Personal finance manager just released their long-awaited iPad app. It is now available in the iOS App Store.

The Mint iPad app offers a more engaging way to view your finances than the browser-based service can. The app’s home screen lets users move through their finances at a glance; the charts module at the top shows graphs of spending overview, spending over time and net income. The app takes advantage of multi-touch gestures for navigation, prioritizing swipes over a cumbersome “back” button. There’s also a search function that allows users to search transactions by merchant, categories or tags.
The Mint iPad app also gives users the opportunity to add expenses, which comes in particularly handy if you prefer to pay in cash but still want to use the app. was founded in 2006 as one of the first financial information sites that acknowledged a very simple idea: People would prefer to see a easy-to-view dashboard of all their financial accounts. achieves all of that by aggregating checking, credit card, and loan accounts in one simple UI. The site was re-designed in 2008. Intuit bought the company in 2009.
Because was originally built for a Web-browsing experience, using it on the iPad has been less than optimal. It was only a matter of time before Mint launched an iPad app, something discussed at SXSW 2011.
Tablet-users prefer to engage with their devices in the evenings. They read magazines, books and newspapers, play games and watch videos. Organizing personal finances using a slick, easy-to-use interface like the Mint iPad app seems like a natural addition to these more leisurely activities that iPad users tend to do in the home.
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