blog, called ionRSS (eye on RSS, geddit?) is in beta mode right now. There are still some i’s to be
dotted and t’s to be crossed, but it’s basically primed for action. The site’s
tagline is The Business of RSS, which tells you all you need to know
about the focus of the blog. I’ll be covering RSS over on
and continuing my focus on Web 2.0 on Read/Write Web. Where there is any
crossover, I’ll cross-link.
p.s. bonus points if you can figure out the other pun of
“ion” in an RSS sense. Hint: alternative RSS format…
Digital Web Magazine Article: Web 2.0 for Designers
Also a new Digital Web Magazine article that I co-authored with Joshua
Porter has just been published. Josh and I are going to be writing a column
on Web 2.0 Design over the remainder of 2005. Our first article is entitled Web 2.0 for Designers and it introduces 6 key Web 2.0 trends that we see impacting the Web Design
profession. I’d love to receive your feedback on it.