Home People are wearing Apple Vision Pro while driving Tesla on autopilot

People are wearing Apple Vision Pro while driving Tesla on autopilot

The Apple Vision Pro is the latest shiny new consumer wearable to get gadget lovers excited. And understandably so. It’s the first “spatial computer”, a mixed-reality headset that allows the user to experience digital content through the glasses.

Apple is clear it shouldn’t be used when driving (obviously), but a few people have found a way to abuse the Tesla’s autopilot and full self-driving (FSD) Beta — all while wearing Apple Vision Pro.

Surely, it’s partially Tesla’s fault that the FSD Beta and Autopilot technologies are among the most misunderstood products in the world. Before the product could even be delivered, Tesla called it “Full Self-Driving.” Some may remember riding in the backseat of an early Tesla and having the driver working on their computer while exiting an offramp from the freeway. Even in the early Tesla models, the vehicle actually performed the maneuver. But accidents do happen — and did happen to some drivers-driving-driverless. The Tesla Autopilot and FSD are both still considered “level-2” driver-assist systems — meaning that the driver’s hands must be on the steering wheel at all times. To understand more clearly — do not wear an Apple Vision Pro while driving.

You may have caught a glimpse of this photo — but at least he’s not wearing the Apple Vision Pro. And by the way, Apple does not want you to say the in Apple Vision Pro.

Illegal to be asleep in the back of your self-driving car.
It is illegal to be asleep in the back of your self-driving car.

— and you’ve likely seen a few of these TikToks:


#Tesla driver asleep at the wheel in #California

♬ original sound – New York Post | News

Even though Tesla has increasingly upgraded its driver monitoring features to stop this sort of system abuse, many people can circumvent the system to their benefit — and take advantage.

Keep in mind, the Cybertruck doesn’t even have Autopilot yet!

Apple makes it very apparent that using the iPhone while driving is prohibited–and the same goes for the  Apple Vision Pro! It would theoretically be feasible to drive utilizing the headset because of the Vision Pro’s exceptional “passthrough” capability, which renders your surroundings in real-time. However, this is a poor idea, and if the headset fails in the middle of your driving debut? How long does it take to rip the headset off your head?

Business Insider reported today that Apple Vision Pro is meant to be worn when you’re alone — and that you look “weird” wearing it in public, but that’s another story.

Featured Image Credit: Apple Vision Pro

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Deanna was an editor at ReadWrite until early 2024. Previously she worked as the Editor in Chief for Startup Grind, Editor in Chief for Calendar, editor at Entrepreneur media, and has over 20+ years of experience in content management and content development.

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