[Update: This is an April Fool’s Joke – and yes some people fell for it. I’m still in NZ :-)] I can’t take the isolation of running a successful web tech blog from New
Zealand any longer. As of today, I’m writing my blog exclusively from Mike
Arrington’s ranch house in Atherton. I flew in yesterday (hence the 3-4 day lack
of posting) and I will be based in Atherton from now on… or at least till the Web 2.0 bubble bursts. So yay, I can now proudly proclaim that Read/WriteWeb is 100% American! OK, I have to
admit that the US Immigration Dept has no knowledge of this. Basically I’m
an alien, so please nobody tell on me.

Needless to say, Mike is pleased to have me around – to do the dishes, cook
every second night and write the occasional post for TechCrunch. Meanwhile the advantages
for me are obvious: I can eavesdrop on all the ‘scoop’ calls Mike gets and
hurriedly post them onto Read/WriteWeb before Mike gets off the phone; I can
attend all the TechCrunch parties; I can meet Bill Gates and Jim Clark of
Netscape fame (who I hear lives in Atherton and so must
be next on the list, surely); and I can finally start developing my Web 2.0 product ideaGreat American NovelVC fund blog into a professional publication.
So please join me as a new era of Read/WriteWeb begins! Now I’m no longer
just writing as if I’m from Silicon Valley, I’m actually living the American Dream (while
mooching off Mike Arrington and avoiding the US Immigration Dept).
Note: as a consequence of this move, I have sold Read/WriteWeb to Mike for $1 and
promised to link to TechCrunch in every
post. So he
now pretty much owns me. Oh well, it’s a small price to pay.
Photo: Mike Arrington
UPDATE: yes, this is a (possibly lame) April Fool’s joke.