Earlier this month I presented the keynote at the ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit, on the topic of Mobile trends in 2010 and beyond. The presentation, delivered at the beautiful Computer History Museum in Mountain View, aimed to stimulate discussion about the business and technology of Mobile.

Frederic Lardinois wrote a good overview of the presentation on the day. In this post, we publish the slides along with the richly colored photographs that RWW’s Chris Cameron took.

RWW Mobile Summit Keynote Presentation, May 2010
Photos From The Mobile Summit
Chris Cameron from ReadWriteWeb took some stunning photos at the Summit, which you can see in all their colorful glory on Flickr. The photo slideshow is below.
See also:RWW Mobile Summit: Coverage Round-Up
Overall, it was an enjoyable and information-packed day! East Coasters, we hope you’ll join us for our next Summit, in New York City on 11th June during Internet Week. The topic is the Real-Time Web.