This morning the Big Data online marketplace vendor Infochimps announces a new analytics dashboard for their services called Dashpot.

Dashpot lets users configure their dashboard with exactly the information they need. For example, users can visualize their data in the form of line graphs, heat maps, geographic maps, counters, pie charts, or lists. You can also customize with selects, filters and sorts, to let users setup drilldowns for zooming in and out on their data, too.This lets users of different types and skill levels create multiple views depending on who is interacting with a given dashboard, and also specify what information each view should show.
Here is a short video that explains the service:
Dashpot is part of the overall Infochimps platform, which starts off at $5,000 monthly, and specific pricing depends on the options selected for subscription and the hosting environment: public or private cloud. We have written about the company before, including here when we saw them at the 2011 SXSW show. The platform is quite powerful and has been used by a number of commercial vendors for cloud-based Big Data projects.