Home MLB The Show’s ‘action figure’ promo is the best thing a sports game has done this year

MLB The Show’s ‘action figure’ promo is the best thing a sports game has done this year


  • MLB The Show 24 introduces a new action-figure themed card series in its live service mode starting Aug. 2.
  • Players can unlock 99-rated cards for all 30 MLB teams, inspired by nostalgic Kenner Starting Lineup figures.
  • The cards are available in Diamond Dynasty's Team Affinity section, requiring gameplay tasks to obtain them.

Ordinarily seasonal content in sports video games’ live services modes doesn’t need much of a mention, because it’s always changing, but Sony Interactive Entertainment San Diego Studio’s brilliant action figure series, which begins Friday in the live service portion of MLB The Show 24, is worth an exception to that rule. This is spectacular.

Starting Friday, Aug. 2, players can pick up an action-figure themed card featuring an all-time great in a bubble box, rated 99. There’s one for all 30 Major League Baseball teams. I giggled like a little boy looking at them.

promotional image for MLB The Show's "All-New Action" line of virtual cards, which are great baseball players who look like action figures in bubble packaging

They call to mind Kenner’s old Starting Lineup sports/toy crossover, which debuted in 1988. I had several of those. Starting Lineup came with a plastic figurine (in bubble packaging, natch) and its own baseball card. My most treasured one was a Mike Greenwell (Boston Red Sox) that I somehow lost when I moved from my fraternity house to a temporary apartment for a summer job in 1993. I also had Alan Trammell (Detroit), Ozzie Smith (St. Louis), Don Mattingly (New York Yankees), Wade Boggs (Red Sox), on and on and on.

It’s a perfect melding of nostalgia and fun. If someone doesn’t make a real-life Tim Raines Montreal Expos action figure (representing the Washington Nationals, as the franchise has been known since 2005) I am going to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. Don’t tease me, bro.

How do you unlock these action-figure cards in MLB The Show 24?

OK, seriously, these cards are for 99-rated players adding ultimate star power to your Diamond Dynasty team in MLB The Show 24. They’re found in the Team Affinity portion of Diamond Dynasty, which is where players complete a set of tasks (basically logging a lot of gameplay time) and pick up a swell card for their team.

I usually only play the Moments portions, which are when you come in and try to accomplish something in a single inning or an at-bat. That won’t be enough to get a 99-rated guy. As I’ve said, I’m something of a chicken when it comes to sports multiplayer gaming, but this might get me to at least expand my habits in the single-player Conquest mode, or Mini Seasons, which involves 3-inning games.

In any event this is an inspired promo kicking off what always feels like baseball’s longest month, August, following the trade deadline and before the September sprint to see who wins the pennant. Nicely done, Sony San Diego.

Image via SIE San Diego Studio

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Owen Good
Gaming Editor (US)

Owen Good is a 15-year veteran of video games writing, also covering pop culture and entertainment subjects for the likes of Kotaku and Polygon. He is a Gaming Editor for ReadWrite working from his home in North Carolina, the United States, joining this publication in April, 2024. Good is a 1995 graduate of North Carolina State University and a 2000 graduate of The Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University, in New York. A second-generation newspaperman, Good's career before covering video games included daily newspaper stints in North Carolina; in upstate New York; in Washington, D.C., with the Associated Press; and…

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